View Full Version : RFA-NJ 5th Annual Fluke A Thon

04-26-2013, 08:08 PM
Its that time of year again Love it , hate it or somewhere in the middle we are Hosting the 5th Annual FLUKE A THON. The past trips have been a success thanks to the participation level from you, our fellow fishermen / women as well as supporting our future rights to Fish. The actual fishing has sometimes been a different story but we always have a great time out on the water with great people and a ton of laughs, BB and great raffles. We hope you will join us again this year

For those new to the trips. These are Fundraiser trips with the proceeds going to RFA-NJ . These proceeds are a huge help to fight the ongoing battle of “Bad Science”, “Lack of flexibilty in MSA” (Magnuson Stevens Act) , Reef, Shore Access and season closures on our favorite areas and species. Many of which have been prevented by our actions coupled with your support.

Open links below for trip details and sign up information. Hope to see you aboard June 15

http://www.dneconsulting.com/5th_Annual_RFA_Fish_A_Thon_Fluke_Trip_June_2013.pd f

Registration will not be officially on RFA-NJ web site Main Screen until Monday 04/29 but you can use the link below for now.


Boarding Order (current)
1-5 Greg Heiser (bow spots)
6-10 Greg heiser (stern spots)
11-15 Greg Heiser (Mid ship spots)
16-18 Lefty Reeler (Ron. Shrimpy etc)
19-20 Kurtis B
21-22 Larry Hartattack / Grateful Dad
23-24 Richie Tropics / Fin Reaper Glenn
25 Vinnitastic
26-27 Jeff Saltlife & Jeff Criswell Sr
28 BOB Dockbuilder
29 Mike McCoward
30 Sharkispy (Sharkbite Bucktails) Mike
31 George GDubya
32-33 RNK Russ and Kathy
34 Larry Minella
35 Sam the Sinkerman
36 Larry Minella Guest
37-38 ShirtGuy
39-40 Joe S and Jim J
41-42Erik S and son
43-44 Gerry and Joe Zagorski

04-26-2013, 08:10 PM
Im in for three spots Dave, thanks again for organizing..

04-26-2013, 08:38 PM
I'm in for two.

04-26-2013, 09:04 PM
I'm in + 1 (Grateful Dad) :) Great to be part of it - Thx Dave, thx RFA !!

04-26-2013, 09:06 PM
Put me in for 1...

04-26-2013, 09:31 PM
Big Bob is in for 1 so far

shrimpman steve
04-26-2013, 09:47 PM
In, part of leftys group.

04-26-2013, 10:14 PM
Oh you know me and pops will be there!! in for two!

04-26-2013, 10:28 PM
In for 2, always a great time. :D

04-26-2013, 10:57 PM
Dave, count me in and let me know what I can do for the door prizes/raffles.:D
Registration submitted. Looking forward to it!


04-27-2013, 08:44 AM
1 please for me got permission from the Boss - AKA - North American Sasquatch - My balls and pride are not allowed per management - at least I am going fishing

She hasn't killed me and I am going fishing -


04-27-2013, 04:43 PM
I'm in!

shrimpman steve
04-27-2013, 06:45 PM
I'm in!

Mistake...... Being that I am on the trip, you could have used your half of the boat that day:p

04-28-2013, 04:42 AM
Mistake...... Being that I am on the trip, you could have used your half of the boat that day:p
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha....... D!$@ ;)

04-28-2013, 07:36 AM
Dave - count us in too!!

Fin Reaper
04-28-2013, 11:20 AM
Tropics and I are in!

04-29-2013, 07:03 PM
Great start to this years trip. Believe we are at 34 so far. So many "regulars" (repeat supporters) that I may have to change the name of the trip to 5th Anuual Fluke a Thon REUNION:D . Your support is as always greatly appreciated. Registration page is now on the front page of RFA-NJ website. www.rfa-nj.org. Please remember even if you posted here that you are going you have to either register on the RFA-NJ website or mail a check. Instructions are on page one (my original post) or call me with any questions.

Lot of instant sign ups right after the post went up and from outside the site as well including Long time supporters Greg Heiser and clan who signed up and pd for 15 people. Since all of you have been on these trips before and deserve a Top Ranking on the boarding order I had to get creative here.

Greg and 15 gang were first in so I talked with Greg today and he was good enough to except my plan which is:
Their 15 fishermen WILL board first but will take 5 Bow, 5 Stern and 5 port or starboard rail spots which will keep open some bow and stern spots for the next in line. Best way i could think of doing it and it is now the rule so thats it. Boarding order will be up on the first page shortly.

Should be a great trip, filling up fast so if you want a spot please sign up.

Fin Reaper
04-30-2013, 08:45 AM
Thanks for all your hard work Dales! Always a good time on these trips

Fish The Drop Off
04-30-2013, 01:17 PM
WOW --- This trips is filling fast. Thanks to all of the guys that go and donate to the RFA-NJ chapter. It is great to see you guys come out and help.

For anyone that is new to one of these trips they are a blast. Come and have a great day on the water with a great bunch of ball busting guys.

See you on the boat with food, drinks and snacks.

04-30-2013, 03:06 PM
These trips are a blast as said earlier. I remember 2 years ago we went in July it was 110 in the shade and the Rays were giving some un-named people a hard time. :D :D

04-30-2013, 08:51 PM
These trips are a blast as said earlier. I remember 2 years ago we went in July it was 110 in the shade and the Rays were giving some un-named people a hard time. :D :D

Hard to believe that trip was the blast that it was in that heat. We had a great time and thank God for ShirtGuy Jeff and the 100 Hand towels he made up (donated many times for the trips, such a great guy)
We were keeping them soaked down on ice and wearing them top side just to stay alive and it kept everyone at the rail.

Dont know who you could be talking about with those "RAYS" ;)

04-30-2013, 09:31 PM
Always a Great time on these trips!! Lots of laughs and a great group of anglers..

Looking forward to the trip!

