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View Full Version : Killies are finally around!!

06-29-2013, 10:50 AM
Made a stop at the first shop on rt. 36 and they actually had Killies owner said they just came in.

06-29-2013, 07:10 PM
Twin lights has had them for a couple weeks

The Sinker Man
06-29-2013, 07:54 PM
So has Pete at Atlantic B&T

06-29-2013, 08:08 PM
Pete didn't have them this morning, neither did Julian's. They may both get them from the same supplier from Virginia. Call first to be sure.

06-29-2013, 11:07 PM
Yep - Twin Lights Marina has had killies all season - jumbo spearing too.

06-30-2013, 04:38 AM
That's good. I have yet to find jumbo spearing a problem. Hopefully that continues.

06-30-2013, 10:12 AM
On friday none of the bait stores on rte 36 has killies, Pete was nice enough to make a phone call for some guy who came in just before me, but it sounded like the person he called was out (julian's I believe). None of the shops on staten island had them either.

Growing up on staten island we were able to get killies without a problem in just about any tidal creek, when I moved to middletown years back I tried several creeks to no avail, and if I did have them they were often small (I do know a place where someone drops/dropped several large pots, but I think it is/was a bait shop so I never infringed on his spot). The tidal creeks on staten island don't get the same pressure as the ones around here, and catching a pot full of killies is still a problem (so I'm told). I often wonder if the larvacide that is dropped in the tidal creeks to control mosquito populations, and the over-hyped west-nile virus, has resulted in a dwindling population of killies.

rusty scupper
06-30-2013, 10:53 AM
seems to be a few less killies in the creeks here in central ocean co. but it just takes a little more effort to put a catch together. i keep kicking myself for not having all my gear ready to pot. Thanks again sandy ) in the long run its probably best that im not taking the ten or twenty gallons a tide from these local creeks until they are back up to snuff

06-30-2013, 03:07 PM
Ok ...just got a load of JUMBO KILLIES right from the farm....I was feeding these fish with nitrogen infused food to make them grow faster ...A little like miracle grow....WOW ....get to Atlantic Bait and Tackle to get yours .....732 787 2248.....See you soon ...Pete

06-30-2013, 03:36 PM
You can dip net all you want in Secaucus.

( Harmon Cove )

07-01-2013, 05:57 PM
You can dip net all you want in Secaucus.

( Harmon Cove )

Ahh yes... And I hear they are flavored like pork...

07-01-2013, 06:12 PM
You can dip net all you want in Secaucus.

( Harmon Cove )

That and all the tidal creeks in the meadowlands... I lived there [Lyndhurst], and as a kid we could get thousands and thousands any time we wanted.. Nothing there to eat them in those days!... We used to take and old bucket, tie a rope to it, let it sit 10 minutes, and pull it up real fast so they couldn't get out... Never used a proper trap...
these were huge killies too., I mean many in the 5 to 6 inch range..
If you could find that size killie today, man would you have some great flukin.
I used to catch a lot of pickerel, bass, perch and calicos on them as well. Trout in the lakes wouldn't go near them.. All they would eat were those damn herring... bob