View Full Version : 1st Annual www.njfishing.com P.U.O.S.U. Tog Challenge

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Life's A Beach
10-23-2008, 08:21 PM
Where: Mimi
When: Sunday January 4, 2009
Who: Registered Members Only
Cost: $70 each (includes tip)
How: Pay at boat. NO deposit taken. You sign up, it's your spot!

Ok all you "sharpies"...........here's your chance to strut your stuff. You can use braid, you can use mono or you can use rope.

Crabs supplied by boat. 6am to 4pm.

Winner gets:
A. The Title and Bragging Rights
B. The Pool $ (Biggest Blackfish)
C. A special prize

This is blackfishing so there will NOT be "assigned" spots. You WILL board the boat in order signed up to put your ONE pole where you want to "start". Skating ALLOWED and Encouraged.

Only other rules for signing up:

1. YOU must be a registered member here
2. You may ONLY sign up for yourself
3. Trip limited to TWENTY FIVE that's 25. 29 rod holder spaced far apart leaving plenty of room for skating.

ONLY "reader" that I'll allow to sign up by email is DMSTOG. (He emailed but didn't take a spot)

It's Put Up Or Shut Up time!


10-23-2008, 08:22 PM
I'm in.


10-23-2008, 08:25 PM
I'm in and have been asked by Pete to put him in (he has no computer). For all his millions too.

Will an exemption be allowed...? :confused:



10-23-2008, 08:25 PM
hey hammerhead count me in :cool:


10-23-2008, 08:31 PM
I'm in with Uncle Paule


10-23-2008, 08:34 PM
count me in. team young gun ;)


Capt. Jerry P
10-23-2008, 08:34 PM
A trip with Capt Kenny:D Nice!!!

Im in with MONO................

Mugging skating and little competition.


10-23-2008, 08:37 PM
i,m in

sharping my hooks, elbows and boots!!!:cool:

eh...what does P.U.O.S.U stand for?:confused:


10-23-2008, 08:40 PM
I'm in too,mike


Life's A Beach
10-23-2008, 08:41 PM
FinS Bob and Stelios


No one may sign up for another; no exemptions!

Trying to keep it fair and open to the board members; those that contribute to the site.

10-23-2008, 08:46 PM
i,m in

sharping my hooks, elbows and boots!!!:cool:

eh...what does P.U.O.S.U stand for?:confused:

Put Up Or Shut Up

After looking at the whale in Stellie's arms and the beast hanging next to LAB I think I need a few more years of practice...

10-23-2008, 08:46 PM

25 is too many for blackfishing on the MIMI. Can we scale back to 20?


10-23-2008, 08:48 PM
Im in


Cheesehead Scott
10-23-2008, 08:55 PM
I'm in... Put Pete too...


broken bobber
10-23-2008, 08:58 PM
on second thought Mike..... I'm out.......

Cheesehead Scott
10-23-2008, 08:58 PM
Didn't read ur post Mike... I agree 25 is too many... I tried Pete!!!!

10-23-2008, 09:01 PM
Scotty's in, thanks Lab


Life's A Beach
10-23-2008, 09:04 PM
Just got off the phone with Kenny.

"those guys are used to me limiting my open trips to 20 guys. the boat handles 20 OR 25 fine but if it makes the difference to the guys, I'm ok with 20"


13 spots so far

10-23-2008, 09:05 PM
If you still don't believe the curse is gone, I'll back out Bobber.

10-23-2008, 09:12 PM
I didn't say she loves all of me.

It was just a suggestion. 25 or 35 - I'm in.

You're doing a fine job. Do you need me to put a little gold star on your next post?

Having fished the boat many many many times. 25 people will push guys up onto the bow - which is flared out a bit and not really easy to fish.

But again, IN

10-23-2008, 09:14 PM
I read the rules Mikey. You "no" Pete would usually just log in at Jess's house....but today is the one year anniv. of his pops passing and he is with his mom tonight.

Up to you and the group....and I didn't post that for any other reason but to tell it like it is.

10-23-2008, 09:15 PM
So, Do I call Kenny then for the spot?

My spot will be right next to two thirty packs as usual,


broken bobber
10-23-2008, 09:17 PM
If you still don't believe the curse is gone, I'll back out Bobber.

Enjoy the trip Big Cat..... NOTHING to do with you...... good luck... win the trophy

10-23-2008, 09:17 PM
If this is a Democracy then I vote Pete IN. Family first.

The Sinker Man
10-23-2008, 09:22 PM
put pete in...he's on here when he can be

broken bobber
10-23-2008, 09:27 PM
If this is a Democracy then I vote Pete IN. Family first.

Pete can have my spot.....

Life's A Beach
10-23-2008, 09:36 PM
it's NOT a democracy, it's a fishing charter

read the rules

10-23-2008, 09:40 PM
Lost count of how many are in but if there is room you can count me in.
Tight Lines,


10-23-2008, 09:54 PM
count me in, thanks


broken bobber
10-23-2008, 09:57 PM
ha ha ha.... cant get any better now.............. I think i smell shrimp ????

River Rat
10-23-2008, 10:11 PM
I'm in


10-23-2008, 10:15 PM
count me in please


10-23-2008, 10:17 PM
I'm in
Jim, Can't wait to see and fish with you........Now my two favorite guys will be fishing with me, and I can get some of the best blackfishing lessons going....

shrimpman steve
10-23-2008, 10:44 PM
the shrimpman wouldn't miss it for the world! I'm in!!!!!!!

I love Kenny and Chris! I feel like it's my home Field!


shrimpman steve
10-23-2008, 10:49 PM
LAB please let me know if I made it in time!


10-23-2008, 10:56 PM
uncle paulie no no how to writa in american plus he's fishing 24/7 sabateur would love in if you would bend a little plus whose gonna feed me:D :D :D

10-23-2008, 10:58 PM
uncle paulie no no how to writa in american plus he's fishing 24/7 sabateur would love in if you would bend a little plus whose gonna feed me:D :D :D
Don't worry about food I will help you out....

Padiwan "Robin"
10-23-2008, 11:00 PM
Padiwan robin is in.


Padiwan "Robin"
10-23-2008, 11:03 PM
please let me know also if i made the cut

Capt. Jerry P
10-23-2008, 11:10 PM
uncle paulie no no how to writa in american plus he's fishing 24/7 sabateur would love in if you would bend a little plus whose gonna feed me:D :D :D


shrimpman steve
10-23-2008, 11:10 PM
Talk about an all star tournement!!!!! I hope I made it in time! fished with some of you will be nice to fish with all of you!

shrimpman steve

10-23-2008, 11:19 PM
How about some team against team action?

I'll take Jerry, the big man and Toggytime?

100 bucks a team?

10-23-2008, 11:25 PM

Count me in. Let me know if I made the cut. Otherwise put me on the waiting list. Regardless of wheather or good bite or not. It will be funn fishing with you guys.



shrimpman steve
10-23-2008, 11:38 PM
i,m in

sharping my hooks, elbows and boots!!!:cool:

eh...what does P.U.O.S.U stand for?:confused:



will you still follow me around with a wash bucket:D

it will be nice to fish with you, with you not having to work!


10-23-2008, 11:45 PM
I am in ....still going to try for Sat in Cape May, but a definite for Sunday the 4TH, with a definite homade rod advantage :cool:


10-23-2008, 11:45 PM
i,m in

sharping my hooks, elbows and boots!!!:cool:

eh...what does P.U.O.S.U stand for?:confused:

Put Up Or Shut Up PUOSU

10-23-2008, 11:50 PM
I'm in !!!!;)

10-23-2008, 11:52 PM

Let me know if there is room.


10-24-2008, 12:22 AM
How about some team against team action?

I'll take Jerry, the big man and Toggytime?

100 bucks a team?
if Pete makes it in im sure "the UBers" 1,2 3, and 3.5 will take u up on that bet (thats pb&jj, boston pete ,fin s,and cheesehead scott in numerical order)

10-24-2008, 02:27 AM
im PRETTY pumped for this. im down in SC for college, but work on a NS while im home. he's kinda known for this blackfishing thing. Maybe a kid thats not even old enough to drink will show you guys a few things. just kidding but it should be a GOOD TIME :D :D

10-24-2008, 06:40 AM
Put me on the waiting list please.


10-24-2008, 10:06 AM
Waiting list please!


Life's A Beach
10-24-2008, 10:39 AM

No Boston Pete post?

ALS Mako
10-24-2008, 10:56 AM
mike, put me down for the waiting list. i definatly want in on this


10-24-2008, 11:06 AM
He obviously wanted to...but was at his moms last night, and stayed there overnight. Took today off from work, and its a good thing. Have you seen the market?


10-24-2008, 11:10 AM
Have you seen the market?

Heard it was down @ 420 points at 9:30.

But I digress, unfortunately, I can't make it that day as I'll probably be down in NC visiting my sister. Would be worth going just to partake in all the ball bustin'.

cool hand fluke
10-24-2008, 11:23 AM

Please add me to waiting list. Thanks Al


bunker dunker
10-24-2008, 11:39 AM
Lab Please Add Me To The Waiting List


10-24-2008, 12:01 PM
Definitely should have someone film this event. The highlights of just the boarding and skating would be worth showing on Sports Center.

10-24-2008, 12:37 PM
Back from Tampa with a headache from those damn cowbells and a little baseball and I see a filled trip already.:(

Looks like some quality entertainment on this trip with the lineup. Worthy the price of admission for sure. Hope ya all settle on the motherload!

