View Full Version : Walking Along Party Boat Row
07-01-2013, 09:18 AM
I Always fish on a certain boat in Atlantic Highlands ... BUT this time I decided to try a different boat on a referral from a friend. I was walking with my cooler & the captain from my usual boat saw me coming. He smiled & waved, but I told him that I was going on another boat today. He said "Why did we do something to make you mad at us?" I said "NO not at all, I will be back next time" Anyway he made me feel like a jerk. Any input from you guys? I mean I don't get a sandwich from the same deli everyday.
jenny lee sportfishing
07-01-2013, 09:37 AM
i feel i can answer this from personal experience. i own and operate two service related businesses, my main business dave's heavy towing and my charter business jenny lee sportfishing. i have operated the towing for the past 38 years and the fishing 14years. both business are similar in the fact that there are hundreds of tow campanies to chose from as is there for hire fishing operations. i'd like to think that my wreckers and my boat are in mint and professional condition, as i'm sure my competition believes the same in regards to their own equipment. so, the only thing that differentiates me from the rest is service. i strive to be the best at what i do and provide the utmost in professional service, in both operations. ex: tow damage free, be on time, present a clean driver, etc. in the fishing we strive for the same, catch fish, proovide a clean safe environment, etc.
i'm guessing that the capt that saw you feels as i do that he has treated you with the utmost in respect and provided you with great experiences over the years, so truthfully not only is his pride hurt but so is his pocketbook. almost
everyday i am calling a towing client we have not heard from in a while or perhaps even seen on the back of another wrecker to say " hey, it's been a while or did we do something wrong i saw your truck being hauled by xyz towing" most of the time the customer is fine with it, but occasionally i think it upsets him that i ask. at this stage of the game for me, it's more about my pride than the money, 38 years is a long time. don't be upset with that captain, you must mean alot for him to ask you .
if it were me, i'd make sure i fished with him soon and give him a kind handshake when you board..
sorry for the rant, sore spot.
capt dave bender
your fine.. maybe throw the guy's mates an extra few bucks next trip..
07-01-2013, 10:12 AM
Thanks Very Much, I have my own business too & I will be back on his boat soon
07-01-2013, 10:35 AM
I guess I don't understand... I provide services for steady clients as well.. Sometimes they go elsewhere, sometimes they use me.. I just take what I get, and do my job as well as I can every time I am called...
No reason to get "butt hurt" because a customer goes elsewhere now and then..
I would tell the cap next time you see him that you just wanted a different experience , just a change of venue.. I see nothing wrong with that at all.. bob
Ol Pedro
07-01-2013, 11:00 AM
Thanks Very Much, I have my own business too & I will be back on his boat soon
Sometimes change is good . You can appreciate more why you fished your usual boat . Or see that the other possibly had more to offer . Without trying other boats you can't compare . I feel that the Captain asking you if they did anything wrong is a good thing and he values you as his customer . We all want your business and try to fix any problem that our clients have . In the off season regulars carry us through .
07-01-2013, 12:00 PM
If you get great service and a pleasant experience on your regular boat then he should realize that you will be back. If the "other" boat ended up being better than find a constructive way of telling your regular boat.
Loyalty is a sensitive subject with small business as well as large.
07-01-2013, 12:35 PM
A lot of great party boats down at Atlantic Highlands. I have my favorites but sometimes it comes down to what do I feel like doing today; 1/2 day verses 3/4 day, stripers verses bottom fishing, believe it or not (it could be me) if I feel like eating from the galley a pork roll egg and cheese for breakfast and a sausage and pepper sandwich for lunch that will decide the boat for the day. But making the walk to boat could sometimes be awkward but when you provide good services I will be back to your boat in the future….
07-01-2013, 01:26 PM
I use the Atlantic Highland Party Boats regularly. I can not say I have a regular boat because every boat is top notch. I try to use different boats everytime to even out the business. Sometimes I will pick the boat with less crowd.
07-01-2013, 02:08 PM
I have two AH boats I use; one is a 1/2 day boat and the other a 3/4 day. Most times I cannot find the time to do a full day (which sucks because if I could I would!).
