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View Full Version : Crabbing Lower Navasink

06-29-2013, 09:41 AM
Back to launching out of Rumson this year after a long absence. Normally fishing but would like to try some crabbing this year with some little ones (grandkids). Was wondering if anyone could point out some good locations. PM privacy will be respected. Thanks.... Walt

06-29-2013, 11:12 PM
check out the NJ crabbing forum - the Navasink and Shrewsbury have been very slow this year for crab

a/c steve
07-01-2013, 06:00 PM
it picks up at the end of july

07-01-2013, 06:15 PM
I was out there fluking last week.. No crabs there at all so far.. Very slow.. Give it a few more weeks... bob

07-01-2013, 07:28 PM
I must say I have heard the same reports and decided to give it a try had steady action the other night nothing great by any means but a solid 4 dozen had about a5 gallon bucket filled anything bigger than 5.5-6 inches were kept had around a hundred 2'5 to 4.5 inches 3 and 4 on a hand line at a time all caught on bunker chunks and Mullet mostly fresh bunker tho crabed from ten pm to 1am in the back bay area from land good time with the little brother also my first sight of peanut s swam through and was quite a large school to pretty darn early for them also netted my Mullet that were already in the 3 to 4 inch range pretty sure its early for them to be that big to? Would like a opinion n that if any one knows better?

07-01-2013, 07:43 PM
Thanks guys yes was thinking of waiting till August - September to give it a try... Walt

07-02-2013, 09:14 AM
Hey Kmaty,

Everything happened/is still happening early this year. It seems as though the nutrients stirred up and re-introduced by "sandy" put things in motion. There were plankton blooms way earlier than "normal" years and it seems like most things just followed the pattern. I saw peanuts off AH harbor last week. Bluefish were early spawning(yet now are scarce and probably spawning again) But the smaller ones are hard to come by. Silversides-while tough to find the big ones-have already produced tons of tiny ones.The killies are a tough one-maybe bringing in fish from too far away sources/and polluted waterways will have it's effect? I can find killies easily but not enough to supply a fleet of fisherman.