10-24-2008, 01:45 PM
Its should be a fun trip. Looking forward to fishing with everyone. Team competition even more interesting Im in.
Tight Lines and good luck to all

10-24-2008, 02:13 PM
Thank god a Sunday I can go!!!!



10-24-2008, 03:21 PM
Lab, Don't look up in the Sky

10-24-2008, 06:31 PM
I'd like to get on the waiting list for the tog event.



Boston Pete
10-24-2008, 06:48 PM
Thanks fellas...much appreciated.....

No worries Mike....totally understand.

Put me down on the waiting list.


white cap
10-24-2008, 07:53 PM
Just got back from my cruise to Hawaii. Will post report later. Please put me on the waiting list or the second event. You should have a shoot out of the top 50 guys in 2 trips.

White Cap


Life's A Beach
10-24-2008, 09:38 PM
The House has set the opening odds. "Come on Lord, love me hate me.......just show me you're there"

As always..........I will report the truth, the whole truth and nothing like OPPS BUT the truth. and to those that disagree with the odds......."you can't handle the truth"

Opening Odds:

1.The Chalk, The Favorite, The One to Gun For. He's probably the youngest guy on the trip. He can't see over the rail. He doesn't have a 19# or an 18# to his credit. He'll fish with mono on a bi-centennial jigmaster that makes more noise than a newell on a rod that cracks when he swings. He'll sneak into the smallest spot between 2 fishermen and steal the Pool Fish. He'll be using more lead than he can lift over his head and will be fishing with the biggest crabs you've ever seen. He doesn't eat but lives on butts and cawfy. 2 to 5 !
2.He only fishes “half day”. He'll steal your lunch then choke on it. I've seen him THIS CLOSE to tears on a charter last year (yeah Labby can take you out of your game baby). He'll crush your hands for a free Cluck U dinner. He WON'T have his Saboteur with him to tangle up the competition. He's the Dave Kingman of blackfishing; he'll strike out three times stranding 5 runners but hit the game winning home run in the bottom of the ninth. He'll whine and cry and bitch but at the END OF THE DAY, don't bet against him. Even Money
3.Most of you may not know him but I do. He's a fishing lunatic and hard core. He'll be comfortable on the Mimi with Captain Kenny. Don't let the odds go to your head Noodle Rod Tommy. 2 to 1
4.He's been on a real downslide for AWHILE. He whines like a little girl when he ain't catching but has da skillz to pull this one out. Tiny Tim aka Black Cat. 2 to 1
5.He lost his edge this year after putting a diamond (not jig) on a finger but he's proven he can pull with the big dawgs. Caught and released a 15#er last year. Just don't let him clean YOUR fish after a brew or two. Cheesehead Scott goes off (and he does, right PBJ?) at........ 3 to 1
6.You can call him Bobby Brown, Booby, The Lawn Doctor or FinS Bob. Just call him. He's come along way from njfishing.com's pretty boy with the carthardts and the $200 sunglasses. (hell, how many wives ago was that Bob?) But this is for all the marbles and I'm not sure he can keep up; Andre outfished him?! 10 to 1
7.PB&J. Here's the TRUTH IN REPORTING. He's been riding Boston Pete, Cheesehead Scott and FinS Bob's coattails long enuf. They bailed his big mouth out last year on Miss Beach Haven. Barry and David Goldman bailed him out up here last year. He foul hooked ONE lousy keeper fluke all year and ruined THAT catch by having the pic taken with his shirt off. He too is a whiner/cryer; don't smoke upwind of him and PLEASE, PLEASE don't expect him to clean the boat. He'll steal your filets and smile while doing it. He got kicked out of Brooklyn and was told by the Union Beach Chamber of Commerce he was NOT welcome to buy in that town. Residing in Keansburg but using Boston Pete's address as HIS mailing address.........he's our very own Peanut Butter and Jelly John. 50 to 1
8.He's got 3 degrees and has an IQ in the 160s but I keep hearing “we're counting cards” whenever I'm with him. He can be found fishing all over the eastern seaboard, trying for his personal bests OR using a bunker snag in the canal trying to get his fishing poles back. The nicest guy you'll ever meet (sorta like me, no?). He's Da Perfesser aka Scotty. 99 to 1
9.Fire Chicken.....Top Gun fishing team. College kid? Ha ha. The Sharpies will take this Youngun' to skool. Hey, I'm from Missouri....Show ME! 200 to 1
10.Reel Nauti. I like your style. Try deck boots with spurs......you'll clean the spot reel good that way. BUT you lose points for asking what PUOSU means when it was in my original post. was 30 to 1 but starts off at 40 to 1
11.Scungilli aka Baccala aka Dave. He'll be busy getting food for Stellie, getting crabs for Stellie and following Stellie around. I luv ya Dave but nice guys finish last. 100 to 1
12.Turfman. You're starting with two strikes. What we have here is Failure To Communicate; READ THE POST. And the 30 pack (see cheesehead scott's odds). If a “is anyone bringing whiteleggers?” was your question, your odds would have opened lower. 88 to 1
13.ToggyTime. OMG. With a name like that you BETTER bring your A game. Being a “nice guy” I'll start your odds at 101 to 1
14.El Raton. A proven puller in three states. “when you wake up you'll know you went too far” is still the best line going. 10 to 1
15.Scardino. HMMMMMMMM this one has The House worried. Not enough intel available, he's flying under my radar. But he DID use the magic word.....66.6 to 1
16.Padiwan Robin. You MUST explain the name to me. If it's not from a movie I've seen, I'm lost. “I don't know WHERE she's going but she'll be there by 10:30 tomorrow”. See Turfman's odds re: reading initial post. 127 to 1
17. Who WON'T be fishing with crabs? SMS will be strutting all day, catching nice 4#ers on his Cooked, Peeled and Deveined Shrimp but "Steakers" ain't winning this one. Bring the cocktail sauce for the ride in Steverino. 99 to 1
18.MVP, 260SEEVEE, Groovedog, MickRazz and Eamon round out the initial field. MVP we ain't with Grumpy. 260SEEVEE we ain't in Cape May.......You'll have to work for these fish. Groovie.......this ain't jigging for perch thru the ice. MickRazz will be picking up Da Perfesser's crumbs (again ha ha ha; I'm funny) and Eamon (fishing with the sharpies on BMH helps but this isn't a nice crowd) round out the current FIELD. Take 1 or take 'em all .............250 to 1 WOW

Life's A Beach
10-24-2008, 10:02 PM
was asked this question today and don't have an answer......

'how come many of the TRUE "sharpies" didn't sign up???

Bottom fishing experts?
Charter Studs?
Other Sharpies who's username have/had the words Blackfish, Tog et al in them?


maybe the trip just filled too quickly. Guess we'll have to pare off the weak, book another date and let the "others" have a shot at it?????

10-24-2008, 10:26 PM
Damn I am always late! Would say add me to the waitlist, but half the damn boat would have to drop. Stelli wanted a rematch right Jerry.

10-24-2008, 10:26 PM

250 to 1 WOW

been practicing a lot since Cape May, and will be till the designated day not to mention a few handicaps to legally allow for a better edge or swing :cool:

at 250 to 1 winner take all :D LOVE THE ODDS

a.k.a. BillyOutback
a.k.a. Bill H
a.k.a. Capt. Bill
a.k.a. Billy Blackfish

Life's A Beach
10-24-2008, 10:35 PM

Being friends with Uncle Fester COULD make your odds go UP!

Still remember the first day we met. You fished with HIM, You caught 90% of the fish, You cleaned the fish and You cleaned the boat. HE took the filets home!

As I remember, you took fileting lessons from Cheesehead Scott?????

u got more nicknames than the mob

10-24-2008, 10:53 PM
101-1 better then I thought I would get. Was it the fact that I fish with a 40 dollar reel and 50 lb mono, or maybe I am a rookie compared to a lot of you on the party boat scene. I would love to be able to learn a thing or to, but then again maybe I will have a lucky day.
Tight Lines

10-24-2008, 11:11 PM
Mike u friggin weasel how soon u 4get that this BBser handed u ur ass that fateful day, won the pool and U whined and bitched to any1 who wud listen(fell on deaf ears little buddy)Take ur little balls and put em where ur mouth is and fish next to me ur known as "1 and done " and id like nothin better than to hand u an ass beatin that most people here wanna see , unfortunately only 18 others are gonna witness it and bring cash termite! :mad:

Capt. Jerry P
10-24-2008, 11:41 PM
Somebody has to put up mikes odds

Mikey always has a one fish limit, unless in cape may or del maybe 3... Now he tries to use a sidewinder....not a pretty site:D He flukes with a tog stick and tog with a fluke stick. Maybe his will break out his 24in custom tog leaders. sorry pal fair is fair ball busting for all, your short scissors take so long to cut a crab you got no shot.its not the canal 250/1

tim, mickrazz, or noodle rod Favs in my book... And BBS always a big threat if the bite is in a non-smoking section...

10-25-2008, 12:15 AM
Somebody has to put up mikes odds

Mikey always has a one fish limit, unless in cape may or del maybe 3... Now he tries to use a sidewinder....not a pretty site:D He flukes with a tog stick and tog with a fluke stick. Maybe his will break out his 24in custom tog leaders. sorry pal fair is fair ball busting for all, your short scissors take so long to cut a crab you got no shot.its not the canal 250/1

tim, mickrazz, or noodle rod Favs in my book... And BBS always a big threat if the bite is in a non-smoking section...
thanx Jerry were in agreement ur certainly a threat urself (seen u in action on the Beanhead) and as for Mikes odds i think it falls in another category does he catch more than "the Lab limit" 500-1? :rolleyes:

10-25-2008, 01:38 AM
LAB...Since you didn't see fit to post a picture of me or my partner Scotty, I'll post one myself:p

shrimpman steve
10-25-2008, 02:40 AM
can I add up all my 4 pounders for a total of one fish?:p

game on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can't wait. I am sure we will all be in prime form by then.

