Andreas Toy
07-03-2013, 08:25 PM
Canyon Season is around the corner and I will begin compiling the list for open boat Mixed Bag Overnight Canyon Trips. These trips will be limited to 3 anglers, these trips will start out hunting for bluefin on the way to the canyons, then when we arrive at the canyons, we will light tackle mahi, then deep drop for tilefish. Late afternoon we will begin trolling for tuna and marlin till dark. At night we will chunk for tuna, but if the charter is satisifed with how many tuna are in the box we will target mako-swords, at first light we will troll for tuna, then head for home, on the way there we can stop on wrecks to jig some cod and pollack. We will provide all of the gear to tackle all of these fish including the jigs. The fare is $850 and the tip is already included.