View Full Version : July 7th Fluke report -Johnny Bucktails

Johnny Bucktails
07-07-2013, 05:43 PM
Today was a great day to say the least. Joining the lip and i today was the one and only shamrock eddie. Now thats a deadly combo. Left the dock around 9:30 and were back to the dock around 3:30. Beautiful day on the water. Great drift for most of the day. We managed to put 13 keepers in the box. Soooooo many shorts, we had to really pick through them but the fluke really showed today. Not going to say the amount of fish caught by each angler because i dont want to hurt anyones (eddie and lips) reputation. HAHAHAHA Great day on the water with a lot of fish and laughs. Hope this south wind is gone. Fishing has gotten better and i hope it stays this way.

Tight lines - Johnny Bucktails

ps: The lip and i went out 2 days ago for a very short trip and managed to put a keeper bass in the boat along with a keeper fluke. Bass are still around if anyone is interested.

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/999053_701207159894571_948576547_n_zps1bf79d2f.jpg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/999053_701207159894571_948576547_n_zps1bf79d2f.jpg .html)

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/1001815_701207523227868_912541297_n_zps6b1b155c.jp g (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/1001815_701207523227868_912541297_n_zps6b1b155c.jp g.html)

http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b502/John_Contello/1545_699901726691781_977293902_n_zps2878402c.jpg (http://s1289.photobucket.com/user/John_Contello/media/1545_699901726691781_977293902_n_zps2878402c.jpg.h tml)

07-07-2013, 06:03 PM
Nice report Johnny. Once we get some NW wind things are going to break wide open. Just in time for tourment fluke season.

Were you fishing ocean or the bay?

07-07-2013, 06:26 PM
Fun day with JB and the Lip, Caught a lot of fish but the keepers were tough to come by but we had a decent day based on others catches in our marina.

JB, thanks for the use of your custom rod I was not expecting to fish I was going to clean my boat and head home.

As far as fish count goes please tell! :p thank the Lip for me good time as always :)

Johnny Bucktails
07-07-2013, 09:37 PM
Hahahahaha eddie. Bay, thanks pal

07-07-2013, 09:40 PM
Johnny, love reading your reports...keep it up :-)

07-08-2013, 07:24 AM
Nice job as always JB....

Next time you should get Shammy and the Lip to help clean the fish????:rolleyes:

Johnny Bucktails
07-08-2013, 01:46 PM
thank you guys. keeps me posting knowing you guys like them. We were fishing in the bay. Going again soon eddie