View Full Version : July 7th, Tuna Wahoo!

Captain Rich
07-08-2013, 07:51 PM
Neat time today, we did a mid-range trip with Sal, Joe, Alex and Dan. First stop, while looking for Bluefin Tuna, we found where all of the bluefish have been hiding all season. There was nasty green water, no Bluefin Tuna, but all of the bluefish you could handle and we were able to stock up on fresh baits.
Next stop we went sharking and had a couple of 5 foot long Hammerheads up immediately. A little while later a 250 lb class Mako took our deep line and went airborne putting on a show for us. Unfortunately Sal got a bad case of buckfever and decided to watch instead of winding the line. The Mako had slack line, the hook went one way and the fish went the other ! I just about had a nervous breakdown!
After getting all of the gear reset, I calmed down and a litle while later a 150 lb class Mako decided to do about 6 drive bys around the boat, right on the surface, sniffing our floats, but wouldn't take a bait. Nervous breakdown # 2. I started jigging the nearest bait and the fish followed it right to the boat. Thoughts of free gaffing it entered my mind, but the thought of how inconvenient the trip to the hospital might be kind of discouraged that idea and the fish took off.
A little while later a nice Dusky ripped into a bait and Alex learned that there is no "tapping out" in shark fishing when no one would take the rod from him. Sal and Dan were kind enough though to hang on to him so that the combination of big waves and angry dusky did not take Alex overboard for a swimming lesson.
All in all it was an action filled day, we had to pull the plug at 2 PM because the south wind was building waves to the extra large size. Tight Lines--Rich

07-08-2013, 08:14 PM
Nice report there capt;)

07-08-2013, 10:31 PM
Thanks for taking it easy on me capt and giving me that last push to get the fish! Had a great time and cant wait to do it again soon thanks for an awesome day!
Tight Lines

07-08-2013, 10:49 PM
Nice report Capt.
Will you be running any open boat trips this year?

Captain Rich
07-09-2013, 06:48 AM
Thanks guys, forgot to mention we came across 2 green turtles the size of cocktail tables, while drifting. Pretty early for them. Yes "wonderful" may do another open trip August 4th, my charter for that date may reschedule.

07-09-2013, 07:19 AM
Sounds great Capt.....wonderful trip.