Bounty Hunter
05-13-2013, 05:55 PM
The Carol Conrad charter joined Capt. Paul for a day of Striper fishing. We cleared the Inlet into a 47.5 degree ocean and did not see 50 degree water until we were north of the Rocks. Paul decided to run a little further north and set up Clamming in the warmer water around the Hook. Conditions were less than ideal as we fought a wind against the tide situation for most of the morning. However, once anchored it did not take long to get the Bass started. Despite the conditions the Bass bit steady for 3 hours. It was enough time for Carole and her crew to box a Limit catch of 12 big Bass up to 25 Lbs. along with 3 Bonus fish. They also released over 10 keepers along with 15 shorts. It was a great day of fishing with a long time Bounty Hunter supporter. :) :) :)