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View Full Version : 3 Big-Eyes, 150 Yellowfin, 2 BFT, 1 Mako - Not a Bad Couple Days!

Canyon Runner
06-23-2013, 09:27 PM
Eight is Great – Big-Eyes that is!!! In an amazing 3 days of fishing the Canyon Runner team boated our 8th Big-Eyes of the season and it’s not even July yet. In addition in just 4 trips we nailed 150 yellowfin. We added a couple bluefin to keep it honest and a 110 mako at night.

Our Canyon Runner Fishing Report Members joined in on the fun with a couple of them adding a big-eye each in what was the first good big-eye bite of the season. And most importantly – one Members placed in a Tournament this weekend as well with a nice yellowfin – Congrats Guys! -- Anyone still interested in the Fishing Report Service can read about on our website or call me – 732-272-4445 - only 4 spots left.

48 Canyon Runner
June 20-21 – 1 Big-Eye, 28 Yellowfin
Capt. Mark DeBlasio was back at the helm of the 48 Viking with Capt. Dean and took the Terry Minor charter out Thursday to Friday to the Wilmington/Baltimore canyons. Arriving on the edge early they put a beating on the fish all day long weeding through some small ones to put a limit of 18 yellowfin in the boat releasing 10. They were fishing deeper and in so had a majority of nicer fish than throw backs. Just before dusk they went on a big-eye hunt and found what they wanted when a big-eye tried to eat our Canyon Runner Rainbow Squid Dredge (which of course doesn’t have a hook in it) then crashed the Melton Cherry Jet trolled right above it and we were on. Several minutes later a 71” big-eye hit the deck.


June 21-22 – 2 Big-Eye, 22 Yellowfin, 2 Bluefin and a 110 Pound Mako
Turning right around and heading out on the 48 Canyon Runner again Capt. Mark and Capt. Dean had the Dan Haney charter out Friday to Saturday again to the Wilmington/Baltimore area. Fishing in 600-700 feet of water down the bank they picked at yellowfin most of the afternoon catch fish up to 60 pounds. Canyon Runner White Squid Bars and Green Machines Bars accounted for a lot of the yellowfin with the 12” squids catching most of the bigger yellowfin. Again as dusk set in they went on the big-eye hunt and found them. The first bite was on a Canyon Runner Big-Eye Runner and was boated in 30 minutes – 68” and fat – about 180 pounds. They left one of our Canyon Runner Green Machine bars in the rigger during the fight and as soon as they put the boat in gear big-eye 2 jumped on. 40 minutes later our biggest of the year at 73” was in the boat and fat as well weighed around 220 pounds. We were in middle of another turn around so had not time to weight these in.


60 Ritchie
June 20-21 – 42 Yellowfin
Capt. Phil Dulanie was back at the helm with the Dr. John Bednar charter and had none stop action from the second they got there to the second they left. Fishing from the Wilmington to the Baltimore in 400 feet of 69 degree water they hook fish on anything they pulled. Which included 6 Canyon Runner spread bars pulling 2 12” squid bars, 2 mini mamba bars and 2 green machine bars. They boated 42 yellowfin keeping 11 with a few in the 40-60 pound range but most right around 20 pounds and the rest were too small to keep. Interestingly ballyhoo is barely working thus far this year. The night saw no action as they moved inshore and only caught a couple blue sharks.

June 21-22 – 58 Yellowfin
The Canyon Runner Old Timers Day took place Friday to Saturday with a few of our past mates back on the boat for a fun trip. Brad Burgess, John Timken, Chris Hempstead and Mike Elton were back with Adam LaRosa making an appearance behind the wheel. Several old and new friends also joined in with J-Bones and Chris and Kenny Avon rounding out the party. We arrived at 2pm in the Wilmington and by 9 pm had 45 yellowfin. Our night was boring except for the 50 pounds of assorted steaks, chicken and fish chef Hempstend cooked up on the grill. The morning saw another 13 yellowfin for the 58 total. 14 were kept and the rest released.

Remaining Open Canyon Dates
Folks – as you can see fishing is as good as it gets. We have very little left open in the next month but with fishing like this you should jump on them now.

We have the following coming up shortly:

48 Canyon Runner – Open Boat Trip ($750) – June 27-28 and July 2-3
48 Canyon Runner – Full Boat – July 6-7 (Saturday – Sunday)
60 Canyon Runner – Full Boat – July 1-2 & July 6-7

Call for other dates if these don’t work – 732-272-4445

06-23-2013, 10:38 PM
All fake pics........If you want to prove it, then bring me for free and I will pose with the fish. Kidding, great work and congrats.

Canyon Runner
06-24-2013, 07:05 AM
All fake pics........If you want to prove it, then bring me for free and I will pose with the fish. Kidding, great work and congrats.
Funny - but no the first offer like that either! Love to have you one day.

06-24-2013, 07:34 AM
Hope the bite stays hot for my trip next week... :)

Canyon Runner
06-24-2013, 07:20 PM
Hope the bite stays hot for my trip next week... :)

So do we!!!