View Full Version : nice healthycrappie

06-11-2013, 12:08 PM
Gettin lots of crappie outta spruce run on med shinners. This guy went 14.5 n didn't bite till I yanked 20 of his buddys out.. A real nice SMB shook me off 5 feet away round 4lbs easy got him on lil sunny.. Will them hybrids eat a lil sunny?? cuz they don't want my shinners!! I know herring but im poor.. All fish let go!!

Skunk City
06-11-2013, 02:40 PM
Gettin lots of crappie outta spruce run on med shinners. This guy went 14.5 n didn't bite till I yanked 20 of his buddys out.. A real nice SMB shook me off 5 feet away round 4lbs easy got him on lil sunny.. Will them hybrids eat a lil sunny?? cuz they don't want my shinners!! I know herring but im poor.. All fish let go!!


I'm sure these fish will eat anything if they are hungry enough, but herring I'd suppose would be their first choice.

06-11-2013, 02:53 PM
I've caught wipers on medium shiners. They're not too fussy.

06-11-2013, 02:58 PM
I have livelined sunny with no luck.. if you can find a small tiny perch... thats better than herring..

06-11-2013, 03:07 PM
I fish in a NY honey hole from time to time when I can and absolutely crush the bass on live sunnies. They smash them in there with reckless abandon. Hook them at the front of the dorsal and slowly reel em' in so they flip flap on the surface a bit. It's the only place where I've ever had constant success with live sunnies...

06-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Nice slab!!! Spruce Run Hybrids love baby Bluegills!!!

06-12-2013, 08:02 AM
I get some biggins on lil sunnys I kinda figured hybrids would eat em' up its a fish eat fish world out there!! Obviously that's y they stay rite on the bank cuz they know they'll get eatin up.. I put a lot of time in with shinners with no hybrids so ima stick with sunnys a while..Ol timmer was tellin me chickin livers for em' I've hered this b4, whats do u guys say?? will hybrids actually eat em' up????

06-12-2013, 08:32 AM
Chicken livers?!?! Absolutley one of the best baits.