What are the odds of capt. kenny breaking a rod, anyone ever see him smack the water when he misses a fish! It's ugly.

Capt. Jerry P
10-25-2008, 03:32 AM
another pic for scott

10-25-2008, 09:08 AM
I hate to miss it looks like I'm S O L on a spot?? Anyone drops out I'll take the spot.

10-25-2008, 09:21 AM
After thinking about it I like being the underdog. Nobody expects much out of you but if you get lucky its considered a shock. Now I am going to go through all my fisherman articles and read everything I can on how to catch blackfish and who knows "The sun even shines on a dogs a$$ sometimes"
Tight Lines

10-25-2008, 10:29 AM
Lab just doesn't know you Doug. If he did - your odds would be up there.

ToggyTime is the secret killer on this trip. Don't bet against him. He's old school mono, with a Hollywood rod.

No crazy double hook and snafu this and that. Again, if we're putting teams together - I'll take him. Bad odds and all.

10-25-2008, 10:54 AM
I left my competetive side a while ago. It is about the fun of fishing for me, and me against the fish, not the guy next to me. I leave the tournaments and the chest pounding to the Reel Sharpies.
Nice picture, maybe Blind Archer is interested. I think he has taken up a new hobbie, Archery.
Have Fun and good luck to all competitors. It should be interesting reading.

Life's A Beach
10-25-2008, 10:55 AM
Blah, Blah, Blah.

Toggytime taking the high road. Uncle Fester and Pugsley attacking Poor Innocent LAB.

I'll fish next to you Johnny B. Just don't whine like your little friend down in Cape May. (to Stellie) "You're a BULLY. A chain-smoking, snot-rocket, rod tip up my nose Bully". But know I'll have a carton of Parliment and my typical Irish Coal Miner Foul Mouth. Deal with it! and you KNOW that if we get any type of bite the "little man" will be between us in a nano-second.

The side-winder stays home; it's meat-stick time.

One and Done LAB has thrown down the gauntlet.

Match the pictures:

Who's who???

p.s. to PBJ........I'll bring some cheese for YOUR WHINE

Life's A Beach
10-25-2008, 11:09 AM
You guys are certainly gay with all your talk about TEAMS.

THIS is a PUT UP OR SHUT UP Challenge.

Mano v Mano

Keep the teams and patting each other on the effing back to a minimum; you're getting me sick. Why don't you get an effing room!! lol

Friendships are out the door. It's DOG EAT DOG. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF. (feel free to enter YOUR favorite cliche here).

It's not about ADDING UP WEIGHTS. This is a ONE AND DONE Tournament.

Yeah we'll have fun. Yeah we'll (well, maybe YOU guys will) catch fish. Hell new friendships might even sprout up (again, not with me. i have none and prefer it that way). HELL Tiny Tim may even catch fish AND not whine all day long (he CAN'T complain about the captain because Kenny is TOPS so he started out already whining about "how many").

Trip is in January:


Baccala can't go because it's snowing and he's gotta plow 10 to 1

Stellie can't go because he's gotta salt for Baccala 99 to 1

FinS Bob can't go because he's gotta shovel PBJ's driveway 50 to 1

I'm looking into setting up a December trip on a Sponsor Party Boat to warm up for this trip. It will NOT be a charter. You'll have to show up early to insure that we can all get on the boat. I'm thinking MBH; more later.

10-25-2008, 11:28 AM
Team, I don't need no stinking team and me complain about this Captain - never.

A lot of talk coming from a little guy who can only catch 'em with the Captain of the Burning Boat.

Have you ever caught a tog north of Barnegat Inlet?

Life's A Beach
10-25-2008, 11:49 AM
Only shorts in the canal.

I couldn't catch a goldfish in a bowl.

Is the Voyager north of Barnegat Inlet?

How about Skipper, BHM or OE. OR OE?

I'm a hack. I KNOW I'm a hack. I fish with guys that CAN catch fish just so I'll get some fish to take home (pity fish).

I LIVE in the land of "Lower Expectations". Hell, I define it.

10-25-2008, 11:56 AM
You bring your chinese restauranteur a fish like that and he'll let you sh!t in his wok.

Still funny.

10-25-2008, 08:56 PM
It seems very strange to me that of all the odds, three people are missing, River Rat Jim, , Ms. Gold myself and Hammer for Reel Dan, can't understand that since I saw Dan catch 17 keeper Tog on the Angler a few weeks ago. I guess the odd maker is afraid to call the odds on us. Me I can understand ( no love lost ) but the rest go figure????? Should be a lot of fun, maybe I will just take pictures and forget about the fishing....

10-25-2008, 09:18 PM
The "House" sets the odds.......gonna be interesting to see the odds on this one !!!

10-25-2008, 10:21 PM
LAB...Since you didn't see fit to post a picture of me or my partner Scotty, I'll post one myself:pwe were camera sluts that day;)

10-25-2008, 10:27 PM
I'm looking into setting up a December trip on a Sponsor Party Boat to warm up for this trip. It will NOT be a charter. You'll have to show up early to insure that we can all get on the boat. I'm thinking MBH; more later.
In :D see u there

10-26-2008, 04:26 PM
we were camera sluts that day;)

Remember this one :D


Life's A Beach
10-26-2008, 08:13 PM
Come on Dave Tats

That's a throw-back on Grumpy's boat!

10-26-2008, 08:33 PM
[QUOTE=msgold]It seems very strange to me that of all the odds, three people are missing, River Rat Jim, , Ms. Gold myself and Hammer for Reel Dan, can't understand that since I saw Dan catch 17 keeper Tog on the Angler a few weeks ago. I guess the odd maker is afraid to call the odds on us. Me I can understand ( no love lost ) but the rest go figure????? Should be a lot of fun, maybe I will just take pictures and forget about the fishing....[/QUO

Having no odds posted allows you to not be mugged until your pool fish is on ice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

River Rat
10-26-2008, 08:39 PM
It seems very strange to me that of all the odds, three people are missing, River Rat Jim, , Ms. Gold myself and Hammer for Reel Dan, ...

Sorry Baby Girl... I cant speak for Hammer or you but Mr. "Fence Shot" gave me 10 to 1 0dds... MUCH better than I expected.

Actually I'd say The HAMMER will represent & I just hope the white chins R in the mood for some gulps dat day. :D

Foul Hook
10-26-2008, 08:46 PM
10 pages to this thread and the trip is still 2 months away! Gerry this one might take down the server!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

Carol Ann
10-26-2008, 11:42 PM
Hey Mikr Put me on the list,,ttyl

10-27-2008, 01:06 AM
Not sure who Grumpy is but at 250 to 1 odds I will take individual side bets with anyone interested at those odds.


10-27-2008, 01:43 PM
was asked this question today and don't have an answer......

'how come many of the TRUE "sharpies" didn't sign up???

Bottom fishing experts?
Charter Studs?
Other Sharpies who's username have/had the words Blackfish, Tog et al in them?


maybe the trip just filled too quickly. Guess we'll have to pare off the weak, book another date and let the "others" have a shot at it?????

Trip was all booked by the time I saw it, not that I am a sharpie or pro, nor do I try to be. Just share what I know works for me.
Waiting on confirmation on when I am flying to Vegas for convention as it is for that week and the firm usually goes out there a few days before.
Prefer a lil more elbow room on a trip like this.

Excuses? No, just reasons.

Hope you all sink the boat with lots of tog:cool:

10-27-2008, 02:12 PM
127 - 1 odds are pretty good for me.

Who's running the calcutta? I gotta buy me.

For the record, I just want to go fishin; I'm not a great tog guy but do spend time at the rail. Plus I've never been on Kennys boat less than two thirties, I don't think he'll let me go without them.

I'm looking forward to this.

10-27-2008, 02:55 PM
I would record and edit this event if the weather looks to be ok.

Unfortunatly, the ocean and I don't always see eye to eye and she usually wins.

At the least I could lend ya'll a special clamp that could be used with any camera that can be attached to an upper rail to get some footage.

Let me know if there is an interest.

Good luck.

Life's A Beach
10-27-2008, 02:58 PM
Prefer a little more elbow room on a trip like this?

you and me 12/28, 30 peepz; same boat???????

10-27-2008, 04:02 PM
Prefer a little more elbow room on a trip like this?

you and me 12/28, 30 peepz; same boat???????

That trip will have more people interested in the buffet than in tog'n ;)

Didn't say I wouldn't prefer less on that trip either. That's my group TOGtogether trip for fun for the year. Can only handle that in limited doses as I am anti-social and like my room to tog.:D

Anyway, this trip is booked up and I don't do waiting lists.

Plus if anyone really wants to come and out tog me, I'm fairly easy to find. :p

10-27-2008, 04:12 PM
You bring your chinese restauranteur a fish like that and he'll let you sh!t in his wok.

This site is getting a little too PC.

"Hello, Mr. Chinese Restauranteur. I'd like to know if you would be willing to trade some General Tso's Chicken for some blackfish - uhhh, I mean tautog fish"?

Out Tog Gottog?
Say that 5 times fast.

shrimpman steve
10-27-2008, 05:32 PM
we may need an official referee for this trip, it's ugly already and we are two months away.

it's gonna be ugly, and I can't wait. I hope no one protests when I win the pool with my flash frozen shrimp:D


10-27-2008, 06:14 PM
So far out of the loop on things it seems:confused:


10-27-2008, 06:19 PM
Is there such a thing as excessive use of the smiley? Loop? I didn't even know that there was a loop.

