View Full Version : Dorothy B 7-6 fluke report

07-06-2013, 08:06 PM
Slower in the AM, better in the PM. That is the report you get after 4 days in a row of frying in the 90+ degree heat for 12 hours at a clip. I'm shot right now so I will let the pictures do the talking. See you at the dock.

07-06-2013, 10:56 PM
You did a great job today!! Both Thomas and I had an awesome time! Dorothy B is a first class operation and you deserve a nights rest!!!

07-07-2013, 05:15 AM
Thanks, Greg. You were a pleasure to have on board.

07-07-2013, 08:28 AM
First time on the Dorthy B. and it wont be our last - First class operation from the Captain to the mates - Jake, Jeremy and the capatin worked there tails off in this heat - Talk about hot - OMG - :eek: It was Australia hot - been there and done that - Took the wife for our yearly July 4th-ish fishy trip - Wife cant take 3/4 days thank the fishy gods.

The first thing in the morning wasnt too bad - there was some wind and a nice drift - shorts coming over on the first couple of drifts . Then like an hour later - everything died out except for the sun/heat/humidity and I can see why the afternoon trip did better - just way to hot and we were in the bow with no shade or cover - never again- leason learned. I am googan

The captain bounced around and kept looking for better fishing and never stopped - ( best experiance I have had on a half day boat and is now officially the wifes and myself - 1/2 day boat ). Unfortunatly my wife (Leah) is very competitive and she only got 3 shorts. Myself on the other hand - had a handful of shorts , still dropping/George-ing way too many fish and walked away with 1 keeper but it was the right won???-:eek:

There were very few keepers thank the fishy gods and I had the right keeper to win the pool - descent fish nice and fat 19 inches-ish - Also I gave the mates 2/3 of the pool - on a hot day like this and not many fishies regardless of how hard they worked ( AND THEY WORKED THERE AZZEZ OFF LITERALLY) some people wont tip and I made sure I did gave the wife the rest.

Since my wife didnt get a keeper we wil be back and will pick and choose our days (she needs a keeper or I wont hear the end of it ) , me well the summer of "George" is over and it was a great way to end it - winning the pool - finding our new 1/2 day boat and trying a frsh shark steak in years , cooking it and not drying it out .

Thanks again to Captain and crew - also seen my buddy Mikey and - Thank You , Thank you ,Thank you for that shark steak - it was Oh - so good - salt , pepper, garlic powder fresh lemon and lime on top - MMMMMM - Thanks again Mikey - you were right it was really really good

Be Well - Be Safe and Fish-On
