View Full Version : Gas float not working

05-29-2013, 09:43 AM
Needle has been stuck on 3/4 tank since the end of last season... Hold 300 gallons so I'm not worried about getting stranded but with our annual shark trip coming up wanted to get this sh*t fixed....

Anyone know how to replace/fix/check/find/ the dam float...

I'm no boat mechanic but I could imagine this isn't rocket science. Googling it now but if anyone out there has experience or could help gimme a shout.

Boat is a 31ft (305)

05-29-2013, 10:14 AM
Does it move when you turn the key off, if yes it sounds like the negative side of the sending unit came off, you should have a hatch on top of the tank that has the sending unit on it, if there is no visible bad connection use an electrical tester to check for continuity from each line to the gauge, sometimes it is even the needle just stuck in the gauge, if you have to pull the unit make sure to thoroughly clean the area before you pull the unit. Good luck!

05-29-2013, 10:44 AM
Shoud have mentioned this in the post sry bout that, its a digital Yamaha Gauge so no needle. When the boat turns off the gauges go dark. But yes I'll prob have to test the wiring first to cross that off before getting to the sending unit.

Gerry Zagorski
05-29-2013, 11:30 AM
As mentoined above I would check both connections coming off the sending unit for corrosion. Your boat should have some sort of inspection plate to give you access to them... Disconnect, make sure wire is making good contact with the connectors. Wire brush the connectors on the wire, the connectors on the sending unit, spay with some wd40 or corrision X and put them back on. If this does not solve the issue you may need to replace the sending unit.

06-08-2013, 08:17 PM
Just wondering how ya made out???