View Full Version : Champlain and Long Pond NY 6/8 through 6/10

06-14-2013, 11:02 AM
It isn't NJ but figured I'd share a few pics from last weekend up in NY. We fished Long Pond and had a guided day on Champlain. (our first time) What a beautiful part of the country up there. Like a whole different world. Definitely worth the trip up that way if you ever get the chance. As you will see in the pics the wife had a better day on the big lake. It was not a banner day by Champlain standards but a good day for us. She managed 18 smallies..and they were not little... while I only got 4! :( Aint it always the way...and this was a trip she gave me for my 50th birthday. Wheres' the justice?? :D It was a great weekend though and Long Pond is a great little lake just loaded with LM. Here are a few of Long Pond.... Champlain will be next.

06-14-2013, 11:05 AM
Here are the Champlain SM.

06-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Those are some jumbo smallmouth!

06-14-2013, 04:19 PM
Those are some slammer smallies! nice job, where did you stay on long pond?

06-14-2013, 05:22 PM
WOW !!! I think so far this year we have had reports from NY, PA, VT, VA, and CONN. Great photos of some monster bronzebacks !! Funny thing about big smallmouth photos, I always think of the great fight they must have givin up, pound for pound one of the best fish in freshwater.

06-14-2013, 05:31 PM
Birddog - We stayed at Long Pond Lodge. It's right on the lake and if you stay there it includes breakfast, box lunch for fishing, and dinner plus complimentary use of their row boats right out back. You can bring your own trolling motor and they let you plug in a charger to recharge them each night. Very accomodating and covenient. One note...it is a fishing lodge not an B&B...my wife was cool with it but it aint a place to bring the little women as a sweet little vaca spot while you fish.... if ya get my drift.

06-14-2013, 06:41 PM
Nice fish dude!!! Great job!!!

Lard Almighty
06-14-2013, 10:10 PM
Sweet fish! Champlain is a hell of a fishery. Next time try staying in Ticonderoga and fishing the south end of the lake; largemouths like you wouldn't believe!

06-14-2013, 10:16 PM
Sweet fish! Champlain is a hell of a fishery. Next time try staying in Ticonderoga and fishing the south end of the lake; largemouths like you wouldn't believe!

Will definitely do that...thanks for the info.

06-14-2013, 11:29 PM
Great report KCritch!

What better way to celebrate your birthday! Mine is comin' up, maybe I can get the missus to take me to Spruce Run! :D

I have a trip planned for later in the summer to Indian Lake in the Adirondacks
and will post a report.

Those smallies are great and the fight is the best, pound for pound. Am sure a memorable trip.

Tight lines

06-15-2013, 05:19 AM
What were they hitting anyway?

BTW you made the best catch when you got married;)

06-15-2013, 11:37 AM
What were they hitting anyway?

BTW you made the best catch when you got married;)

The SM were hitting Tubes on 1/4 oz jig heads in Green Pumpkin...is there really any other color. 10 to 15 feet of water with rocks off the bottom.

The LM on Long Pond were hitting weedless football head jigs ripped through the weeds and .....you guessed it....Senkos in green pumpkin, june bug, or black/blue flake in the big 6 inch size.

And yes I did get pretty lucky with the misses...she loves to fish...heading out tomorrow for Fathers Day too! Looking to get on the salt for some Stripers possibly.

06-15-2013, 02:00 PM
Looks like smallmouth heaven to me!!!! Did you have to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't dreaming????LOL Beautiful Fish !!!!!

06-24-2013, 11:09 AM
Nice. I launched out of Keeler Bay last week and was probably fishing similar waters that you were the week before. I love that place! :D :cool:

06-24-2013, 12:57 PM
Nice report and pix....MONSTER Smallies!!!......Thinking about going w/ the wife upstate in the next few weeks myself......need to get away for a few days!!