05-01-2013, 11:23 AM
Great start to this years trip. Believe we are at 34 so far. So many "regulars" (repeat supporters) that I may have to change the name of the trip to 5th Anuual Fluke a Thon REUNION:D . Your support is as always greatly appreciated. Registration page is now on the front page of RFA-NJ website. www.rfa-nj.org. Please remember even if you posted here that you are going you have to either register on the RFA-NJ website or mail a check. Instructions are on page one (my original post) or call me with any questions.

Lot of instant sign ups right after the post went up and from outside the site as well including Long time supporters Greg Heiser and clan who signed up and pd for 15 people. Since all of you have been on these trips before and deserve a Top Ranking on the boarding order I had to get creative here.

Greg and 15 gang were first in so I talked with Greg today and he was good enough to except my plan which is:
Their 15 fishermen WILL board first but will take 5 Bow, 5 Stern and 5 port or starboard rail spots which will keep open some bow and stern spots for the next in line. Best way i could think of doing it and it is now the rule so thats it. Boarding order will be up on the first page shortly.

Should be a great trip, filling up fast so if you want a spot please sign up.

Thanks for putting this together Dales - I will fish from the bathroom if I have too - been there done that or a glutten for punishment put me between shrimpy and/or Lefty or Richie and Finreaper - See everyone there - I say we thumb wrestle for spots ????? or start sizing up Big Toes - Biggest big toe picks first ??? I will kill anyones Mojo


Fin Reaper
05-01-2013, 01:55 PM
Your always welcome in the cheap seats GDubya...never a dull moment with you on board :D

05-01-2013, 06:04 PM
Your always welcome in the cheap seats GDubya...never a dull moment with you on board :D

Mighty White of you Glen - you have a 50/50 chance of laffing and/or crying - but are you not entertained ????

Cant wait Glen - hopefully see you and Richie on the water before that

Be Well - Be Safe and Fish-On

GDubs- :cool:

shrimpman steve
05-01-2013, 07:42 PM
Gdub, always welcome next to me and lefty.

Salt, lookin forward to fishin with ya

Fish the drop off......will you be catching a fish this year:D

Dales, your lucky I like ya.....it will all work out fine

05-01-2013, 08:13 PM
Gdub, always welcome next to me and lefty.

Salt, lookin forward to fishin with ya

Fish the drop off......will you be catching a fish this year:D

Dales, your lucky I like ya.....it will all work out fine

No problem if you want to fish next to George. I moved you to spot # 32:eek: Also you must arm wrestle Greg Heiser as part of the raffle!

Fran said the sandwiches this year will be whole "Rays" with choice of dressing:D

Salt may be front runner this year. His back yard and quite the fisherman.

I asked Capt Mike and NO you cant put the Dirty Shrimp on the bow to lower and chase birds:rolleyes:

05-01-2013, 08:50 PM
Should we bring our ling gear?:eek:

The Sinker Man
05-01-2013, 09:29 PM
Please put me in for one. Mailing check tomorrow...

05-02-2013, 01:14 AM
Please put me in for one. Mailing check tomorrow...

Finally, we're getting a shot to fish together!

05-02-2013, 10:32 AM
Finally, we're getting a shot to fish together!

OMG - is this for reel - get it reel - :confused:

Sam - Sam the Sinker Man - :D - wont believe it until I see it - You better bring extra jig heads and lead -

Cant Wait


05-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Should we bring our ling gear?:eek:

LMAO! Great trip wasnt it:rolleyes: "OOHH I thought when you said get me to 60 -70 feet deep you wanted to go Ling Fishing"

05-02-2013, 08:02 PM
Please put me in for one. Mailing check tomorrow...

Gotcha covered Sam. Thanks wouldnt be the same without you:D

05-02-2013, 11:56 PM
with the long winter ( haven't even thought
about getting the stick wet yet) craziness
at my shop and the addition to my family
my 7 month old daughter who teases my
6 year old son, I think I'm in on this
as it's in my backyard. and birthday weekend
I'm shooting for 2 bringin dad. he don'
know yet as he is sailing the Caribbean
I set up my payment in the am and start
thinking of the annual towel design maybe
some shirts too

05-03-2013, 07:02 PM
with the long winter ( haven't even thought
about getting the stick wet yet) craziness
at my shop and the addition to my family
my 7 month old daughter who teases my
6 year old son, I think I'm in on this
as it's in my backyard. and birthday weekend
I'm shooting for 2 bringin dad. he don'
know yet as he is sailing the Caribbean
I set up my payment in the am and start
thinking of the annual towel design maybe
some shirts too

Hey Jeff,
Glad to see you on here as always. Look forward to fishing with you again. Sounds like you can use a day out. Sent you a PM need some printing on work safety vests (company info / logo stuff) . Give me a call

05-03-2013, 07:17 PM
OMG - is this for reel - get it reel - :confused:

Sam - Sam the Sinker Man - :D - wont believe it until I see it - You better bring extra jig heads and lead -

Cant Wait


Just for the record watch out for Sam he caught the first keeper last year. Be glad to fish with you again Sam and GDubya..:D

05-03-2013, 07:31 PM
Just for the record watch out for Sam he caught the first keeper last year. Be glad to fish with you again Sam and GDubya..:D

Its easy when you knock them out with LEAD, then they just float to the top:D

Seriously SAM can deliver more than lead. great fishermen and better person.

You didnt do so bad yourself Richie on a tough trip. I might say too that you, Glenn and Sam caught fish MIDSHIPS:cool:

05-03-2013, 07:45 PM
OK, sounds like the rookie to these trips here is going to need to step up his game to compete and represent:D ...That said, having a custom rod built which I plan to debut and break in on this trip....Now, will the end result be one that I can brag about??? Position 30, will need to select the spot wisely.....:eek: I will be bringing some secret bucktails...LOL

Fish The Drop Off
05-03-2013, 10:07 PM
OK, sounds like the rookie to these trips here is going to need to step up his game to compete and represent:D ...That said, having a custom rod built which I plan to debut and break in on this trip....Now, will the end result be one that I can brag about??? Position 30, will need to select the spot wisely.....:eek: I will be bringing some secret bucktails...LOL

No need to select a spot wisely. Just look for me and run to the other side of the boat. LOL :D

Yes, Ray sandwich will be on the menu. :D

Shrimpman, I can solve the problem with me not landing a fish by not bringing a rod. I am going to line a soda bottle this year. :D

05-05-2013, 01:09 AM
Hand lines? Who wants some action... back bay skinny water light tackle game on..im still bringing the ling gear tho.. working on bagels too...

