View Full Version : Gambler fishing report 7/1

07-01-2013, 09:10 PM
Fluke fishing these last few days has been slow. Steady, strong south winds have made the ocean water cooler... and cooler water caused the fish to get lethargic. We still catch some fluke and sea bass on every trip but it's not what it was.

No doubt, fluke are there, and when the weather straightens out some, it'll get good again.

The night bluefishing has been poor. I hope something happens soon. We will keep trying, do what we can to locate and catch them; but we will have a plan B in place: If nothing is happening, Capt Mike will skillfully anchor up over a wreck or rocks and fish for ling, sea bass, cod, etc.

We are switching our Nite Wreckin' trip from Thursday to Friday night this week. We are catching some extra big ling on those trips --no sign of squid yet but we'll keep looking.

07-01-2013, 09:56 PM
Keep trying. That is apart of fishing! :D

bunker dunker
07-02-2013, 07:02 AM
Not From Lack Of Trying Bob.you And The Crew Give It Your All Every Trip.that South Wind Just Has To Stop For A Few Day.see Ya Soon

07-02-2013, 07:59 AM
Not From Lack Of Trying Bob.you And The Crew Give It Your All Every Trip.that South Wind Just Has To Stop For A Few Day.see Ya Soon

If Ed is fishing the bow of the Gambler and he's not catching his limit, the fish just ain't bitin':D

bunker dunker
07-02-2013, 08:22 AM
LOL!!!!!! i only wish!!! gotta love trying though.hope to see you soon out there with us.

07-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Yes sir, will see you guys soon!

07-02-2013, 09:05 PM
i dunno, Capt Ken Namowitz (Mimi (http://www.mimivi.com/)) and I recently spent a morning on the Gambler w/ Capt Mike and crew and THESE sharpies seemed to have NO trouble....



'course their EXPECTATIONS were having FUN, have WE forgotten how to have FUN?!