I understand where you are coming from; I just grin and bear it, as well as to keep in mind the opinions of others regarding "loyalty to a specific boat". Its understandable - remember you try to catch your limit on the water - the captains are trying to limit on the dock!!! :D :) :cool:
Capt. Debbie
07-01-2013, 03:23 PM
If you two have a relationship what's wrong with him asking. Especially if maybe something was wrong.
In a tight market no one wants to lose a sale. Even if it amounted to just a coin flip.
Next time you go back to him he might ask why you came back. Maybe not.
It's a fair question.
07-01-2013, 04:50 PM
I have my favorites, but sometimes I fish with friends, they may have different favorites. We can't always go on mine. The captains understand, they may not like it, but they understand. If you are by yourself, sometimes a change shows you how good or bad you have been treated on your favorites.
They also realize that when you bring a friend they benefit, not just financially, but this person may become a regular.
nate chud
07-01-2013, 05:26 PM
they are all great boats and captains i took my kids and wife 2 weeks ago and went on the boat with the least amount of people just so they werent to cramped and we had a blast if i was by myself i would have been on a diffrent boat with a bigger pool.
Joey Dah Fish
07-01-2013, 07:03 PM
I agree with Jenny Lee it's a pride thing and it never hurts to ask. No need to feel like a jerk. We business owners want to know if we are doing something wrong. Honesty is what it's all about
07-01-2013, 07:09 PM
I am in a different situation with the tackle shop, but I can tell you it does not bother me to see guys shop in a few places. I send them to other shops for things I do not have. I tell them go find better prices, if I cant match them.
BUT.... maybe thats the difference here. If I had something, and my guys went elsewhere, intentionally with the same price, same product, I may want to know if I did something wrong. If the boat was fishing for the same thing, at the same time, same price, I can tell you that the capt is going to wonder what he did wrong and worry that more people are going to leave his boat.
Fishermen are a funny bunch. Some guys will not step foot in other shops, other boats because they feel they need stay loyal. I would say about 60% of the guys are this way too!
I would make sure he sees you next time on his boat, maybe tell him you had friends on the other boat that day or something. Or...... be honest and tell him exactly why you did fish the other boat. The question here is....... will you be back? Did you find something better on that other boat? If you like his boat better, tell him that too.
Im sure he wouldnt mind hearing that from you.
I dont think you did anything wrong at all, but I can see it bothering the capt. These guys work hard and take it to heart when they lose a customer. Its a very tough biz.
07-01-2013, 09:30 PM
Well the other boat was fine & much less crowded, but I will definitely be back on my regular boat next time out, in fact he was fishing right next to us.:)
chef bet
07-01-2013, 10:14 PM
I understand what your saying. I own a deli in town and when I see another catering truck or pizza delivery truck in my mall parking lot its a slap in the face to me and I see most of these people on a daily basis. I do the best I can daily and that's all I can do. I have to live w/ myself and my pride.
Capt. KB
07-01-2013, 10:27 PM
The captain was wrong!! Most of us are open to new experiences and welcome change. If your "usual" boat is that good, it will be even better after sampling the others and the captain should realize that. Instead, he chose to put you on the spot and make you feel uncomfortable. You know what that says to me, he is a BULLY and your are only a $ sign to him. If I were you, I would try more boats and avoid your "usual" boat like the plague.
I've had 'the feel like a heal feeling' a couple of times. I got over it real fast when I fished on a boat that caught more fish than the regular boat I usually fish on. I now look for the least crowded boat or if there is still an opening at the rail on the part of the boat I like to fish. I'm there to enjoy MYSELF. Not to keep any particular captain on my payroll.
I never had an AH captain give me a future discount fare because I was a steady customer. But I've gotten plenty in Belmar and PP.
I noticed certain AH boats don't spend the fuel to leave the bay. Owning my own boat affords me the priviledge to see who is really fishing and who is going for a short ride to save money. It's the same boats, either way, all the time.
I bet I can name who you spoke to. Don't let it bother you. In their business you're in public relations at the dock and a captain at sea. It's all part of the game. Fish where you feel comfortable. If you don't try different boats you can't answer that question.