05-08-2013, 12:53 AM
Looks like it will be another great trip..

05-15-2013, 08:39 PM
1 Month to go, ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT.Weather looks great LOL Thanks to all.

Still a few that are on the list and have not made payment arrangements which is OK but we are getting closer. You know who you are. Will start a wait list after the final 2 spots are taken if necessary.

Again we appreciate the support this year as always. Now on to getting the raffle prizes

05-16-2013, 07:50 AM
I am one of the offenders - check will be sent tonight - wife said I can wrap her pennies and use them - now when you see a big postal mail box show up on your doorstep and its heavy dont get excited. It is not lead from Sam - Sam - The Sinker Man if he cant do it no-one can

It will be my payment from THE WIFES MONEY - she thinks she is funny she makes me feel good once in a while and tells me its mine - up there with my pride , man-hood , self-esteem , and my walnuts

if it fits it ships - shameless plug -


Fin Reaper
05-16-2013, 08:59 AM
Screw the wait list Dales...we can just drag a rowboat behind us :D

Don't get jammed up about the wife's money thing G Dubya, I tell my wife all the time that nuthin would make me happier than sittin on a fishing boat 4 or 5 days a week telling all the guys how my wife pays for everything...but all she ever says is "dream on" :mad:
When I was younger I wished for a 20 year old with a trust fund now I'd be happy with a 80 year old that has a ton of money and a heart condition :D

05-17-2013, 09:36 PM
Update on Raffle Charter prizes:D
1) Fish Monger: 6 man charter afternoon striper livelining in June ONLY so winners have to step up quick.
Its a Monger trip which is like GOLD so my thinking is that we turn it into 5 prizes for those on board rather than 1 winner. (5 because Jerry requested I go:eek: ) That way only those on the trip have a chance to win. OK?

2) Tagged Fish (Capt Chad): Open Boat 1 person.

3) Last Lady (Capt Ralph): Open boat Tuesdays 1 person

4) Fish Tank (Capt Kevin) Open Boat 1 person

Thanks to all the Captains for their continued and willing support as always. Your sponser Captains giving back and you know the value of these trips.

More to follow but these are great offers.


05-17-2013, 10:07 PM
Update on Raffle Charter prizes:D
1) Fish Monger: 6 man charter afternoon striper livelining in June ONLY so winners have to step up quick.
Its a Monger trip which is like GOLD so my thinking is that we turn it into 5 prizes for those on board rather than 1 winner. (5 because Jerry requested I go:eek: ) That way only those on the trip have a chance to win. OK?

2) Tagged Fish (Capt Chad): Open Boat 1 person.

3) Last Lady (Capt Ralph): Open boat Tuesdays 1 person

4) Fish Tank (Capt Kevin) Open Boat 1 person

Thanks to all the Captains for their continued and willing support as always. Your sponser Captains giving back and you know the value of these trips.

More to follow but these are great offers.


I'm offering up the bucktails and teasers Dave. Shoot me a PM and we'll put some packages together again.

05-18-2013, 06:40 AM
Gr8 prizes Dave, you're an excellent solicitor.

Many thx to the Captains and Mike for the trips and 'tails. When it comes to RFA fundraising, NJFishing is tops - another sell-out !!

I agree that the Monger prize should be divided - share the wealth :) We are less than a month away, 15-June can't get here soon enuff.

05-19-2013, 04:37 PM
1 Month to go, ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT.Weather looks great LOL Thanks to all.

Still a few that are on the list and have not made payment arrangements which is OK but we are getting closer. You know who you are. Will start a wait list after the final 2 spots are taken if necessary.

Again we appreciate the support this year as always. Now on to getting the raffle prizes
its in the mail sorry for delay:p

05-21-2013, 02:21 AM
Update on Raffle Charter prizes:D
1) Fish Monger: 6 man charter afternoon striper livelining in June ONLY so winners have to step up quick.
Its a Monger trip which is like GOLD so my thinking is that we turn it into 5 prizes for those on board rather than 1 winner. (5 because Jerry requested I go:eek: ) That way only those on the trip have a chance to win. OK?

2) Tagged Fish (Capt Chad): Open Boat 1 person.

3) Last Lady (Capt Ralph): Open boat Tuesdays 1 person

4) Fish Tank (Capt Kevin) Open Boat 1 person

Thanks to all the Captains for their continued and willing support as always.
More to follow but these are great offers.


No 10 foot de-hooker this year? lol :D ;) :D

Last time on the Bass trip, i won the pool and a bottle of Vodka! lol Doesnt get any betteR!! I think my dad won a few jig packs.. It was great.. they went to good use!

Im all pumped up and ready to go!! These trips are always so much fun with a great group of anglers on board!!!

05-31-2013, 02:27 PM
Dales.... Check your inbox..;)

06-01-2013, 05:20 PM
Dales.... Check your inbox..;)
Doug: answered your PM. NO Problem see you soon and congrats

06-01-2013, 06:04 PM
Looks like Fluke is picking up Nicely! 2 weeks to go, 1 spot open.

Gerry Zagorski
06-03-2013, 05:29 PM
Flying Zagorski Brothers are in and paid....

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

06-03-2013, 05:35 PM
Flying Zagorski Brothers are in and paid....

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

Oh shizzle.... its on like Donkey Kong now....:cool:

06-07-2013, 11:43 AM
Well with the latest addition of the Zagorski brothers we certainly have a who's who list here. 1 week out and trip is sold out Thanks but time for some trash talk. 5000 views and still to "nice" a thread.
Trying to channel LAB here and have with his help done the "ODDS" thing but we will keep that his legacy.