Can we get an octagon setup at the NJF Christmas Party this year? There could be a few good matches.

"Love, don't hate"

10-27-2008, 07:03 PM
Is there such a thing as excessive use of the smiley? Loop? I didn't even know that there was a loop.

Can we get an octagon setup at the NJF Christmas Party this year? There could be a few good matches.

"Love, don't hate"
count me in can i pick my opponent(s)? mayb a tag team? ill take baby girl as my partner

10-27-2008, 07:07 PM

Life's A Beach
10-27-2008, 08:35 PM

Yeah, I agree with you. I'm going on that trip to match faces to names.

We would have loved to have you on this trip though. It's supposed to be for the TITLE!! There will be plenty of blackfish-egos on this trip.:p

Had alot of people get shut out. Mulling ideas over in my head about taking the TOP TEN weights from the 1/4/09 trip, booking another trip letting those TOP TEN TOGGERS in on the next trip then opening it up to the site for the next round of challengers?? :confused:

Anyway...........the deposit is paid and the trip is set. And sorry Tiny Tim but I decided on going with my initial instincts of 25 people. So if you're in that group........you're on the trip.

The $70 pays for the trip and the tip. The discussion will now begin concerning the Pool Amount. And I'm sure there will be discussion concerning obtaining bait. The boat supplies green crabs. Shrimpman Steve will be bringing 25# of 8-10 cooked shrimp for consumption above and beyond his bait, right Steve (jk). There is NO galley so bring alot of food because we'll be out all day.

10-27-2008, 08:35 PM
Something happened here.

Another great use of va-post-izer. Now you see it now you don't.

Can we start the food list for this trip?

I'll bring sour grapes.

Life's A Beach
10-27-2008, 08:45 PM

I had YOU down for whine!

Decided to let the thread about the FISHING TRIP try and keep some semblence of order. Not alot, just some.

10-27-2008, 08:51 PM
Do bigger shrimp catch bigger tog?

River Rat
10-27-2008, 09:07 PM
Something happened here.

Yeah... First the trip was 20 guys at $70 each..... now its 25 guys at $70 each???

Life's A Beach
10-27-2008, 09:07 PM
Young Tim

please expand your horizons and explore the thread that is saved in our very own BEST OF forum.

If you can't find your answer there please feel free to PM the Master of the Scampi himself and I'm sure he'll give you a timely and honest answer.

Life's A Beach
10-27-2008, 09:18 PM

#1 FIRST the trip was 25 guys at $70 each. I then changed it to 20 (read the thread from beginning and you'll see LastPortOfCall suggested that 25 was too many). After boarding the boat today (counted the rod holders, looked at the ample space between each holder and considering the disappointment of the 5 people who wouldn't make the cut @ 20 I made a FINAL decision to limit the trip to 25. The first 20 guys are included in the $1000 ($50 each). Each guy after that is $50 each. The tip is $20 per man. I hope this clears up your question in that regard. If it doesn't answer your questions, please feel free to PM or post any further questions. I hope this doesn't change your mind concerning fishing with us?? I'd be devastated if you didn't attend.

10-27-2008, 09:26 PM
Jim, I printed the entire thread because I knew it was coming. I could probably make a ton of money making copies of all this and selling them on line. lol

10-27-2008, 09:46 PM

#1 FIRST the trip was 25 guys at $70 each. I then changed it to 20 (read the thread from beginning and you'll see LastPortOfCall suggested that 25 was too many). After boarding the boat today (counted the rod holders, looked at the ample space between each holder and considering the disappointment of the 5 people who wouldn't make the cut @ 20 I made a FINAL decision to limit the trip to 25. The first 20 guys are included in the $1000 ($50 each). Each guy after that is $50 each. The tip is $20 per man. I hope this clears up your question in that regard. If it doesn't answer your questions, please feel free to PM or post any further questions. I hope this doesn't change your mind concerning fishing with us?? I'd be devastated if you didn't attend.
Jim, it almost sounds like you would not be missed, but you would be by a lot of us. It should be a blast.

shrimpman steve
10-27-2008, 10:14 PM
Do bigger shrimp catch bigger tog?

jumbo prawns catch nothing but double digit tog, I would put a smiley face here, but it would offend some(LOL)

shrimpman steve
10-27-2008, 10:27 PM
My suggestion for the pool, and it's only a suggestion is $20 per man. with 25 guys by my math thats 500 clams. any more than that and it's no longer friendly (although some would say it's not friendly already:)). anyway just a starting point i guess, any other opinions? of coarse the final decision will be the charter masters'.

Buy the way, heading to montauk for a charter on sunday, decided to leave a day earlier and check out the toggin out east. Yes another weekend in Montauk, let the comments begin!


10-28-2008, 07:07 AM

I hope this doesn't change your mind concerning fishing with us?? I'd be devastated if you didn't attend.

after reading some of your flip remarks on this thread and others, your devastation might be the motivating factor for a cancellation. you might want to re think the role of moderator before you post at times.....

RELAX, trip is on, the Mimi boat will hold all, food, drink and fish; even with chris aboard...

All, i can verify that LAB did visually inspect the Mimi, he was the subject of conversation between chris (mate of the mimi) and i while we washed boats yesterday!

shrimpman steve
10-28-2008, 08:14 AM
can't wait to see you and chris!!! although I will see both of you before then.


10-28-2008, 10:17 AM
after reading some of your flip remarks on this thread and others, your devastation might be the motivating factor for a cancellation. you might want to re think the role of moderator before you post at times.....

RELAX, trip is on, the Mimi boat will hold all, food, drink and fish; even with chris aboard...

All, i can verify that LAB did visually inspect the Mimi, he was the subject of conversation between chris (mate of the mimi) and i while we washed boats yesterday!

Flippent remarks and ball busting is part of what makes this site worth reading, it is when people decide to take things too seriously on an internet message board that things turn sour

The man organized and posted a charter, if you want to join him great, if not, also great, but score keeping of who fishes with who or who refuses to really has no relevence in a thread made to organize the trip

River Rat
10-28-2008, 10:44 AM
I in Labby ... no matter how many times you edit my posts. :rolleyes:

No bailing out & no welching here Bub.

10-28-2008, 11:35 AM
Where will the after party be?

$100.00 pool with ALL proceeds donated to a good "CHILDREN'S" Charity? Maybe something near and dear to one of our members.

10-28-2008, 12:04 PM
Hey Tim..are you hiring?

$100 pool (although for a good cause) is beating my already pummeled wallet.

I'm in for just some good fishing...with good peeps...and enough ball busting to go around for everyone! :D

Only 68 more days to go!


River Rat
10-28-2008, 12:24 PM
$100 pool.... dat's funny! ;)

10-28-2008, 02:11 PM
13 pages of pure enjoyment. Nothing like sitting at you're desk, eating a hot lunch, on a cold, rainy day reading what has the making of the next hit reality (comedy) show. The NJFishing PUOSU Fishing Challenge.

Each week a different boat and target species. With a cast of characters amply supplied by NJFishing forum members.:D

10-28-2008, 03:27 PM
Just a suggestion.

Fin Reaper
10-28-2008, 04:05 PM
I just hope when this is over there are a few tog left for us hacks :D

Looking forward to reading the post trip recap...if it's anything like the last 13 pages it will be a hoot!

Good luck to all but remember, there can be only one...

10-28-2008, 04:22 PM
Now Im intimidated!!!!!!!!!!

10-28-2008, 10:22 PM
another pic for scott
ahhh:D :D :D

10-28-2008, 10:23 PM
Remember this one :D

http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-8/1070650/tog12.JPGthat was some trip, we get that only 1X every four years ;)

white cap
10-29-2008, 07:54 PM
i hope i get on with all this i'am in i;am out and so on

01-02-2009, 06:33 PM
Being that we're only 1+ days away, I thought this thread should be reborn...

Looking forward to getting out with you guys on Sunday, I expect it to be a blast.

Some pix from last years NJF Tog trip in DE.

Life's A Beach
01-04-2009, 07:00 PM
Left the dock at 6:30 one shy; Turfman never showed or called?? PM me

Captain Kenny, Mates Ryan and Chris got everyone aboard and we headed north.

First drop took awhile to get any life going but it came around. Mick Razz FOREVER TO BE CALLED "BABY AL" got the Dollar Dollar Bill Yo fish and took an early lead in the pool with a 7.5#er!!! I tripled by Lab Limit for the day on this drop. After the third one, the sun disappeared as I got mugged by a couple middle linebackers. I lied and told them to toss in the wrong direction.

Kenny moved us around off Long Branch and Elberon from 60' to 30' but we never got a good bite going. Scott, Baby Al, Boston Pete, Cheesehead Scott and I braved the bow while others set up down the rail or in the stern.

It was a scratchy bite all day but FinS Bob nabbed a couple nice fish including an 8#er. Baby Al was high hook with 4. Stellie, FinS, Scotty and I had three; maybe more did too?

There was ample room to roam and many did but it never Turned On?

On the last drop, Pete was fishing up in the bow from me. He put his rod down and turned to get a crab. SOMEONE came over, moved his rod, dropped their own bait down and chin-hooked a 8.5#er. Nice Mugging Scotty!!!

Shrimpman Steve set up a $10 pool and we had the $5 pool. Up to this point, it was gonna be a split as FinS didn't go in the #10 pool.......but Scotty took 'em both.

Thanks to Shrimpman Steve's WIFE for making us a crock pot of tog chowdar.

