View Full Version : Gambler Sunday catchin in the rain

Ol Pedro
05-20-2013, 09:00 AM
Woke up @ 5:00 to Rain . Grandson descided to not go at 5:01 . Went ahead and loaded up and drove on down the hill to the dock . I was suprised to see the lot 1/4 full ! Went to put my stuff on the boat and discovered that I had left my jig bucket at home . We headed out to wet conditions and a bumpy sea . About 2/3rd's up the line we saw life close in . Bunker with fish under them . in the first few drifts we had a couple of large Bass and some Bluefish on jigs . We started to snag a few Bunker and I swithed to live lining . After missing one fish I changed to a treble hook and 1 oz egg . I ran an almost dead bunker out and was greeted by a freight train runoff . I counted to five and locked up my Jigmaster Jr and almost got spooled on the first run . A few minutes later Todd gaffed a 20-25 lb fish for me . I hooked and handed off the rest of the trip . It's funny how you forget the rain and wind when you are catching . We picked at them the rest of the day . We tried to help people fish Bunker but way too many fish were missed due to reels being locked up/not realizing they were bit . We finished with between 13 and 16 big bass and at least 10 Bluefish .We caught them as well on Crocs as Bunker . Capt. Mike , Todd, Al , Chris , and Tommy did their best in less than ideal conditions to put a catch together . All the kids on the trip got one Big Bass .

05-20-2013, 09:13 AM
I'll take a freight train run off in crappy conditions with a nice bass at the end versus sunny and warm with no fish to be found! Nice report, Gambler definitely will do their best to put you into good fishing!

05-20-2013, 09:46 AM
Nice job, Pedro! :D

bunker dunker
05-20-2013, 09:51 AM
Great Job Pedro,gotta Love That Frt Train Run Off.good Job On The Handing Off Too.its Great To Watch Someone Who Has Never Hook A Big Fish Catch One.the Smiles Never Leave There Face.

05-20-2013, 11:47 AM
Good job Pete was out about three weeks ago and couldnt get the skunk out of the box

Ol Pedro
05-20-2013, 12:01 PM
Good job Pete was out about three weeks ago and couldnt get the skunk out of the box
I feel you Brotha , last trip one tap on the Salas 6x jr.

Pennsy Guy
05-20-2013, 09:33 PM
Thanks Pete for the report---you've got me envious 'cause I can't get down there to partake of the festivities----is it tuna time yet???

Ol Pedro
05-21-2013, 08:38 AM
Chuck , it will be here soon . That first Striper bit like a Tuna ! You should have seen the Roostertail of water coming off the spool ! There is 60-62 degree water touching No Mans Land now and some mid 60's off in the deep . We talked about that nice water that was there a couple of weeks ago but the weather shut down the Tilefish trips .

05-21-2013, 06:02 PM
Soon Chuck Real Soon !!!!!