View Full Version : FISHERMEN/One day Up, next day down!! Sunday

05-19-2013, 05:23 PM
Miserable day too say the least. Nasty, cloudy, windy, rain all day and the Fish didn't bite!! After yesterday, I thought for sure with today's change of tide, conditions would be perfect. Had the readings of Bait and plenty of fish, yet the bite never turned on. Caught a couple Bass, just not enough.

Today, most of the customers didn't have rain gear which made it twice as bad for them. After getting soaked and being cold, who thinks about fishing after a couple hours.
I remember many moons ago when a day like today, the guys would be wearing their stuff as they got out of the car or would have it packed, just in case! Times have changed for sure.

Capt. Dan had a tough night last night also. After telling him he was going to catch them without a doubt after the bite we had in the AM....His phone call to me after a couple hours was not so enthusiastic!!

Will give it hell tomorrow once again with the Monday crew. If the fish we have been reading are hungry.....watch out!!!:D

Better reports coming soon....Capt. Ron

05-19-2013, 06:39 PM
It will have to be a good day, I will be sailing with the Monday regs.. My first trip this year. Can't wait to see all of my old buddies. See you in the AM:) :)

Take a kid fishing
05-19-2013, 09:09 PM
Most can live with fishing in the cold or the wet but cold and wet is out. Never leave home without the "foulies".