All in all we had a good time, made new friends and caught some fish. The boat is spacious enough both inside and out.

Things I learned today:

Un-orthodox style but he's taken the last TWO blackfishing pools on site trips; Scott Kearny

Don't ever turn your back on him. He tossed out over the anchor line and got wrapped. He yanked and his 10oz Bank Sinker missed Baby Al's head by inches. Me and Pete saw it coming and ducked, just in time.

Tiny Tim aka Black Cat aka LastPortOfCall needs to stop holding his feeling in ROFLMFAO

Fire Chicken (name means he catches a lot of sea robins) is younger than my underwear but he's a nice guy.

Padiwan Robin (name is something from Star Wars and HE also catches a lot of sea robins)

Group Pics in AM
PB&J with his long lost twin
Cheesie, ToggyTime and Scotty
Scotty and Eamon

Life's A Beach
01-04-2009, 07:01 PM
more pics

Boston Pete and Scott
FinS protecting himself against flying sinkers
Bob and Baby Al


2 pics of subway cars heading down to DELAWARE; Where's Waldo in 2nd pic

Life's A Beach
01-04-2009, 07:05 PM
More Pictures

FinS Bob with his 8#
Baby Al with his 7.5#
Both of them
Scotty mugging Boston Pete AGAIN
Scotty, Pete and ToggyTime Doug (nice purple hat)

Life's A Beach
01-04-2009, 07:07 PM
and some more

Scotty, Pete and Doug
Out Back Billy and PB&J getting some NEEDED beauty rest on the way in
Shrimpman Steve with his cod
Stellie, FinS, Baby Al, Ryan
Eye Blinders Please

Foul Hook
01-04-2009, 07:46 PM
I know that bald guy! (on the left) Bobby Pick email me! Tony S, looking forward to Jan 19!

01-04-2009, 07:51 PM
I'm glad all went well.....all the planning...waiting....etc, etc.

Looks like great people, great time, great weather, great fishing......kudos for putting it ALL together LAB . !!

01-04-2009, 07:54 PM
Lab, thanks for doing team reporting for the very exclusive NJF Tog Charter! Hats off and well done:D .

Although the initial report is that it was slow, I think there was a decent bite, just took a little work (or muscle, or sneakery) to get going.

It was a little rough up there in the bow, and I'm not talking about the ride :p With Mickrazz's defense in response to the appropriate length of his "$1 fish" to Lab threatening everyone with his high hook claim right to the end, to my jettison "photon torpedo (catch the Star Trek robbery)" sinker, to multiple questions abuit the age of someon'e Wigwam, to a new no smoking bow policy, to a good natured mugging in the bow for the all improtant number 1 spot, to the reverse and lastly some nasty fat tog lady not allowing my Newell 229 to reel her up, this was no place for children:eek:

Lots of good ball busting and a super high five out to Boston Pete for being a super sport :cool: after all of the afternoon events. Also thanks to that fat lady tog that will be there to fight another day.

I'm also really glad that nobody got hit by that sinker. Next time, I'll yell duck...

shrimpman steve
01-04-2009, 08:14 PM
Great meeting many new faces today. Although the fishing was slow, the company was great!

Things I learned today:

LAB is a nice guy (as long as he's not moderating:D )
Steli is as nice as he is big!
a seven pound cod feels like a double digit tog!
one crockpot of chowder is NOT enough for this crew!
that I actually know toggytime in real life (its a small world)
where the OB diner is.

Fun day with lackluster fishing. I had 8 shorts, one keeper, and a cod. As Usual Capt. Kenny, chris, and today Ryan, were great!

I can see this trip selling out quickly next year. I reserve my spot, no matter what the date!

LAB, thanks for putting together such a nice trip.


01-04-2009, 08:18 PM
Thanks to LAB for putting this together and special thanks for warning me about flying sinkers...Thats twice Scotty...the third time and I punch you square in the nose:)

The Chowder was outstanding Steve, as was your company.

Don't ever let me hear talk that Boston Pete has soft hands that only count money...the guy made MY hands numb just watching him with no gloves on in the bow all day.
Pete...that was by FAR the worst mugging that I ever witnessed..YOU should have punched him in the nose.

They don't come much better that Fin-S-Bob, as a fisherman and an all around nice guy. The bucket on the head was priceless.

I shook Stellie's hand as we were leaving the boat...LAB, I won't be arm wrestling him anytime soon:eek:

Ed, for a liberal you're ok...;) I hope you retained what I showed you today. I'm gonna test you on knot tying the next time I see you.

Scotty...what can I say brother...you're the best. If you ever actually HIT me with a sinker I'm gonna punch you in the nose after I wake up.

The trip was outstanding because the PEOPLE were outstanding, Captain and mates included. It was my pleasure meeting and fishing with all of you.

01-04-2009, 08:29 PM
Lab - Nice job organizing this event - :D

Though very humbled :o after today - 1 - short on a very scratcy bite had a great time. good seeing a lot of familiar faces and meeting new ones.

There was a lot of talent on this boat today ! too bad the fish new better.

As usual the Capt and crew were great.

01-04-2009, 08:48 PM
After 2 days of getting up at 3:20 (Cape May yesterday) and feeling like I've been hit with a dump truck, I'll have to keep this short and sweet...then eat dinner!

Bite was tough today with a lot of scratch with no commitment and I felt ok with going 3 for 5 on legit bites. Brutally cold in the morning, but warmed up nice for the afternoon bite.....? :rolleyes:

Too many people to say I had the pleasure to fish with today, but big up's to Scott for dashing my hopes for internet glory. Haha! Nice fish dude. McRazz with the line of the day. "This spot's got c*ck!" Had to be in the elements and mood to appreciate it.

Nice work setting this up Mike, and glad we got to eat like "gentlemen" in the morning. Wouldn't have missed it....obviously! +20# since U.B.


cool hand fluke
01-04-2009, 08:52 PM
What a great group of guys!

Tiny Tim and LAB had me in stitches all day! Thanks to all for making this a VERY enjoyable day!

LAB - thanks again for setting this up!

I really enjoyed meeting and reaquainting with great fishermen and even nicer people!


01-04-2009, 09:00 PM
Say it. Someone just say it.

The fishing sucked today. The bite has slowed in an area that had been producing well since the Jersey season opened, but today it appeared that the inshore 35' IS OVER.

Captain and crew worked hard. I had a good time meeting everyone.

Things I learned today.

SMS sounds exactly like someone famous - I'm just not sure who it is yet.

Thanks Lab for putting it together.

Viva El Gato Negro 2009

01-04-2009, 09:20 PM
Sounds like a blast boys!! Fishing in the land of giants was better, but not much. Thanks to all involved(Jerry,LAB,Stellie,bobber) for the hookup.

Capt. Grumpy doesnt deserve weekend business(he's too busy protecting his numbers to anchor up anywhere)!!!

Tuna Tales
01-04-2009, 09:27 PM
Nice job guys...looks like A LOT OF FUN!!

Way to go...

Joe T.

01-04-2009, 09:43 PM
thanx again for the invite Mike and the unflatterin comments/pixs (friggin head was cold) Nice bunch of guys (misssed my Baby Girl) Had a tuff time with the bite so Labby allow myself to redeem myself come on out this weekend whattya think me, u, and baby girl on the SS Beanhead? i must be exhausted but id do it again yawnnnnnn

01-04-2009, 10:42 PM
What, no mention of the dog??? What he do, I'm curious??? :rolleyes:

Mike, you always like that at 5AM? Like shot out of cannon!! "2 speeds, slow and stop" That 7-11 dude will stab you one day!!!!

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 06:42 AM
Didn't fish by Groovey all day (I fished QUIETLY in the bow) so I can't say if he caught on his Hi=Lo, straight to braid rig but I'm PROUD to accept him into Team LAB as our newest member!!!!

That's Tommy @ 7/11........you should see me and Dave (normal overnight guy) go at it!

Boston Pete
01-05-2009, 10:26 AM
OK Tim...fishing sucked. That said I had a great time, couldn't ask to fish with nicer/better people. Great seeing old faces and meeting new ones.

As said before the bow was pure evil.... in the morning especially the dark side...and in the afternoon with the muggin, worse than walking thru Bed Stuy at midnight.:eek:

Great meeting/fishing with MickRazz & Doug you guys are great fisherman & people....will definitely love to fish with youse again.

What can I say about Scotty, you gotta love this guy...but he's not the same nice guy since he started fishin with LAB...congrats on the pool winning fish and for releasing her...motha pharka:p .

Again great time and great people. Thanks for the invite Mike.

Capt. Jerry P
01-05-2009, 11:18 AM
Wow sounds sorry i missed out sounds like everyone had a good time, couldnt get off in del.

WTG scotty you been on a some tog tear:D exciting finish i heard:D King of Both sites.

Petah Crabs in pockets man!!!

Wayne said it was a great time with everyone.

Nice job putting it together Mikey

01-05-2009, 01:55 PM
A great time and thank you Mike for putting this together

Capt and crew were great!...good to see you Kenny, it's been a few years....Chris I always loved fishing with your Dad and it's a pleasure to get to know you

Shrimpman the Chowda was outstanding

Things I learned:

I now get why I was 250 to one

Scotty has this "aw shucks" manner as he puts the pool $ into his pocket trip after trip

Lab needs a mute button

MickRazz....great to meet you, I made a donation to the ACLU in your name...I'll see you at the next "Al Sharpton Fan Club" meeting

Boston Pete is funny as hell

getting on and off the boat Stellie moves with a speed that can be only descibed as Glacial but if he sees you get a fish he's in front of you quicker than Jesse Owens

I'm looking forward to the Voyager trip and hope a lot of you guys are on it....I'll be bringing the Irish soda bread


01-05-2009, 01:56 PM
Fishing Sucked.

