View Full Version : Just Back From Gloucester

Gerry Zagorski
06-24-2013, 04:26 PM
Me, brother Joe, Mike, his son Jake, Davey 2 Poles and Lefty Reeler Ron
just got back from fishing in Gloucester.

Day one was a charter on a non sponsor Tricky Dave from Tuna.com hooked us up with last minute when we got a call from Captain Jim from Big Mac that he was having mechanical issues and could not take us. Thanks Dave. Captain Collin did a great job keeping us on the Cod and Haddock.. I'd say between 50 and 70 fish.. We had to fight off a bunch of Doggies but the fishing was fast and furious. Long day from 5AM to 4 PM and the last part of the day we stopped to get bait for their Boston Red Sox players charter. Needless to say we busted their balls pretty well and a lot of the bait didn't make it into the live well :D

Next day was a 5AM departure on Tuna.com with Sandro and Jordie. It's the trip Dave donated for Sandy Relief Fund Raiser we had that brother Joe bid and won. We steamed 10 or 15 miles to north and set up on a nice ledge in 180 feet or so. Fishing was slow but the ball busting epic. We had one legit Giant Tuna but as luck would have it, it decided to hit Davey 2 Poles Stingo Jig on a stand up jigging rod meant to handle something a little less than a what they estimated to be an 85 inch Tuna. We came off the ball, fought this fish for 20 minutes or so. Saw the leader twice and the fish once but it was not to be. The floro parted from the braid and that was it. When Davey hooked that fish on the Jig Sandro just shook his head, smiled and walked in the cabin. I'm no mind reader but I think he was thinking something like " I take these Googan's from NJ out fishing we get one bite and it's one of their Mikey Mouse poles".

A few hours later Sandro sees a streak on the sounder and feeds what we hoped to be another Tuna.. Turned out to be a 200 pound Porbeagle shark. Jake fought this fish for 10 min or so and SNAP. Turns out the shark ate another one of our baits and it was game on again... The big 140s made short work on the beast and Ron had him boatside in 10 mins. Everyone is standing around looking at each other saying now what and Ron says "that's good eats" so we kept him for the table. Got back to the dock around 7 PM and by then Ron and Jordie had the Shark staked and on ice.

Exhausted as I typed this but got a freezer full of Cod and Shark steaks and sore jaws from laughing so much. I'm sure a few of the boys will pile on here with some pictures and tails from Gloucester.

Great time, great group of guys and we really appreciate the hospitality and effort Tricky Dave, Sandros, Jordie and Collins put forward for us. Great time was had by all and lets just say these guys got balled busted Jersey style.

I'll be talking Bostoneese for several days I'm sure.

Joey Dah Fish
06-24-2013, 08:12 PM
I of coooourse tried the chowdah. It was awesome. The people couldn't have been nicer up there as well. We had a great time. I have learned that Cod fishing is not for me. 235 ft non stop action just beats my old a** to pieces. My hat is off to Jake (mike's son) he is a fishing machine. He sat at the rail for every minute of every one for what seemed to be for ever. Davey great job showing the boys from Gloustah that the googans from joysi can hook them. Lefty kept this fish coming up and the laughs going especially with his booties like tinker bells. Always a joy fishing with my brother and Mike we did ok but we provided great entertainment for the crew. Both crews were especially gracious and professional. By the end of Saturday trip Collin finally understood our jersey humor and return our ball busting nature and made us feel at home. Sandra and Jordi would only smile and continue on the task at hand. I think he enjoyed our humah but won't show it. Great time with great people is what makes life worth living. Take a moment and smell the roses and Gerry's fahts they were wicked fahts

06-24-2013, 08:29 PM
Sounds like a nice trip. It was awesome at the njfishing holiday party. It was a pleasure to talk with dave, sandro, and paul.

06-25-2013, 08:04 AM
Nice Job on the trip, I was at Davey "Two Poles" lastnight
and we dined on that Shark....it was delicious...just like Mako.:D

06-25-2013, 08:40 AM
Sounds like an excellent getaway. Not only should we thank the tuna.com guys for coming and donating but for your brother stepping up to the plate.

Vey nice!

06-25-2013, 09:10 AM
did Ron catch a limit of Miller lites?

06-25-2013, 10:49 AM
did Ron catch a limit of Miller lites?
On Saturday I did, Sunday was all business so I only drank a few knowing I had a 6 hour drive ahead of two back to back grueling 12 hour trips...

Joey in your honor I did have them fillet two giant cusks but in the melee of things I think we stuffed it in Gerrys bag-o-fillets..... after a few tall Dewars I'm pretty sure he won't be able to tell the difference.

I'll upload some pics this evening, but overall a great weekend, lots of laughs and some great bottom fishing despite the dawggies....

The tuna fishing up there is much like our shark fishing down here, set em out open a few lattes, eat everything in site until you see something on the screen then pray like hell....

06-25-2013, 11:05 AM
Cusk are yummy! I wanna do a Mass tour next year do a day on the cape for Porgies then go for Cods the next day aint no one got time for them tunas

06-25-2013, 12:42 PM
The crew and Joe-pi with his new fashion-ware

Gerry Zagorski
06-25-2013, 05:39 PM
Lefty dah Grim Ripah

Gerry Zagorski
06-25-2013, 06:50 PM
Crew shot. The little man, Mike's son Jake, stayed at the rail the entire time on both trips.... We thought we were going to wear him out and he wore us out. Dat boys got game and it was a real pleasure to have him on the trip.