View Full Version : montauk, gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!

shrimpman steve
06-22-2013, 09:18 PM
went out wednesdat for business on thursday (went very well)

Fished a charter on saturday for bass and fluke. we had a 40 pound striper along with our limit of 8 (4 of us on the charter) Very nice day o fishing, thanks to my boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday out on a private boat and KILLED em! Started diamond jigging by the point and got our limit again. Once again 4 of us on the boat. Landed some GIANT scup on the jigs (true dinner plate size porgies)! Then it was onto the flatties once again. Bounced a 4 ounce jig in deep water all day and wacked the snot out of em! I ended the day with 8 keepers and we had a total of 16 for our boat limit. I had 2 five pounders to round out a great day of catching. all this fisahing and we were done and on our way in at 1PM.

Great four days in the promised land! stayed at gurneys one night, the bosses hamptonns house the next, then spent the last night with tomatoes.

If you havent fished Montauk, you must put it on the bucket list.

Time for bed, as I am thinkin of firing up the dirty shrimp for tomorrow:eek:

06-22-2013, 10:28 PM
Nice shrimpman still havent made it out to the promised land. Will one day first costa rica this winter.

06-22-2013, 11:03 PM
WTG Steve. Must of been nice to be able to fish and not worry about maneuvering and cleaning the boat.

06-23-2013, 12:31 AM
Niiice!!! Glad you had a good time,but you missed a nice fish in OUR own back yard;)

06-23-2013, 06:21 AM
DO I hear RFA road trip, you caught them there...???? Ouch! LOL:D Nice job Steve...

06-23-2013, 06:29 AM
Who the hell has it better than you ? Great fishing , great friends, great job and even better fishing - if your kids and wife ever give you any crap _ I cook , I clean , I watch sports and will take the garbage out without even asking . I also aint right and LOVE to fish and do unthinkable acts most beeeeccchhhhhhaaazzzzz wont think of - :D

The fish gotta be thick out there -

I have been fishing out there many moons ago and it is all that and more - also very beautiful

Way to represent and way to enjoy life the right way

See yo back on the home turf - Do it for Johnny Man - Do it for Johnny ???

Tee Hee GDubs- :cool:

06-23-2013, 09:24 AM
Nice mixed bag of fish on table.


06-23-2013, 09:30 AM
Steve, nice going you are a fish magnet!!! :D

06-23-2013, 09:33 AM
went out wednesdat for business on thursday (went very well)

Fished a charter on saturday for bass and fluke. we had a 40 pound striper along with our limit of 8 (4 of us on the charter) Very nice day o fishing, thanks to my boss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday out on a private boat and KILLED em! Started diamond jigging by the point and got our limit again. Once again 4 of us on the boat. Landed some GIANT scup on the jigs (true dinner plate size porgies)! Then it was onto the flatties once again. Bounced a 4 ounce jig in deep water all day and wacked the snot out of em! I ended the day with 8 keepers and we had a total of 16 for our boat limit. I had 2 five pounders to round out a great day of catching. all this fisahing and we were done and on our way in at 1PM.

Great four days in the promised land! stayed at gurneys one night, the bosses hamptonns house the next, then spent the last night with tomatoes.

If you havent fished Montauk, you must put it on the bucket list.

Time for bed, as I am thinkin of firing up the dirty shrimp for tomorrow:eek:


06-24-2013, 07:03 PM
I was gonna go out Thursday too but engine troubles kept me in so i stuck to the surf and killed blues with poppers on the north shore:D

Gerry Zagorski
06-24-2013, 08:37 PM
Way to do it Steve!!!

06-25-2013, 09:09 AM
nice work softbait