It was effing cold.

I drove 90 mph home to avoid getting killed by my wife after getting in at 4:15 and I told her I'd be back by 4:30.


Shrimpman's Chowdah was on the money...

It was a great day with a good bunch of guys. The crew was great. Ryan was really helpful with rigs etc...

btw I can snell a hook and tie a dropper loop unlike some others. I fished next to Wayne all day and it was a rough bite....

Lotsa nibbles, no real bites. Capt worked hard.

Groovedog = 2 shorts

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 04:20 PM

He may NOT be able to tie a good dropper loop but he won both pools!

01-05-2009, 04:26 PM
LAB great trip, I can honestly say that I was really impressed with the quality of fisherman on board. If the guys on that boat couldnt catch fish especially with all the crabs on board I dont think a dragger would have done much better. Great meeting and fishing with everyone. I can see from everyones response that I should have tried Shrimpmans chower maybe some day I will learn to eat fish but in the mean time I will stick with pizza. By the way LAB I didnt think a grown man would wear a hat with a tassel, but I have been wrong before. Definitely looking forward to fishing with all of you again and hopefully the fish will bite a little better.
Tight Lines

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 04:32 PM
Grown Man?

Dude, You seen AND heard me...............I ain't grown.

Everytime I turned around you had a slice of pizza in your gullet.

I also wish the fishing was better.........I fished the same boat both days this weekend. I've fished with Kenny for years (voyager and mimi) and he's usually put us on Da Meat. There just weren't many bites on the inshore pieces we fished.

That said; I can't wait to get out again and have at 'em.

Now give your daughter back her hat!!!

ps to Cheesehead Scott.........Dude those 'roids are workin' wonders! roflmfao

shrimpman steve
01-05-2009, 06:50 PM
thanks for the kudos on the chowder! I guess it was worth standing in the kitchen for a couple of hours! I reposted the recipe on the correct forum for those of you that PM'ed me.

Once again I would like to say it was a real pleasure meeting everyone.

see you on the water


Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 06:53 PM
thanks for the kudos on the chowder! I guess it was worth standing in the kitchen for a couple of hours!

Once again I would like to say it was a real pleasure meeting everyone.

see you on the water



1. The chowder cooks itself; once you've done the prep
2. We ALL know MrsShrimp made the chowder

ps Kenny sailed SOUTH today. Conditions like a LAKE (not enuf wind) but they caught and had bigger fish down there.

I WONDER if there's interest in another Mimi blackfish trip this month?????

01-05-2009, 07:00 PM
I'm in

shrimpman steve
01-05-2009, 07:01 PM

1. The chowder cooks itself; once you've done the prep
2. We ALL know MrsShrimp made the chowder

ps Kenny sailed SOUTH today. Conditions like a LAKE (not enuf wind) but they caught and had bigger fish down there.

I WONDER if there's interest in another Mimi blackfish trip this month?????
1) Doesn't everything cook itself once you've done the prep work?
2) I love my wife, but she can burn pasta, trust me I made the chowder.
3) Count me in on another trip!

thanks again for setting up the PUOSU trip, a good time was had by all regardless of the fishing!

01-05-2009, 07:12 PM
I WONDER if there's interest in another Mimi blackfish trip this month?????
yes, there is interest :D :D :D

recommend sooner as opposed to later in January

also recommend Kenny turn right out of the Manasquan Inlet, IMHO

01-05-2009, 07:17 PM
Lab needs a mute button

MickRazz....great to meet you, I made a donation to the ACLU in your name...I'll see you at the next "Al Sharpton Fan Club" meeting

ow, OW

ed koch does not equal al sharpton

i know you are kidding, but i feel really bad that democrats have to be associated with the likes of al and nancy pelosi and the hundreds of other libs that want nothing more than to destroy our country

my $.02

01-05-2009, 07:17 PM
I'm in.

Eamon aka 250

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 07:18 PM
Kenny told his fares as they were leaving the dock today that they WILL BE sailing south for the rest of the season.

He's lethal on Barnegat, GSN and GSS

01-05-2009, 07:19 PM
Sign me up as well. Its a longer ride might have to bring two pizza pies.

01-05-2009, 07:19 PM
Sign me up as well. Its a longer ride might have to bring two pizza pies.

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 07:21 PM
I'm in.

Eamon aka 250

how many keepers did you have yesterday?

You ain't going DOWN to 250 again

Scotty..............EASY on the political discussion in a fishing report. Stick to what you do best:

1. Catch Tog
2. Win pools
3. Swing bank sinkers

01-05-2009, 07:25 PM
I'm in..if I'm not in I'll punch you in the nose.

01-05-2009, 07:26 PM
Grown Man?

Dude, You seen AND heard me...............I ain't grown.

Everytime I turned around you had a slice of pizza in your gullet.

I also wish the fishing was better.........I fished the same boat both days this weekend. I've fished with Kenny for years (voyager and mimi) and he's usually put us on Da Meat. There just weren't many bites on the inshore pieces we fished.

That said; I can't wait to get out again and have at 'em.

Now give your daughter back her hat!!!

ps to Cheesehead Scott.........Dude those 'roids are workin' wonders! roflmfaoDamm Lab, you gotta put the Canon down when people are shoving food in their face while the mates are anchoring the boat :(

Toggytime did put away some slices:p though...

Cool Brewroom pic

Great tog chowder AND smoked tog, I think my weekly tog dinners can easily increaase from 1 to 3 after this weekend :)

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 07:31 PM
Boston Pete told me that he had a BLAST fishing with the "bow crew"!!!

He wants to know what you're "axin'" for that 1972 Flyers capt with the bon bon on top???

And what was up with Pete??????? No gloves and fishing in the bow?? What happened to SkinSoSoft Petey?????

01-05-2009, 07:33 PM
how many keepers did you have yesterday?

You ain't going DOWN to 250 again

Scotty..............EASY on the political discussion in a fishing report. Stick to what you do best:

1. Catch Tog
2. Win pools
3. Swing bank sinkersi must apologize, this is a fishing thread

must defend Mickrazz though, especially when there is discussion of our split pools and ACLU donations :mad:

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 07:39 PM
Hey BABY AL ?????????????

I thunk u said i was gonna get inducted in to the HRUs????????????:confused:

A Saturday or a Sunday??

with Kenny sailing south you KNOW he ain't gettin' back til 4:30 earliest

Scooter...........i got YOUR bait for the next trip; just cleaned out my dryer lint collector and came up with a dozen crab claws from YOUR green jacket. and Lady Di wants to know why the house stinks like fish/crabs

01-05-2009, 07:45 PM
Boston Pete told me that he had a BLAST fishing with the "bow crew"!!!

He wants to know what you're "axin'" for that 1972 Flyers capt with the bon bon on top???

And what was up with Pete??????? No gloves and fishing in the bow?? What happened to SkinSoSoft Petey?????

01-05-2009, 07:46 PM
$5Mif he's a Devils fan, make it 10M

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 07:46 PM
fair price. NO he's an Islander Fan. Remember when they played NHL level hockey?????? (me neither)

ask Baby Al where HIS HAT IS??????

last seen flying off his head 1 mile off Sea Girt

01-05-2009, 07:48 PM
Sat is better but I don't care. So what if I'm a wreck for work on monday:eek:

Tony "Snaps" is in...please..

01-05-2009, 07:52 PM

He may NOT be able to tie a good dropper loop but he won both pools!


01-05-2009, 07:54 PM
fair price

ask Baby Al where HIS HAT IS??????

last seen flying off his head 1 mile off Sea Girtmaybe it will make it down to longport, but if the s-cat can find it, i'd have to laugh

01-05-2009, 07:55 PM
i caught the mickrazz ring finger technique and will improve


01-05-2009, 07:59 PM
fair price

ask Baby Al where HIS HAT IS??????

last seen flying off his head 1 mile off Sea Girt

Ok...even though you bust my cajones unmercifully, you will officially be inducted into the elite, prestigious well know group of
toggermen known as club "HRU" on our next trip. There are no dues or secret handshakes. There ARE a few rules that are understood without any member ever asking once sworn in.

#1. All pools are split between all members fishing on the same boat that day.

#2. All fish are divided up among all members fishing on the same boat that day.

#3. Any member that does not comply with our two simple rules will be banned from our group and will receive a punch in the nose by yours truly.:)

You owe me a Stray Cat hat...:p

01-05-2009, 08:08 PM
Hey BABY AL ?????????????

I thunk u said i was gonna get inducted in to the HRUs????????????:confused:

A Saturday or a Sunday??

with Kenny sailing south you KNOW he ain't gettin' back til 4:30 earliest

Scooter...........i got YOUR bait for the next trip; just cleaned out my dryer lint collector and came up with a dozen crab claws from YOUR green jacket. and Lady Di wants to know why the house stinks like fish/crabsi knew it was a setup, never ever wash another man's jacket:eek:

lab, i will propose you as the #7 HRU memeber, as you are a hack and will definetly fit in. need to pass it by the rest of the HRUs...

buuuut, if there's only a 6 pack option, your are #7 (which is worse than a daughter without a date to the prom)

01-05-2009, 08:08 PM
Raz, Scotty....check ur PMs

cool hand fluke
01-05-2009, 08:25 PM
LAB - count me in if there's a next trip - thanks


01-05-2009, 08:48 PM
A great time and thank you Mike for putting this together

Lab needs a mute button

MickRazz....great to meet you, I made a donation to the ACLU in your name...I'll see you at the next "Al Sharpton Fan Club" meeting

Boston Pete is funny as hell

getting on and off the boat Stellie moves with a speed that can be only descibed as Glacial but if he sees you get a fish he's in front of you quicker than Jesse Owens

I'm looking forward to the Voyager trip and hope a lot of you guys are on it....I'll be bringing the Irish soda bread

Eamonsorry for the smackdown

some very appropriate chatter

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 09:15 PM
Saturday the 24th

Dunno what the playoff schedule is (I'm thinking the 24/25 weekend is the off weekend between Conference Champions and Super Bowl?? Plus Mark/Quanman's VOYAGER off shore trip is 16th-17th and I don't think Eamon is ready for that type of a doubleheader?? That would be like dating Jane Fonda and Barbara Streisand back to back nights (still funny ovah here). I also think Boston Pete is in De that weekend and he wouldn't wanna miss fishing with his new friends Scooter and Baby Al!

