View Full Version : Capt Cal Party Boat Belmar Happy Fathers Day Fishing

Captain Cal II
06-16-2013, 09:20 PM
Great day to be on the water, we want to thank all of our customers for fishing with us today on Fathers Day. Today we could have had a better day of fishing, In the morning we had very little of a drift. Later in the day the drift picked up and so did the fishing we did have keepers and shorts coming over rail, no big fluke over the rail today, yesterday we had some bigger fluke. Good fishing weather tomorrow, see you in the morning, we leave at 7:30 am, no reservations required.. Don't forget our 4th of July fireworks cruise to Long Branch NJ, it is a good fireworks show. Call us 732-977-2020, for reservations.

Check our web site Fishing Reports for pictures

June 15, 2013