View Full Version : Reel Class Tuesday 7/9 Fluke - Excellent Fluking!!

Reel Class
07-09-2013, 07:51 PM
Ran a FTYP trip today with Larry, Fred, Tommy, Brian, Les and Gabe. Ran out to the northeast to some hard bottom and had some life early - shorts, a couple of keepers, some ling, and a whiting!

Once that dried up we bounced around the rough stuff, only picking one or two here or there with a couple of seabass and ling mixed in, but no great shakes.

So we made a move to the east to a hill and finally found some decent life. 3-5 keepers per drift, with shorts mixed in was what we had for the next 2 hours. We picked away, and put a real nice catch together. A good amount of fish were in the 3-5 # range, with very few "measurable" keepers, most were NMR's!

Once that dried up, we Finished up inshore on another lump, had a couple more, but the south wind made the drift a tad too fast.

When all was said and done we had 28 fluke in the box to 5.2 # (taken by Brian), 6 ling, 3 seabass and 1 whiting. Larry and Fred both had their limits, and Tommy led the way with 9 topped by a 5# fish. Real nice day for Tom! The other guys all did a nice job as well, as Brian had 4 just missing his limit.

Real good day, back at it tomorrow - and WE STILL HAVE ROOM TOMORROW!

Dan McGivney
07-09-2013, 09:12 PM
Nice Job Allen..

07-09-2013, 10:42 PM
Nice going Fred see you're going strong again this yr pm me let s put a trip together!

07-09-2013, 10:55 PM
born in 1984, what is a whiting?

07-10-2013, 06:37 AM
Great day on the Reel Class! Great job Allen! That move that you made was the key to an outstanding day!! Congrats to my friend Tom he was on fire today! Fred as always got his limit just one of the best pullers around! Brian sorry you lost the big one at the boat but you still got that 5lber which was a nice fish! Also it was fun fishing with the father and son team. And last but not least Kenny Super Mate and Captain YOU WERE ON YOUR GAME WITH DOUBLE HOOK UP'S AND WORKING THE NET!!! :D Back on the Reel Class on Friday can't wait. :)

07-10-2013, 08:34 AM
Work sucks......I was supposed to be on this trip. Nice job Capt. Allen. Although with that crew of fisherman and Kenny mating......easy to look great.