Let me hear from ya.

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 09:17 PM

Can we change Scott from "Ambassador" to "Tog King"?

Life's A Beach
01-05-2009, 09:20 PM
Preliminary List -

Cool Hand Fluke/Al
Baby Al
Tony Snaps
Smoky Joe/Tom
Dave Tats
Boston Pete
Tiny Tim
ALS Mako/Steve
Greg Vongus


01-05-2009, 09:33 PM
LAB, thanks for setting this trip up had a great time watching you and the crew up front. Lots of laughs!! Would def be interested in another trip. Always good to see some familiar faces and meet new people from the board.


01-05-2009, 09:57 PM
Babs and Jane? I'm good!!!

01-05-2009, 09:59 PM

Can we change Scott from "Ambassador" to "Tog King"?
your too kind, LAB

01-05-2009, 10:52 PM

Can we change Scott from "Ambassador" to "Tog King"?

His head is big enough... dammit LAB... now he's gonna walk around with his chest all stuck out and not pay any attention to us mere mortals...He's gonna expect US to bring the pies...every boat he goes on will have a rod placed at the bow the night before...free white leggers...I think he might make ME cut his crabs for him and bait his hooks...

01-05-2009, 10:57 PM
Saturday the 17th is chartered.

Sunday the 18th
Saturday the 24th or Sunday the 25th

Dunno what the playoff schedule is (I'm thinking the 24/25 weekend is the off weekend between Conference Champions and Super Bowl?? Plus Mark/Quanman's VOYAGER off shore trip is 16th-17th and I don't think Eamon is ready for that type of a doubleheader?? That would be like dating Jane Fonda and Barbara Streisand back to back nights (still funny ovah here). I also think Boston Pete is in De that weekend and he wouldn't wanna miss fishing with his new friends Scooter and Baby Al!

Let me hear from ya.

EFF the playoffs...you wanna watch football or fish?

Any day is good for me. Any night is good for me. The crack of dawn isn't safe when I'm around....:D

01-05-2009, 10:58 PM
nice fishing with all of you old men. i would deffinately be in for another trip, but ill probably be back at college with a bunch of YOUNG, smokin-hot girls. :D

i had 1 keeper ;)

01-05-2009, 11:04 PM
Looks like a hell of a time had by all, that's what it's all about!

01-06-2009, 06:39 AM
I put fishing before football, actually I put just about anything in front of football so count me in on any of them dates.
Tight Lines

01-06-2009, 07:37 AM
DaveTats is in as long as its not the 17th.

01-06-2009, 07:44 AM
His head is big enough... dammit LAB... now he's gonna walk around with his chest all stuck out and not pay any attention to us mere mortals...He's gonna expect US to bring the pies...every boat he goes on will have a rod placed at the bow the night before...free white leggers...I think he might make ME cut his crabs for him and bait his hooks...
you forgot the task of building life up to have the pool fish's juices flowing - just in time for that whitelegger that was just cut/trimmed for me. LOL if you need lessons, i'm sure boston pete can help

Reel Class
01-06-2009, 07:53 AM
Scott nice fish

01-06-2009, 09:59 AM
I'd be interested in the 24-25 weekend Mikey.

Weekend before we are sailing with K.S. to the South. Hope he realizes the importance of "repeat customers" and puts us into fish.

Keep me posted.


Boston Pete
01-06-2009, 10:39 AM
LAB....I'm in on any blackfish trip you put together.

eff you Scotty....:p

Boston Pete
01-06-2009, 10:40 AM
I'm in....

01-06-2009, 10:41 AM
Pete and fin-s...check PM's

01-06-2009, 11:20 AM
In, except for the 17th.

01-06-2009, 11:49 AM
Scott nice fishThanks Allen,
wish i had my drag set right before that fish, almost lost her

ALS Mako
01-06-2009, 11:51 AM
mike, count me in- had to back out of the 4th due to daughters birthday, weekend of the 24/25 looks good for now- until the wife finds out.;)

01-06-2009, 12:48 PM
im in for the 24th & 25th
let me know how many will be on the trip
pulled pork and beef brisket sandwichs

and our famous banana pudding !:D

Only Joking...........

thanks tom

Life's A Beach
01-06-2009, 01:31 PM
Saturday 1/24

Called and left message for that date; will post when I get confirmation.

22 fares

I'll check if rate is different and post cost. Last trip was $70, tip inclusive.

I will be running the Dollar Dollar Bill Yo $1 Pool. Ryan or Chris will run the boat pool (probably $10).

01-06-2009, 01:48 PM
Can I be 19 and jigamafish 20?

01-06-2009, 02:18 PM
Thanks Tony!!! I'm on business, so I didnt know if I could log on or not,but if you need verbal confirmation from everyone Mike, I'm in.

01-06-2009, 02:44 PM
In for the 24th.

Life's A Beach
01-06-2009, 03:14 PM

Cool Hand Fluke/Al
Baby Al
Tony Snaps
Smoky Joe/Tom
Dave Tats
Boston Pete
Tiny Tim
ALS Mako/Steve
Greg Vongus

Waiting List:

Cheesehead Scott (PM 9:23 am 1/7)
Quanman/Mark (posted 12:29 pm 1/7)
Johnny Tomatoes

Life's A Beach
01-06-2009, 03:25 PM
Just got off the phone with Kenny and we have Saturday 1/24

(He sailed with 8 guys today and was headed back in @ 2pm...Limited out before noon then culled; 5 or 6 fish over 10#)


Fare, tip and Dollar Yo Pool = $80 (slightly higher for "southern trips"!

Whiteleggers - $5 more; you do NOT have to use whites - let me know so I know how many to buy!

Boat Pool - $10, you do NOT have to enter the boat pool!!

We'll LEAVE the dock @ 6am and return around 4:30pm

As we get close to date guys can post if they're bringing anything SPECIAL to nosh on.

01-06-2009, 06:45 PM
I'm in for whites. This time I make my venison stew...it will blow your ears off. Somebody bring the crusty bread.

Life's A Beach
01-06-2009, 07:41 PM
Eamon - In PUOSU, he shut up. 99:1

Cool Hand Fluke - Al has to watch Rocky 2 "ya gotz ta snarl.....come ovah heah Rock and show dis bum how to snarl". Always smiling - You're WAY too quiet Al. 200:1

Stelios - A "QUIET" weekend from the big man. Got outshined in Cape May by FinS and shut down on PUOSU. You can tell when Stelios is off his game; he only mugged one person (me) all day. He'll pick up his game in the deeper water. 4:1

Baccala - Mr Family Man spends too much time working or being a Dad. I heart ya Dave but 150:1

Scooter - He PUT UP, PERIOD! I watched this nut stand in the bow of the Mimi for two straight days AND SMILE. I'm hearing "we're counting cards" in my sleep. It's tough to repeat and he is DUE for an off day sooooo 8:1

Baby Al Ristori - A cat has nine lives. He fishes next to Scotty so he's probably on his 5th or 6th. I'm dying for the venison stew BUT 10:1

Tony "Snaps" - Fished with Snaps once before and he caught. BUT Tony......you're a njfishing.com VIRGIN 20:1

ToggyTime - That he'll eat a full, large pizza himself 1:1 That he'll catch the biggest fish 10:1 That he'll wear that purple hat again 99:1

NoodleRod Tommie - Another "QUIET" one Sunday. Do yourself and ME a favor..........bring a bottle or two of RED. 5:1

Shrimpman - Shrimp don't catch big fish. BUT anyone that can say "my wife can burn pasta" in front of her and still get out fishing deserves some respect 12:1

Dave Tats - Like FireChicken........every trip needs a baby. This kid would have trouble getting into my HIGH SCHOOL he looks so young. And he didn't show me anything last time out. 50:1 OUCH

Boston Pete - Almost got decapitated by a flying sinker then got MUGGED outta the pool fish AND was still smiling. It's time for Pete to get his Irish Up. (or whatever you Brooklyn **** do). 4:1

Tiny Tim - Here's the skinny on Timmy. If he concentrates on fishing instead of worrying about what the captain's doing........he'll pull TWO 10#er. If not........7:1

ALS MAKO - Another dawg outta his league. Another NICE GUY. 250:1

Greg Vongus - He'll take Uncle Paulie's spot as Stellie's Greek Partner and tag team the rest of us. And Greg catches........but............He's a truly NICE GUY! 22:1

EagleYankFan - Tony will fish with his eagle rod and hat. Hey Tony........we're putting you in charge of watching for low flying planes. 25:1

JigAMaFish Joe - My hands hurt everytime I type his name and I'll bet I've never spelled it the same twice. YO Joe.......you ain't gonna have Jerry to coach you (and Tony) along; you're on your own now. 26:1 ha ha

Skolman - Andy, this ain't no 6 pack charter. It's dog eat dog and you've lost yer azz so I'm setting you @ 33:1

Iroc - Chris fished down from me all day so I got a good view of his skillz. ROFLMFAO . Odds to swing on every bergall bite 1:1 to PULL the POOL 88:1 and climbing

Smokey Joe - Sober 150:1, Hung Over 999:1 Odds that we're yelling "come on ice cream" sunday after his BBQ 1:1 NICE! (it was you on that fish monger trip that was hung over, right????)

