View Full Version : Maiden Voyage on the Navesink

06-04-2013, 09:31 PM
Took the day off and the yak out for the first time of the year! Told the old lady she would get a ring after I bought myself a boat... Well we settled on a hobie and I couldn't be happier!!

Started the day by stopping at Atlantic Bait &Tackle.. Grabbed some gulp and a few small bucktails(Thanks for the rebate pete!)

Fished from 9:30-4

Started the day off with a bunch of shorts right around 17inches. If I was standing they may have made the stretch! Caught a cocktail blue against a sandbar..
After getting frustrated by tap tap tap I snagged a blowfish with a bucktail.. Was wondering what was that small down there picking at my bait...
Picked up a 21in at slack tied and pulled up on a sandbar..met a few guys clamming and after a quick conversation I had a rake in my hand and was helping fill buckets..

Back to fishing and picking shorts. Missed another keeper at the side of the boat due to a rookie netting mistake!

Has anyone eaten any clams from here? The guys said they were good to eat but I have them circulating through clean water now

06-04-2013, 09:43 PM
Was clamming there few months back, had over 100, were great!

Trident 13
06-05-2013, 02:32 PM
No need to purge,good clams carefull some areas are closed to clamming

06-05-2013, 09:24 PM
I dont think there is any recreational clamming allowed in the river.So watch your self.

06-05-2013, 09:27 PM
:) There is no recreational clamming allowed in the rivers.