View Full Version : Monday Paramount Marathon

07-08-2013, 07:15 PM
Went out with a sized good crowd. Not too hot out there and pretty calm. Fishing was a bit tough. Every spot had fish on it, but it was tough to put anything together. At the end I had 4 sea bass, 9 ling and a jumbo bergall. Pool was a 3 1/2lb sea bass. High hook had 14 mixed fish, several had a dozen. Father with 4 young sons next to me caught dinner for the family, but seemed more interested in eels and "stingrays" than sea bass. Most people had a nice dinner, but it wasn't hot action. I heard Saturday was very good with some people having 30-35 fish and Sunday was fair. I think I will do better next week. :D

When we reached the dock, the heavens opened up. Hardest rain all year. My underdrawers were still soaking wet an hr and a half later.

07-10-2013, 06:00 PM
Looks like Tues and Weds deepwater trips turned on, new body of light colored fish. According to Capt Dennis mostly good sized, high hook over 50 ling.