Lots of potential pool winners on this trip but here is what I expect will happen:
- Upon my arrival at the boat it WILL be filled regardless of the boarding order and we will have to unload and re-load as usual:eek:

- Heiser Clan will once again do their best to convince us they actually live in NJ and are not the Hay slinging country boys from PA I always assume they are, we don't grow um that big in NJ but whos kidding who, 1 guy (chris with a real job) the rest farmers! You no the sheep jokes already.
However a couple of contenders and this is their "Home" field boat. Lots of 6" white grubs will be flying.
- Lefty Ron and Ron SR will be there to represent as usual and have kicked butt in the past but lets face it. They come together on these trips so Ron SR doesn't have to let Ron JR use the 31 Robolo!
- Shrimpman is there already trying to claim the port stern. Will have the Dirty Shrimp in tow to go back out the second we hit the dock. Prediction, he will contend but on the do over DS trip afterwards.
- Kurtis B and brother will TALK every ones head off :rolleyes: with one word answers, yup, thanks, glad to be here etc . they have in the past and will again produce a catch though.
- Larry hartattack: Until I start getting some fishing clothes to raffle will show up in those paisley pajama fluke pants his wife lays out for him. No blood on those babys and too nice a guy anyway to win it.
- Richie Tropics and Glenn Fin reaper will STILL meet at exit 123 rest stop to drive in together but will realize late they overshot the boat by 9 miles. Midship killers last outing but will tire easy after the long drive.
- Vinnitastic will be wishing he was in the bow of Capt Rons fishermen but is not so some mugging will happen to look for that Mat.
- Jeff and Jeff Criswells (Caddishack / saltlife) will come dressed head to toe in Papa's Angels Garb but its fishing in their back yard pond. Dad will win a prize but young Jeff still my odds on to win it. Wont smile or talk until he has a limit plus.
- Dockbuilder Bob a silent threat but usually just happy to be there.
- Mike Mcoward can Only catch Tuna now
- Sharkispy: will be too busy selling bucktails to fish!
George Dubya will be begging to get off once the wife finds out where he really went but not before he Georges a few.
- RNK: Pleasant couple who will turn to cursing each other when the swings and misses start but K could surprise and be in the running
- Larry M is really from PA so enough said.
- Sam will ride Richie and Fins spot long enough to get first fish and bring so much lead he will have to leave sinkers on shore so we can out of the slip.
- Shirtguy / Cant trash towel man (those things have saved many of us in the past) Will be glad just to get out but be on the phone with da business more than fishing.
- JoeS and Jim J. Customers of mine that don't even know we are fishing that day.
- Erik S and Son. Shrimpman "friends" :eek: taught how not to fish so no chance of showing steve up.
- Zagorski Brothers: Guess I have to get a fighting chair for Joe tarpon and a bigger rod holder for da broom sticks. Give Gerry a cigar and an good ale and its over for the day.

I will lose the only shot at a keeper I get and catch my one short before the raffles but feeling optimistic.

We all know what FRAN will catch:p

06-07-2013, 04:39 PM
Well done Dales, unfort Ron Sr will be on a plane back from Ireland the night before so he had to bail, but rest assured I'm bring the Staten Island Puller to fill those size 10's.

06-07-2013, 07:13 PM
lol Dale.. How did you know what shirt i was going to wear! ;) Looking forward to this trip!! Always a great time!! And since we will fishing in my backyard.. look out@!!:D ;)

06-07-2013, 07:27 PM
OK, SO, when I do get a chance to fish....I'm breaking out the new arsenal for this one.....who knows if it will really help the angler...AND I'm donning the new RFA fishing shirt for some good karma.....yeah, we'll see if that helps too!!:D

mark b
06-07-2013, 07:46 PM
LMAO Dale, yup, thanks and I will be glad to be there. Gonna be a great trip!

06-07-2013, 10:48 PM

06-07-2013, 10:58 PM

06-08-2013, 09:55 AM
Touche Dave !

Just be gr8ful that I don't wear the matching Pajama top to these babies --->

06-08-2013, 03:28 PM
Touche Dave !

Just be gr8ful that I don't wear the matching Pajama top to these babies --->

Larry: please bring the top maybe it will double the size of that fish in the picture.:D you know I love ya. see u soon.
Also have to recognize your guest for the day gr8ful, don't know the man but from his reports could definitely be your "ringer" to the competition.
Also we need to discuss GT dates and PP elks so remind me

06-08-2013, 03:29 PM
Ariel: nice speaking with you today. Also NICE donation of the AVET for the raffle. Thanks

06-08-2013, 03:34 PM
Raffle Update:
In addition to the open boat trips just added:
Avet SX BLack with Power handle Reel (new in box)
Kevin Bogan Fish Poison Rod
Sharkbite Bucktails package

Good stuff:D

06-09-2013, 08:54 AM
Bucktail packages are being provided for the RFA event by Sharkbite-Bucktails....Sponsor and member of RFA......:D

06-10-2013, 12:06 PM
Touche Dave !

Just be gr8ful that I don't wear the matching Pajama top to these babies --->

Is that a Terapin Station T I see.....nice work Larry

06-10-2013, 06:24 PM
Touche Dave !

Just be gr8ful that I don't wear the matching Pajama top to these babies --->

I will bring my Matching G-string - :D

TEE HEE - GDubs-:cool:

Fin Reaper
06-10-2013, 11:49 PM
- Richie Tropics and Glenn Fin reaper will STILL meet at exit 123 rest stop to drive in together but will realize late they overshot the boat by 9 miles. Midship killers last outing but will tire easy after the long drive.

We shall see Dales...We shall see. Planning on putting a little red bull in Bad Santa's can of Bush, He will be kicking ass and taking names!

