Ocean Explorer
05-30-2013, 04:07 PM
5-30-13 Another pretty day on the water today with just enough breeze to keep it comfortable,,,not back on land yet but I heard its kinda hot....We made our way out and started off where we have been finding good life on the bottom...But instead I found it kinda barren,,,not many bites...I have noticed the fish have been moving alot this week,,in one area one day and not the next so we made lots of moves today tracking em down..Some decent shots of fish here and there,,,some nice ones again as you can see in the pics below but not good like we have had the rest of the week...Not bad though either,,some guys had high hooks of a dozen keeper bass and half a dozen ling,,some only had a few,,and some ling etc...So overall not bad,,,just not as good as previous days,,,The end of the day it seemed we got into an area that had good life so we are heading back there first thing in the morning,,see ya then ;pics...