View Full Version : Cape Cod Tuna Adventure - Video

06-29-2013, 12:51 AM
If you have 17 minutes to kill, this is a video documentary of my 25 hour long adventure to the Cape - in search of the giant tuna. If you were ever thinking about going up there to this amazing fishery, this video will give you some idea about what is possible. Pretty awesome day.

Cape Cod Popping for Giant Tuna - June 5, 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0R5CB2F9vo)

Thanks for watching.

Captain Rich
06-29-2013, 07:50 AM
Nice video, I'm taking off the first week of September, trying to decide between Cape Cod and Outer Banks..... tough choice, both good.

06-29-2013, 10:59 AM
cool video thanks for sharing.keep up the good work got to love that fishing

06-29-2013, 08:09 PM
Great video. Catching big bluefin standup is no joke. Very humbling as you think you are in shape until they put the scews to you. I use to make that trip up north alone many times. Congrats on nice trip

Gerry Zagorski
06-29-2013, 08:54 PM
Great video Doug. Thanks for posting it here.