View Full Version : Fishing near Bridgewater NJ

05-06-2013, 06:54 PM
I've just end started fishing I wanted to know places in or near Bridgewater. I've tried Lake Creighton, Washington Valley, Middle Brook, and Spooky Brook Pond. Each one I've really only caught Sunnies. I know there is more than just so do u have any suggestions on how to catch catfish, bass, carp, or crappies in those locations. Thanks.

05-06-2013, 08:07 PM
I've just end started fishing I wanted to know places in or near Bridgewater. I've tried Lake Creighton, Washington Valley, Middle Brook, and Spooky Brook Pond. Each one I've really only caught Sunnies. I know there is more than just so do u have any suggestions on how to catch catfish, bass, carp, or crappies in those locations. Thanks.

I live in the same area and have fished these spots. I just tried Washington Valley yesterday-see my post, this spot has a lot of potential with the grass starting to grow on the shore line and I saw some very large bass there. Spooky Brook only good early and very late in the season due to the weeds choking out everything and making fishing not possible. Also try the Raritan River as there a a number of access points. If you have the means for a boat, canoe, or float tube, Farrington has lots of pads that are awesome, but not accessible from shore.
I think hot dogs work real well in the canal for catfish, last year's catfish night out that was the ticket:eek:

05-06-2013, 08:34 PM
WELCOME to the site !! C'mon down to the Raritan river if ya get a chance.

05-06-2013, 09:42 PM
Theres tons of water in the area. The North Branch, the South Branch, Raritan River, Millstone River, D&R Canal, and Farrington and Carnegie Lake are not too far. Google Maps is your friend and dont be afraid to leave the beaten path. Good luck and welcome to the site.