View Full Version : Montauk recap

shrimpman steve
06-02-2013, 08:18 AM
Well had a great two days in Montauk. Fished the miss Montauk on Friday, as previously reported. We killed em. 22 NY keepers between the three of us and too many shorts (18.5 inches) to count. Capt Jamie steamed all the way to block for this great fishing, proving he will spare no expense to put his fares on fish.

Great dinner with some beers Friday night and up early sat. Am to fish again.

Saturday was a charter. The same boat same crew the first Saturday in June for the last 18 years! Charter was for bass and fluke. We boxed our twelve bass by 8:30 and it was off to block again based on our reports of the previous day. The conditions were not the same and we all know fluking is all about conditions. Still managed some nice fish. I had my limit on Saturday and a dozen or so shorts. Bucktailed the whole time both days. Lost one rig our first drift on Friday and that was it. Fished the next rig for the next two days.

Great time, will be out with my boss again in a few weeks. Weekend at Bernie's style. Staying at his beach house in the hamptons the night before and a charter on him on the 21st!

Once again, I love being me:D

06-02-2013, 08:20 AM
Great report Steve, you are a fishing machine. See you in 2 weeks on the RFA trip. Jeff, Sr.

06-02-2013, 08:28 AM
Awesome Report and always great fishing out there -

Nice catching -

Gdubs- :cool: