View Full Version : Normak3 Report 6/22/13

06-23-2013, 09:31 AM
Capt. Matt reports that fluke fishing was a little slower for them today than yesterday but there were plenty of bites to keep every one busy. Lots of shorts with a handful of keepers. The water seemed to chill down a little which did not help out at all but there seems to be more moving in every day. Pool winner went around 4lbs in both the morning and afternoon.

Bluefishing is still slow. We did see a few of the smaller Blues swimming on top but could never get them to bite the Captain says. We have been anchoring up at night over rocks and picking at some nice fat ling. We will continue have clams on board until the bluefish finally begin to bite which should be anytime now. For more information, please give us a shout at 732-496-5383.