Did I forget Anyone? ANYONE???????

AHHHHHHHHH The PUOSU CHALK. Didn't even enter the POOL!!! The Keansburg Kutter has had a season. KEY WORD "HAD". It's ovah Booby. "I feel dialed in out there". OMFG! Boston Pete and I have made a pact and "YOU'RE GOING DOWN" - Apolla Creed; Rocky 2 99:1

01-06-2009, 09:34 PM
Damn I go 2 for 5 on legit tog bites, pull in 2 keepers on a tough day for the entire boat. More then a few of the favorites and still get no respect. 88:1?

01-06-2009, 09:37 PM
At least I got good odds at something. Im in on the crabs

01-06-2009, 10:01 PM
You said skinny and Timmy in the same sentence. That hasn't happened since I was born.

Capt. Jerry P
01-06-2009, 10:13 PM
wow very interesting descriptions with odds

fishmongers were disapointing stelly and wayne manhandled by Hru combo of scotty and mickrazz, they been on fire.

Stelly better step up:D :eek: or hes going back to hack status.

Have a good trip fellas

01-06-2009, 10:31 PM
Nice...high hook...almost got my ears lowered by a wild man flinging 10ozs around like cheerios...leader in the pool till the very end....winner of the all important dolla dolla yo first keeper...and I get pushed down to 10-1 like I was some kind of hackjob with 20lb mono wrapped around a coke bottle fishing off the jetty...REAL NICE...
You forgot that I have THREE other HRU members on this trip and my kid needs a new pair of shoes.

I'll make a special bowl of stew for my buddy LAB.

01-07-2009, 10:00 AM
Giants win -- odds of me wearing eagle hat and fishing eagle rod: 1 billion:1.
Eagles win --- odds shoot up to 1:1.

Odds of me mugging someone after a swing and miss? Pretty darn good.

I'm in on the crabs too.

01-07-2009, 11:43 AM
LAB, thanks for the odds. Don't worry about me, I still have my elbows sharpened from my holiday shopping. I'll be mugging with the best of them. Oh and since I'm even slimmer I can squeeze (or force :D ) my way into even the tightest of spots.

01-07-2009, 11:52 AM
Oh I'm in on the crabs as well.

01-07-2009, 01:39 PM

Cool Hand Fluke/Al
Baby Al
Tony Snaps
Smoky Joe/Tom
Dave Tats
Boston Pete
Tiny Tim
ALS Mako/Steve
Greg Vongus

Waiting List:


01-07-2009, 02:36 PM
My plan was to "split" the pool with Scooter....but then he went and won it all. Petes right...that guys is just not nice anymore. :p

Missed the mark by 3oz last week Mike. Not too bad figuring the mad dog bite we had.

I'm feeling "dialed in" out there, but know its eventually going to shite the bed. Until then, I'll enjoy every fish I catch.

Nice work putting another one together. Last trip was a good time with a friendly crew that made the most of what we were given.

See you on the 24th.


cool hand fluke
01-07-2009, 04:49 PM
LAB - I am in on the white leggers.

Razz/Baby Al - can you help me with the "snarl" LAB wants me to learn?


Boston Pete
01-07-2009, 05:26 PM
Al my friend, you gotta hang in the bow ...it'll come.

Just watch for flying 10 oz. sinkas, stinky cigar smoke and empty beer cans being thrown....Scooter's a monster.:eek:

Life's A Beach
01-07-2009, 06:36 PM

If we had given POINTS/OUNCES for how FAST you can reel your fish in then you CLEARLY woulda won. 25:1 retrieve ratio and he spins the handle like a 14 year old boy watching Paula Abdul's Cheerleaders Show!

Axe Pete..........we stood there and watched you blow the EYE BALLS outta any fish you reel in.

And stop calling Scooter mean/nasty. Beneath that meek exterior is a heart of gold. We'll just say he's unconventional and leave it at that........DUCK!

Cool Hand................Do urself a favor and stick in the stern (can I stay that?). It's cold and windy up in the bow, you gotta work around the anchor line (on the deck and hanging out to the hook; RIGHT SCOTT????). The mentality and disposition of a bow monkey is nasty. You just too damn nice a guy to be corrupted by THE BOW.

"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way"

Life's A Beach
01-07-2009, 06:57 PM
Odds updated



1. FinS Bob - What's with the RABBIT avatar
2. Cool Hand Fluke - time for a NEW avatar; preferably with a snarl. Petey sez u look like a boy scout in that pic

01-07-2009, 07:02 PM
Lab, I'm in for whites. And in the spirit of Uncle Paulie, I will bring some Greek food. At least Stellie and I will like it.

Life's A Beach
01-07-2009, 07:04 PM

You gotz 2 learn to SNARL, like Boston Pete.

Notice two things in these pics:

who's hand is on Pete's chest
where's waldo strikes again

Life's A Beach
01-07-2009, 07:24 PM
Yo Pete,

Let's take it easy on getting all these "VOWELS" up in the bow dammit.

For every WiseGuy that fishes the bow, Me and Scooter want a Mick. and Baby Al doesn't count as a Mick!!! Equal opportunity - just because I bring Chef Boy R Dee doesn't mean I don't eat corned beef when I get back to the dock.

Dave Tats
Tony Snaps
Tony Trigg
Chris Iraca

It'll look like a Goodfella's re-union. and me and Scooter will be sleepin' wif da fishes

Gerry Zagorski
01-07-2009, 08:12 PM
he spins the handle like a 14 year old boy watching Paula Abdul's Cheerleaders Show!


01-07-2009, 08:13 PM
Mikey...I cant argue with that. Had to get the 3.6:1 Newell just to try to slow it down. I get ALL excited!!! :D

...and just so you know, the Polish Puller is more "Mc" than "ski". Believe it!

You dont have to stick up for your Frankenstein either. We all know he is a mild mannered sweetheart of a guy....unless he sees you swing and miss a fish. How did that go? Move rod....win pool. NICE! :p

I'm also more of a Samantha Fox fan.


01-07-2009, 08:20 PM
LAB - I am in on the white leggers.

Razz/Baby Al - can you help me with the "snarl" LAB wants me to learn?


Ohhhh..I'l have you "snarlin" like you never seen..:eek:

01-07-2009, 08:24 PM
Lab...............the name is RAZZANO...don't ever make that mistake again...:mad: :p

01-07-2009, 10:06 PM
If I had a dollar for every place my ancestors came from I'd be rich. Italian, German, Irish, Scotish, English, Slovak, French and Czech. I'm a freakin mutt!! Now my father in law thats a different story, still has a house in Italy on an island off Naples. Talk about Tuna fishing!!!

I like the bow, Fin S and I fished the Bandit two years ago in the bow on the NJFishing trip in the snow. Don't believe I was swinging and missing on the trip was I Fin S. We did pretty well.

BTW Im in on the whites please LAB

Mick - I'll bring the bread if you want for the stew if I can find out how you make it....

Chris IROC

01-08-2009, 06:36 AM
Mick - I'll bring the bread if you want for the stew if I can find out how you make it....


Thats a deal Chris. :)

01-08-2009, 12:40 PM
Spots on these trips are harder to get than Giants season tickets. Is there going to be a warm up rehearsal on the 23rd?

Life's A Beach
01-08-2009, 12:46 PM

Ok........ur in the bow; u, me and scooter will be the Erin Go Braugh contingient. That means NO MORE than 6 Italians forwards of mid-ship.

And the Frankenstein comment..................It's like YOUR lips move and I hear PB&J's voice???????

Scott Kearny MAY be an HRU and he MAY split any pools with othe HRU member but HE IS HIS OWN MAN; he has personally blackfished over 500 times in the past ten years. He ain't no JOHNNY come lately!

Life's A Beach
01-08-2009, 12:52 PM

Warm up is THIS Saturday.

It's only me and MY HERO but you're welcome if Kenny still has spots.

I don't care if it's EAST or SOUTHEAST as long as it's deep!


shrimpman steve
01-08-2009, 03:20 PM
LAB i'm in on da crabs.

Don't worry about the bow, this jew likes the stern!:D


Life's A Beach
01-08-2009, 04:11 PM
Oy Vey

Hanstein ?? and I thought that was Swedish........

01-08-2009, 04:20 PM
Mike got Crabs ? :D
i'm in
We will talk about the these odds sat


01-08-2009, 04:46 PM
I might join you on Saturday....if thats ok with you. And I WILL be in the bow cause no one besides Stellie can move me:D

01-08-2009, 06:09 PM

Can you get whites for Saturday Mr. Mike? I should be there too.

01-08-2009, 06:19 PM
Hey LAB!

"Ok........ur in the bow; u, me and scooter will be the Erin Go Braugh contingient. That means NO MORE than 6 Italians forwards of mid-ship."

It's Eamon....Irish for Edward...as in Edward Patrick McGinnis...I'm not sure but I think I'm one if the few that can speak some Irish...I think that qualifies me for the Erin Go Braugh contingient

Go raibh maith agat agus Go n'éirí an t-ádh leat (thank you and good luck)