06-11-2013, 09:00 AM
Really now Dave I heard you were riding down with Glen so you could get to the boat at a reasonable time :D

Fin Reaper
06-11-2013, 10:22 AM
I might be in his driveway at 3:00 AM, blowing the horn so he's good and rested for the trip :D

06-11-2013, 07:15 PM
Really now Dave I heard you were riding down with Glen so you could get to the boat at a reasonable time :D

I am glad both of you are always there to help the "needy" ;) Speaking of which do you have and good fluke set-ups for sale?

06-11-2013, 07:16 PM
I might be in his driveway at 3:00 AM, blowing the horn so he's good and rested for the trip :D

Shrimpman would be there at 3PM :p

06-11-2013, 08:59 PM
I am glad both of you are always there to help the "needy" ;) Speaking of which do you have and good fluke set-ups for sale?

I made you some special bucktails...the hooks are nice and loose;) ....I have to even the odds somehow!!!:D

06-12-2013, 09:27 AM
Fisherman's prayer: May the weather-man be right (for once), may the fluke be hungry, may the only robins we see be in the trees, and please send the rays on vacation or let them eat shrimp. ;) And most of all keep everyone safe. :)

06-12-2013, 06:41 PM
I made you some special bucktails...the hooks are nice and loose;) ....I have to even the odds somehow!!!:D

LMAO but Trust me Mike its NOT me you have to worry about. However the hook up ratio to lost fish will create some fun

06-12-2013, 06:46 PM
Fisherman's prayer: May the weather-man be right (for once), may the fluke be hungry, may the only robins we see be in the trees, and please send the rays on vacation or let them eat shrimp. ;) And most of all keep everyone safe. :)

I didn't pick the date this year so already we are ahead of it. Hope it stays NW

06-13-2013, 10:40 AM
I found a BAGEL shop that is open early enough for me to make a 530am :eek: pick up so we will have bagels with butter/cream cheese for breakfast....

And yes Larry they will be the Real Thing and most likely still a little HOT!

Dales does this buy me $20 worth of raffle tickets? :rolleyes: ;)

06-13-2013, 08:51 PM
I found a BAGEL shop that is open early enough for me to make a 530am :eek: pick up so we will have bagels with butter/cream cheese for breakfast....

And yes Larry they will be the Real Thing and most likely still a little HOT!

Dales does this buy me $20 worth of raffle tickets? :rolleyes: ;)

Thanks RON as usual. You have been bringing them for so many trips now its expected:p , Seriously THANKS for going out of your way. Those go over BIG in the AM and go quick so its appreciated by ALL. Looks like the bay will provided the chocolate milk to go with them:eek:

06-13-2013, 09:04 PM
Since I know it may come up, Poor water quality as reported recently and knowing todays rain runoff will not help I spoke with Capt Mike this afternoon.
Plan will still be to hit spots in the back bay where he has been successful of late but if that doesn't meet expectations we WILL run wherever it takes including "outside" along the beach in search of better water and/ or da fish.
if necessary. Never any guarantees on Fish but effort wont be the issue.

FYI: Standard boat bait is spearing and "bellies". Bring whatever else you want. Smelly might be best! Mike did say some bucktailers have had their limits though in less than perfect water.

Killies are available nearby at our Sponser Bait shops. Pete @ Atlantic Bait or Zubacks (look them up on this site) . I know you can pre-arrange with Pete so give these guys a call. They need our business

06-14-2013, 08:48 AM
Dont really care about the conditions this is for soemthing else bigger than myself. Getting together with NJFishing-members ( yes I said member bevis) will be a gret time and shyte show that I will provide known as the Hot Azz MEzz/NFG.

Catching fishies is just a bonus . Also for me it is one of those things just need to get out regardless of conditions - life is too short and its time to have some fun this summer

CANT WAIT - see you all tomorrow - :cool:

Gee Hee Dubs-:cool:

06-14-2013, 09:01 AM
Dont really care about the conditions this is for soemthing else bigger than myself. Getting together with NJFishing-members ( yes I said member bevis) will be a gret time and shyte show that I will provide known as the Hot Azz MEzz/NFG.

Catching fishies is just a bonus . Also for me it is one of those things just need to get out regardless of conditions - life is too short and its time to have some fun this summer

CANT WAIT - see you all tomorrow - :cool:

Gee Hee Dubs-:cool:

Well said, a little trash talk in the mix tomorrow will only make it that much better and a few smiles for all aboard...see ya in the AM.

06-14-2013, 09:30 AM
One day out, weather at least is gonna be sunny - draining Miller Latte's in good company - can't beat that!

See you fella's tomorrow looking forward to another EPIC adventure :D

some thoughts:

As much as Steve says he won't complain about where his spot on the rail is, you will hear him periodically throughtout the trip complaining about his spot on the rail...

By trips end I'm sure Larry will have stuffed a few extra bagels in his tackle purse cause I know how much he loves em.. LOL Hopefully he dons his Terapin Station T-Shirt ..... with matching zubaz Tie-dye pants *My Vote For Best Dressed*

G-Dubs has at least 5 Georges throughtout the day - we will find him a Stern Spot so that we (Steve and I) can keep him on a short leash ;) .

Vinny - boom bats will most likely be carrying the ponies paper for the noon races at Monmouth so if anyone wants some action on the Track - Vinny's your man... If you see him start to itch that left Palm you know a pool contender is well on its way.. I like his odds, my $$ rides with him

Sammy the sinkerman will prob spend more time in the cabin writing out order sheets for lead than fishing, so I'm going to keep him on the bottom few rungs of the ladder for this one

Someone please keep the latte's away from Shirtguy, we know the guy works hard and has been more than generous on every one of these trips supplying t-shirts banners towels etc (shamless plug) but lookout tomorrow, with work stacking up and not a lot of fishing to be had this guy "no's" how to have a good time!! :eek:

Fran, well we all know his deal - lobbying about how blackfishing down south is so much better than up north yet I've never seen a report or cashed in on that invite he promissed the boys back in 2010. My guess he's in the galley pounding fresca's eating italian subs and helping sammy keep the pencils sharp. Often seen napping or yawning - odds are not in his favor

