Captain Hal Sea Tiger
05-15-2013, 07:15 PM
Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while but the striper fishing has been very demanding especially doing 2 trips a day. Add to the fact the technical difficulties of my computer dying puts us way behind on reports. The last couple of days fishing has not been up to par since the Sunday 5/12 afternoon trip where we limited out. Before that we have had good, fair, and not so good trips. One outstanding trip was the Friday 5/10 trip where we caught about 40 keepers including a 38 pounder by 13 year old Vaughn Stanziale of Rockaway, NJ. We will be striper fishing for 2 more days before switching to Fluke on Saturday 5/18, two trips daily: 8:00AM & 1:30PM. Pictures on our fishing report, hope to see you soon.