View Full Version : 4th of July Fireworks Cruise!

07-01-2013, 07:39 PM
Hello all -

GamblerGal here, posting from the Cap'ns account. Hoping this is the right board to post this in...

We've decided to host a local 4th of July Fireworks Cruise this year. It'll be a great way to enjoy the fireworks without dealing with the beach & boardwalk crowds! ;) The Gambler will leave at 8PM on Thursday and return at approximately 10pm. Starting tomorrow, tickets will be available for purchase onboard, or you can pick up your tickets at our dock after 2PM on Thursday. $30 for adults, $15 for kids under 12. We're also offering a family package - 2 adults, 2 kids for $75.

Snacks and sodas will be available onboard - BYOB. Don't forget - free parking!! Hope to see you out there!