View Full Version : Friday May 10th Best Bass Report of 2013 -Johnny Bucktails

Johnny Bucktails
05-10-2013, 11:46 PM
Today was a day that will never be forgotten. Today brought a new meaning to a full out slaughter. On board today was the lip, i, and Matty C. Matt made getting bait a breeze. Plenty of bunker in now for sure. Made our way over to the spot, dropped the anchor and the madness began. I know for sure so many of you will be reading this and will say, " this kid is full of it ". Ask my dad, ask matt... Got to the chunkin' and in no time they decided to chew... and i mean chew. Bass after bass, after bass, after bass. I had never seen the machine so lit up before in my life. Once the fish showed up the they did not move for a good 4 to 5 hours. We kept them interested. The total number of fish caught today was 82 bass. Yes.... 8...2... i S*** you not. I know it is hard to fathom, im having trouble too. Possibly the best day i have ever had in my life. If you dont believe me and need to hear in from the almighty lip who can't tell a lie, go ahead and ask him. Of course i leave the go pro home for this day. I got some real nice pictures though and a really good shot of the screen. It got to the point today where i would toss out a weightless bunker and let him swim right on top of the water right next to the boat. Within' 5 seconds a bass would suck him down. It was amazing to see these fish explode right in front of my eyes. Every time a fish was reeled up and next to the boat there would be another 5 bass with it following in up. I would also like to say that not a single short fish was caught today. Most of the fish in the 18 to 21 pound range. Nothing huge which was shocking. Biggest fish was right around 26 pounds which went back to swim another along with a couple other 24 pounders. Returned in the cover of darkness. Insane day and one that i will never forget.

- Tight lines, Johnny Bucktails








05-11-2013, 06:14 AM
Awesome Report kiddo and I believe you and it figures and always happens you forget the camera . You will always have you memories .

Had one of those days abouyt 10 years ago with fluking on the K-Kat (Site Sponser) :)

Great report - keep em coming and good for you only keeping your legal limit and throwing the rest back


05-11-2013, 08:33 AM
Only 82? Your on a roll let's hope it stays hot for June 1st :D I bet it would have been 100 if Matt didn't talk so much :)

Johnny Bucktails
05-11-2013, 01:30 PM
GDubya07- thank you very much, i cant believe i forgot the go pro. Matt got a few vids but i have to get them.

EDDIE- ahaha i really hope so :)