Dales... hmmm another one of the usual suspects, half in the bag by role call (compliments of me serving him buttered bagels and Latte's) Dave will spend most of the morning eating Jerky and drinking mooshine with the hicks from PA. up in the bow, when conditions get sh*tty Dales will prob make everyone change out their rigs to ling rigs and then we will wind up fishing Ambrose on the change of tide. Love the guy, but lets face it he's there cause the RFA makes him log 8 hours a week to keep his board seat and not because he's like to fish.... 1 Keeper at best at 17.75", 8-10 lattes, 3 buttered bagels, 2 italian subs and a partridge in a pear tree.... (U know I luv u Davey)

Big-Eye Mike - popped his tuna cherry on a trip organized by Dales last year which I couldnt make so I gladly handed over my spot. Lights out fishing with Joey-Dah-Fish, if I were them I would never return to the Canyon again....Anyhow Mike C. will come with the latest and greatest technology and more $300-$500 fluke set ups than you can imagine, the guy can catch fish but my money says at least one rod tip broken and more often than not I find him fishing in my cooler and not in the yoohoo in the bay. 3 Keepers nothing huge, once the brews kick in all of a sudden he starts talking like he's from Barbados...Ayre

And last but not least the Polish Hammers... It's like Jekly and Hyde with these two, Gerry the soft spoke "hey man it's all right have a good time cause its alright", and then his arch nemesis Joey Dah Fish --- often heard slinging derogatory four letter words (c*&%, wh*&%, F#$%) at will as he loses rig after rig and countless short bites. Look for these two jokers to be goofing off, stuffing squid strips in my hero and passing it off as onions, loosening up shrimpys drag, stealing cigs from Dales, but most of all enjoying themselves cause thats what this trip is all about.

Gents HAPPY FRIDAY -- See all you monkeys in the Morning

Dont forget, sunscreen, camera and sunglasses....support your local tackle shops and come ready for a great Saturday surrounded by some real hacks!

Some more predictions:

Tropics takes the dolla-yo $1 fish

Vintastic wins the pool, but one of the Keiser Souse group arm wrestles him for the title

I get my limit of Sea Robbins - which I will pack in Dry Ice and fed ex to JMurr when we hit the docks

Steve spends half the time writing down buoy markers and collecting cell phone numbers - cause you know he's all about his Network now that he convinced Doug to go halv-sies on a boat yet still makes him fish Head Boats
(what a dik move)

Saltlife gets his limit, kid knows how to fish and spends a lot of time in that skinny water look for him to be high hook and contend

06-14-2013, 11:28 AM
Gr8 write-up Ron, here’s my take:

• Greg and the Pennsyltucky anglers – this ain’t JUG fishing. Despite consistently claiming 15 spots on every RFA trip, next year’s trip will NOT be on the Delaware River
• Lefty Ron - he cut off the Beard and he’s no Samson
• Shrimpman – he’s a no-show. Between all the trips he’s committed to, he mistakenly drove to Montauk
• Kurtis B/Mark B – the B is for Brothers – ain’t they from Pennsyltucky ?
• Grateful Dad Jeff – if the trip was on Father’s Day he’d contend. No, he is not NJF puller Gr8ful Fish – he is puller wannabe Grateful Dad
• Richie Tropics – Bad Santa forgets to bring his Fluke rigs. Unfortunately his wife is not on trip to tie new ones
• Fin Reaper Glenn – he’s got game, that’s why his cooler is bigger than yours
• Vinn – forgets to wear a hat so he has to wear Bob Dockbuilder’s dreadlocks all day
• GW – the W does not stand for wife/wind/work/weather - - it stands for WHIPPED
• RnK - will be changing their NJF handle to R<K
• Sam – he loves fishing the back of the bay – unfortunately for him we’re ocean-bound
• Jeff Saltlife– he and the Miami Heat love the home court advantage, Brown’s Marina was named for Raritan Bay water color
• Zagorski Bros – no JJBitings, therefore no chance
• Shirtguy Jeff – a day off on Saturday translates to an off-day on Saturday, someone wake him up
• Bucktail Mike – proves that Sharkbite Bucktails catch Sharks – Sand Sharks !

and our Chartermaster:
*** Dave Dale's Pale Ale - Even a blind acorn finds a squirrel - - winner winner Flounder dinner :)

I found out this week that my daughter needs to move out of her college dorm by 10am tomorrow and that her last Final Exam ends today at 4pm. I’ll be pulling an all-nighter tonight schlepping her stuff home. If you see my avatar flying by the Sea Hawk tomorrow, I’ll have a chance – NOT !!

06-14-2013, 06:41 PM
Ok so now just anyone can write this stuff:eek: Well done Ron and Larry.
Proof will be in da game tomorrow. Larry, I feel your pain with the Dorm move, done it often and its not an easy run. Where did all this stuff come from and where does it go when we get home!!

All I want is a couple of runs where we Actually see some of the target species and there is that right kind of chatter , mugging, gulp stealing and nets hitting people in the head.

Wrapping up work, going dark soon on the site so hope all have the information, directions etc .

06-14-2013, 06:50 PM
Ok so now just anyone can write this stuff:eek: Well done Ron and Larry.
Proof will be in da game tomorrow. Larry, I feel your pain with the Dorm move, done it often and its not an easy run. Where did all this stuff come from and where does it go when we get home!!

All I want is a couple of runs where we Actually see some of the target species and there is that right kind of chatter , mugging, gulp stealing and nets hitting people in the head.

Wrapping up work, going dark soon on the site so hope all have the information, directions etc .

I wanna work the net! What time will boarding restart ( when do you plan on showing up)

06-14-2013, 07:06 PM
I wanna work the net! What time will boarding restart ( when do you plan on showing up)

Richie, you will be too busy "asking" for a net. Hope to be there by 6 / 6:15.
Shrimpman will be there by 5:30 setting up the Tunes

Going out looking for Oreo Cookie Gulp to go with da Choco Milk.

