06-21-2013, 10:38 PM
Had an opportunity today to jump round out a crew of 3 to go to the deep in hopes of toothy critter! Left SRI a little late around 830 and went SE did t even look to stop until water got nice then went 15 miles more! Set up and waited! I had never shark fished before today but knew the basic principals so we play out a scenario just so we all knew our roles. My job was gonna be the reel guy working the fish, and boy was I glad to hear that! An hour in the crew was getting a little frustrated as nothing was seen in the slick yet not even a blue shark. Then a fin we watched as the shark toyed with our middle pole and then he went under we searched to find him when a flash flew through the slick and right off the stern of the boat and close rod started to scream! I grabbed the rod counted to 10 and look and my boat mates and said I'm gonna hit him! Lock the dragged and out of the water he flew! That's when it went nuts we knew we had mako! Everyone knew their role and it went just as planned and and 50 minutes after hookset we pulled 110 pound speedster into the boat! Not a monster but a fun first experience!
We stayed 2 hours longer had two more pulled hooks on mako and cut loose two blue dog then headed to the barn to start cutting steaks! Nice day on the water as always!
Good luck to all that are in the tourney this weekend and be safe!
We stayed 2 hours longer had two more pulled hooks on mako and cut loose two blue dog then headed to the barn to start cutting steaks! Nice day on the water as always!
Good luck to all that are in the tourney this weekend and be safe!