07-01-2013, 09:23 AM
Another good nite of fishing for a small turnout of people on a beautiful afternoon. Its been good fishing since last Mon. for us, with some nites more keepers than shorts or vice versa but there has been action. Leading the way last nite was a high hook of 5 fish down to everyone catching at least 1, Pool winner was in the high teens and nice and clean and well fed. When the current slowed last nite I put on a porgie rig and in a half hour caught 20 croakers and a seabass , first time I fished in a long time, good fun. We will continue to fish for the bass while there still biting but our options have increased now that the porgie season has opened and its only a matter of time before I find them, cant wait. We will be sailing tonite for info 908 930 2335.