First Fish on by 7:20:D

06-14-2013, 08:08 PM
I Am Actually Yawning As I Read This, Yes Thats How Busy And Tired I Am, Luckily I Live Next Town Over So I Can Catch A Lil Extra Zzzz's Tonight, Bad Thing Is Im Sure Ill Be Back At The Computer Working After The Trip

shrimpman steve
06-14-2013, 08:28 PM
The write ups were GREAT! I almost did double book this week with a promised land trip, so that is funny as hell.

Dales, if I trailer the boat down can I tailgate the seahawk and have you guys just toss sandwichs and snacks over:D

I'm already at the boat setting my tent up:eek:, see u in the AM

06-14-2013, 08:51 PM
Tomorrow "Big Bob Dockbuilder" will dominate the catch.Oh sorry just woke up

06-14-2013, 09:03 PM
Ok guys it's that time once again to talk trash and catch or try to catch the BRAGGING FLUKE, I hope you all bring your A game along with your sharpened hooks,I am tagging with the SHRIMPSTER for the ride so you no I will be primed;) oh by the way I need a new pole and that BOGAN sounds really good:eek: Lefty I'm glad to see you no where to put your money's,smart man;) Anyway can't wait to fish with you all,it's a blast everytime whether we catch or not, I always look forward to this trip cause you all ROCK,see you in the am....

06-14-2013, 10:15 PM
Vin you better bring ur A+ game cause BIG BOB has you in his sight's :0

06-15-2013, 05:08 AM
Am jog anyone? Like a kid on Christmas eve. Almost time ...

06-15-2013, 05:30 AM
Am jog anyone? Like a kid on Christmas eve. Almost time ...
Good luck Ron and crew.
Get a new driveway yet?:D

The Sinker Man
06-15-2013, 05:41 PM
Another good RFA trip...Fishing wasn't that good with the keepers, but it was still a good day to be on the water.. good people, good raffle prizes, and again good food..Big thanks to Dave and Fran for keeping these trips up..

06-15-2013, 06:08 PM
Another good RFA trip...Fishing wasn't that good with the keepers, but it was still a good day to be on the water.. good people, good raffle prizes, and again good food..Big thanks to Dave and Fran for keeping these trips up..

I 2nd that and Capt Mike and the crew did a great job Thanks guys.

06-15-2013, 06:30 PM
came out of hibernation for this one, worth it
dad and I enjoyed keepers on our weekend,
fished with great people, last ones on the boat
but our buddy bob had our spot, I think
we were good luck as he won 2 nice raffles
and had a keeper, a lot of new faces and
great to see the group of regs, yes for us
and better people, of coarse I think Vinny
got a great raffle prize, only if he could
combine his raffle luck with his big fish skills
I think we all would be in trouble, lefty and
the dirty shrimp ( got off the boat cleaner
then he got on, didn't smell like fish all day
but I give him credit sticking up for the private
boats following us all day, ahhhh steve you
know I love ya, but just wouldn't hire you
to hang banners lol) all in all great first
day out and glad it was with dad on this
trip this weekend with these people for
this cause

06-15-2013, 06:31 PM
Had a lot of fun and great to see some of the site members again. Capt and crew did a nice job, good eats and some good laughs....looking forward to next one. Nice job coordinating it all Dave!(sorry) and Fran!

06-15-2013, 08:18 PM
Great job Dave and Fran. Another fun trip with good people. Can't wait for the next one.

Joey Dah Fish
06-15-2013, 08:28 PM
Great job today guys!!!! Not many fish but tons and tons of laughs. I have to say good people make a great trip with or with out good fishing. I managed to lose more rigs ( shrimp mans rigs :) ) then I caught fish. Thanks shrimpy!!! The one short fish I did manage was on black gulp :)

06-15-2013, 10:08 PM
well guys I just want to say it was a pleasure fishing with YOU ALL,the fish didn't cooperate but we knew that goin in because it was an RFA trip:p I did manage to find 3 keepers,a new BOGAN STICK,and a livelining trip on the MONGER;) KARMA is good.I want to say it is always a blast with the REGS and the $h!t that comes out of there mouths when a fish is on somebody else's line..Dave,Fran keep up the good work these trips are the bomb and I no the next trip will be THE ONE that will be talked about for a long time with good fishing,I hope:rolleyes: ...good seeing all and meeting new peeps...

Fin Reaper
06-15-2013, 10:46 PM

Thanks to Dales and Fran and Thanks to everyone I fished with and talked to today...I couldn't have had a better time

06-15-2013, 10:59 PM
Dave and Fran another great trip, thanks for putting this together. Fishing was so so but meet a lot of good people and the RFA continues to do a great job. Can't wait till the next one. :D :D Jeff, Sr.

mark b
06-16-2013, 07:20 AM
Another fun trip, Thanks Dave & Fran great job. Nice meeting Sharkispy & RNK.

06-16-2013, 08:26 AM
Had a blast on the Fluke a Thon trip as alway's,had 1 keeper but lot's of laugh's.Won an Avet reel in the raffle which was a nice surprise.Can't wait till the next trip

Gerry Zagorski
06-16-2013, 09:47 AM
Fishing was slow but the company was great. Nice to see some new faces and some familiar ones as well.

Lots of laughs and a very attentive crew.

Lefty won the yo dolla dolla and the boat pool as well.

I had 3 shorts. One was so aggressive he took the teaser and bottom bait hooks

Dave and Fran did a great job setting this up as usual.

If you haven't fished one of these, you should consider jumping on the next one. Great group of people fishing for a great cause.

06-16-2013, 10:25 AM
Yesterday wasnt about the fishing but support for the RFA and having a great time. Tropics-N-Reaper did the best they could to keep my mouth shut and tried admirably but I am my own worst enemy . Had a great time beautiful day on the water , great time great laffs . I kept the bow going while the flying zagorski brothers, lefty , shrimp and Vintastic ( I want a recount the fix was in - ;) )- Took care of the Stern . Lefty was hot, hot hot, Vinnie well as usual was - VINTASTIC and Shrimpman - How many did you catch all day but at least you got numbers ??? - :D

Sam - Sam - The Sinker Man - had the best trip of all - caught fish and actually won a door prize - What is the world coming tooo???? Great seeing/fishing and busting your stones my friend .