07-01-2013, 11:13 PM
Yes CUZ some boats in AH seem like they don't want to burn gas, they do 90 minute drifts for short & sea robins.
07-01-2013, 11:23 PM
The captain was just doing good business - no need to get excited or take it personal.
Anyone running a business needs feedback so he can correct mistakes and make it better for everyone.
Capt. KB
07-02-2013, 12:23 AM
I have been on this site for over a year and I just listen, don't post, but this drives me up a wall. It is your money, your time and most importanty, your relaxation, so don't let anyone make you uncomfortable. In the PC world, this is a classic case of bullying.
I respectfully disagree. Issues on deck, crew is aware of it and Capt. should definitely be aware of it. It should be resolved, case closed. My guess, you are a familiar face, with or without a name, maybe a "hey buddy, good to see you ... will set you up'. You are a $ sign. Lesson learned.
07-02-2013, 06:18 AM
I've had 'the feel like a heal feeling' a couple of times. I got over it real fast when I fished on a boat that caught more fish than the regular boat I usually fish on. I now look for the least crowded boat or if there is still an opening at the rail on the part of the boat I like to fish. I'm there to enjoy MYSELF. Not to keep any particular captain on my payroll.
I never had an AH captain give me a future discount fare because I was a steady customer. But I've gotten plenty in Belmar and PP.
I noticed certain AH boats don't spend the fuel to leave the bay. Owning my own boat affords me the priviledge to see who is really fishing and who is going for a short ride to save money. It the same boats, either way, all the time.
I bet I can name who you spoke to. Don't let it bother you. In their business you're in public relations at the dock and a captain at sea. It's all part of the game. Fish where you feel comfortable. if you don't try different boats you can't answer that question.
100% agree.
07-02-2013, 06:19 AM
I have been on this site for over a year and I just listen, don't post, but this drives me up a wall. It is your money, your time and most importanty, your relaxation, so don't let anyone make you uncomfortable. In the PC world, this is a classic case of bullying.
I respectfully disagree. Issues on deck, crew is aware of it and Capt. should definitely be aware of it. It should be resolved, case closed. My guess, you are a familiar face, with or without a name, maybe a "hey buddy, good to see you ... will set you up'. You are a $ sign. Lesson learned.
Agree 100%.
07-02-2013, 04:43 PM
Its just like having an old pair of slippers.. you know those things fit just right but every now and then you try a new pair... I was thinking of going Xrated here but decided to keep it clean..
You usually get back into those old mutts sooner or later...:D
My dad party boat fishes for fluke and goes once to twice a week... and has not fallen into the habit of going on one party boat but has three favorites
He likes them all the same... it's just a matter of what area he wants to fish (ocean, inside the bay etc).
My personal opinion is that it's your money, spend how you feel..
A captain should feel grateful in having repeat customers but all good things come to an end and a new wave and generation of regulars sprout up. And most of the time they come back and some dont.
The trend I tend to see is that most of the boats in NJ offer a great experience for the services provided.
07-02-2013, 04:50 PM
Yes CUZ some boats in AH seem like they don't want to burn gas, they do 90 minute drifts for short & sea robins.
can you please tell me which ones?
07-02-2013, 05:52 PM
When I walk down Party Boat Row and captains & crew call me to their boat, I just smile and tell them my friends are already on another boat. They usually joke for me to bring them back, etc.
If I were a regular and was in this situation, I would've told the captain I was meeting friends who chose another boat. I suggested this boat, but was out voted. If I talked a little longer, I'd tell him I'd be back next time.
07-02-2013, 06:03 PM
I told him that I met friends on the other boat & he said "We could have fit all of you on our boat"
07-02-2013, 06:33 PM
There's no harm in saying that you're trying a different boat for the day, but that you'll see them again sometime soon. I've had boats in AH that I frequent that cancel a trip for whatever reason, and the crew not only directed me to another boat, but told the captain and crew of that boat to take care of me....think it's good to share the wealth:)
07-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Party boats are not going outside because the action has been better inside.
With the cold temps and south winds, the outside has been slow. That is why you have Belmar and Pt Pleasant boats coming into RB.
