View Full Version : Fishermen/ Wed. nite fishing

07-04-2013, 11:01 AM
It was a tough nite for the bass and porgies. The dogs were hot and heavy on every drop where you could not keep a bait in the water and the porgie spots you could not hold bottom with 8 and 10 oz. leads. When the current was supposed to slow down at 11 o clock it ran even harder, the last 3 weeks have been the strongest tides I could remember, its gotta be a moon thing. Anyway we will not be fishing tonite because we are fireworks bound to Macys in New York and will resume sailing on Fri. nite at 6;30 pm. For info 908 930 2335.

07-05-2013, 11:43 AM
Sorry for the late update. First time out with Capt. Dan and the crew on the Fishermen and his report was spot on for Wednesday night. The current was tough and Joey Murray's South Philly Mako's were more or less everywhere we went.

I ended up with a short Striper and six Porgies.Even though the fishing was tough the guys ran good trip. Plenty of extra effort... fresh bait, a lot of stops and stayed out late.

I'll be back.


07-05-2013, 05:28 PM
I'll echo what Kevin said! Full-out effort by capt and crew! Lot's of moves when the dogs moved in and a few re-adjusts to keep us near fish. My lack of filets I will blame on the river like tide that I couldn't hold bottom with 12 ounces on! Crazy! My first time anchoring with clams for stripers too. I've been strictly an ocean striper fisherman jigging or live-lining, so this was new experience. I'll be back again!