Great to put faces to names - Saltlife , Sharkespy , Greatful, Ariel (Big-Man you a a fishing machine ) and others and coudnt have come a better time for me personally - really needed to get out on the water.

I sucked/googaned/georged/rolled and dropped more than usual had about limit of shorts , skates and again wow nice big sundials - Steve ALS -Mako - Robins -( Mis fishing with my hetero-lifemate-ocean- none blasian boyfriend ) No keepers for me - I suck - I am hoopdeee ?????? -:confused:

Dave and Fran great job - Thank you captain and crew of the Seahawk - especially Jersey Shore - Nice watch and the kid who can fillet the spearing like nobody's business

This is always a great fun trip cant wait till the next one

GDUBS- :cool:

06-16-2013, 11:24 AM
Well well well... .so many things to say so many choice words to use...

First off hats off once again to Dave and Fran for putting this together and obviously bringing together a fishing brother-hood which is top notch all around. As Joey Day Fish would say "this spots sucks" was the communal chant around the stern but that was obviously no slight to captain Mike or the Sea Hawk mates as we traveled the entire bay looking for the right bite. Dirty water and wind against were challenging all day and Mike bumped us in and out of gear all day to get the drift going artificially. The fluke just didnt want to cooperate, and when that happens well you know the ball busting comes out in true form. Real thick skin in the back of the boat all day...non stop chop busting and lattes all afternoon.

Low and behold I did win the dollar-YO$ fish and luck might have it this measly 3.5#er wound up taking the pool too. Cuz from Staten Island took the double down dollar YO which I think Larry and Mike contributed $3-4 a piece on as shorts counted against ya.

Can't say enough about the guys that I have met over the years and some new faces that have showed up lately. Gdubs always a pleasure, heard a few googan Georges went on up there but Tropics def kept you in check. Always great seeing Tropics, Sammy, Larry, Shrimpy and Vintastic.. guys make the trip an adventure.

YOU will see from Steve's lack of posting and overall photogenic nature it was a tough day for him not boating a single living creature so I had to give him the man hug to let him know we are all still there for him. Anyhow few pictures to pass around, the usual suspects enjoying what they do best especially FRAN... guy loves food LOL -- we love ya franny cakes..BTW I put about 10 almond joys in your tackle bag for the ride home.

The sandwiches as always top notch, there was def no shortage of food or liquids on this boat and I think although the fishing wasnt up to par (I mean cmon it was an RFA trip no one actually comes/expects to catch fish) it was a beautiful Saturday spent in great company.

Enjoy the photos...

06-16-2013, 11:30 AM
A few of the finest in NJ

06-16-2013, 11:39 AM
Dales new spiral wrapped sheepskin for/aft grip custom compliments from the PA boys... they love dem sheeps out there

06-16-2013, 11:41 AM
And last but not least -- a few with actually some fish in it....oh wait sorry Steve :D

Mike M
06-16-2013, 12:14 PM
Sorry I couldn't make this one. It sounds like it was a fun day as usual for a great cause. Hope my schedule lets me fish on the next one.

One question. Did Capt. Fran catch any keepers?

The Sinker Man
06-16-2013, 03:30 PM
Close your eyes..What do you see? Capt Fran and Shrimp..0 + 0 = 0:D

shrimpman steve
06-16-2013, 05:27 PM
Well due to my lackluster performance yesterday I wasn't gonna post, but here goes

Dales and Fran, great job! Nuff said

Ron, thanks for the bagels and the man hug! I needed them both.

The flying zagorskis, the price of jigs, leader, and teasers goes up once we leave the dock. You owe me $3,000:eek:
(Joey, I heard they had pork roll sandwiches for sale in the bow).

Vintastic, skated around like it was a tog trip

Jeff sr. And jr., the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Two nicer guys will be hard to find.

Sam Sam the sinker man, call off the dogs, I paid you.

Capt mike, the spot sucked, the capt and crew were great!

Big Ariel, as nice as he is tall

To everyone I forgot to mention, it was great wetting a line with all of you!

06-16-2013, 10:47 PM
After numerous shorts, Skates & SeaRobins I bought a great RFA tee shirt from Captain Fran. Two minutes after my purchase I bagged a nice Keeper, thus proving that RFA does give Fishermen their best chance :)

RFA + NJF + Dale + Fran = CLUTCH :D

06-17-2013, 10:45 AM
Well: Another RFA-NJ trip in the books and once again the storyline is all about the fishermen. I think Ron Lefty said it best when it comes to the " brotherhood" that has come about with these trips. All of you make Fran and my lives easier when it comes to these trips and trust me it is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Capt Mike of the Seahawk and crew for the effort, Kevin Bogan, Capt Jerry Fish Monger, Capt Ralph, Last lady II, Capt Kevin Fish Tank, Capt Chad Tagged Fish, Mike Sharkbite Bucktails, BigAriel , Vinitastic,for the quality donations and of course Fearless Leader Gerry Z for this site. Our sponsers at work:D As always too: SHIRTGUY JEFF / for printing the Hand Towels and the BANNER every year. He really does a fantastic Job. USE Your sponsers!

While the FISH don't seem to share our passion it really has become a yearly event to put the best people together for a day out. Glad to see Ron bang the pool, the Heiser Gang represent well, some youngsters catch, Larryt with a whistle keeper, Tropics Glenn Fin Reaper, George, and Sam bang up various species, prizes going to well deserved folks and enjoying the day.

What to do next?
Spotter planes:eek:
Night Blues (they would probably go on the spawn the day we got there)
Keep blaming Fran:p

Was going to keep this short so ONCE AGAIN Thanks and see you all soon.
Long summer so enjoy, this fish will rise again (for some anyway)

On to MAKO MANIA this Sat.

06-17-2013, 10:54 AM
Couple more pics and Of course THANKS FRAN:D