Having said that, fluke will chase anything with 5' or so. That means if the boat is railed, you will have 2 rods on your side plus 3 on the other competing for the same fish as the boat drifts over. Keeping away from the crowd will get you more fish.
07-02-2013, 09:42 PM
can you please tell me which ones?
ROFLMAO......Highlite of this thread....
shrimpman steve
07-03-2013, 08:53 AM
I had a favorite capt. in AH, when I bought a boat he actually seemed pissed! he hasnt said much to me since and I thought we were friends. On a side note, a mate from another boat down there has given me a lot of help and advice. foolish on my "old friends" part, as my boat is small and i have to pick my days. Next time i cant get my boat out, I have already made the decision to sail with the guy that helps me and not the one who was sour.
07-03-2013, 09:13 AM
I fished with you before Steve and I think we are talking about the same Capt (if you need any new fish decals let me know)
07-03-2013, 01:51 PM
For what it's worth and someone may have already said this but I would be more concerned if the Captain didn't say a word! Obviously he cares about your patronage and I'm sure was genuinely wondering why you decided to try another boat. I'm sure if you told him this your reasoning he would understand, might be disappointed but would understand if he's a stand up guy which it sounds like he is. Put yourself in his position, you'd probably be wondering the same thing yourself.
The analogy to a deli I don't think is quite the same thing. This is these guys business and they work hard at it. Losing a customer or the thought of losing one is not the same as someone grabbing a sandwich at a different deli. It's an extremely competitive business and as I said if he wasn't concerned he wouldn't have asked. Sounds actually like he handled it very professionally.
07-04-2013, 05:59 PM
welcome to party boat row:eek:
Capt. Debbie
07-04-2013, 08:25 PM
Either that, or wear a disguise and make sure he does not see you
i feel i can answer this from personal experience. i own and operate two service related businesses, my main business dave's heavy towing and my charter business jenny lee sportfishing. i have operated the towing for the past 38 years and the fishing 14years. both business are similar in the fact that there are hundreds of tow campanies to chose from as is there for hire fishing operations. i'd like to think that my wreckers and my boat are in mint and professional condition, as i'm sure my competition believes the same in regards to their own equipment. so, the only thing that differentiates me from the rest is service. i strive to be the best at what i do and provide the utmost in professional service, in both operations. ex: tow damage free, be on time, present a clean driver, etc. in the fishing we strive for the same, catch fish, proovide a clean safe environment, etc.
i'm guessing that the capt that saw you feels as i do that he has treated you with the utmost in respect and provided you with great experiences over the years, so truthfully not only is his pride hurt but so is his pocketbook. almost
everyday i am calling a towing client we have not heard from in a while or perhaps even seen on the back of another wrecker to say " hey, it's been a while or did we do something wrong i saw your truck being hauled by xyz towing" most of the time the customer is fine with it, but occasionally i think it upsets him that i ask. at this stage of the game for me, it's more about my pride than the money, 38 years is a long time. don't be upset with that captain, you must mean alot for him to ask you .
if it were me, i'd make sure i fished with him soon and give him a kind handshake when you board..
sorry for the rant, sore spot.
capt dave bender
07-04-2013, 08:50 PM
You can make one of these
07-05-2013, 08:55 AM
I have been reading this thread for a couple of days and well here goes
We all have our own experiences and for whatever reason we windup were we are . It is all about timing and the way you are treated . Sometimes it is the captain and crew who are great , sometimes it is the patrons and the reverse on both . Hey everybody has a bad day or a good day - once again comes down to timing. Sometimes I was the A-hole , sometimes not.
None of us are perfect .
I think everyone just wants to be aprreciated and treated with respect
I have fished on every boat in AH party boat row in have my favorites
Go to wear you are comfortable and you feel appreciated and you get the best bang for your buck .
Also I would go back to the captain/boat and have a nice talk with him. Not rude - but a talk . ( I am 1/2 Italian so yelling and screaming is our talking - :D ) Once again if we all could talk things out life and this world would be a better place
There is my Dirty-F-N- modern day hippie rant - Nobody's perfect especially me
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