05-02-2013, 12:42 PM
I took off work Tues to come up and fish. I got to Roscoe around 8:00 it was cloudy and misting. I had some breakfast and
I stopped by the Catskill fly shop to pick up a few flies and some Collins spade hackle before venturing out. Dennis was not there but spoke with the other gentleman there who said nothing would happen until 2 or 3pm.
I fished 2 hours at the East Branch...Long Flat 8:30-10:30 saw quite a few fish rising but no takers.(tough area as you know...really nice fish coming up. I through the kitchen sink at them. I had one rise on a BWO I tied but missed it. (rusty) BWO some caddis and quills around.
After that fished the Beaver Kill "No Kill from 11:00 to 1:00 and had a few fish rising on Quill Gordons and some Caddis. I had one "nice" fish on a size 12 Conover and lost it. Very nice hatch but only a few fish rising.
Then I fished the Willowemoc from 1:15 to 3:15 and had fabulous action initially on a weighted Black marabou leech and then non stop action for an hour on size 14 Hendrix I tied. All the fish were small 8-12 inches but lot's of fun. Must have caught close to 20 of those small browns.
I was home by 6:15....Wish I stayed till dark now that I think back.
http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb167/lpette/WilloBrown_zpsa13e4274.jpg (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/lpette/media/WilloBrown_zpsa13e4274.jpg.html)
I stopped by the Catskill fly shop to pick up a few flies and some Collins spade hackle before venturing out. Dennis was not there but spoke with the other gentleman there who said nothing would happen until 2 or 3pm.
I fished 2 hours at the East Branch...Long Flat 8:30-10:30 saw quite a few fish rising but no takers.(tough area as you know...really nice fish coming up. I through the kitchen sink at them. I had one rise on a BWO I tied but missed it. (rusty) BWO some caddis and quills around.
After that fished the Beaver Kill "No Kill from 11:00 to 1:00 and had a few fish rising on Quill Gordons and some Caddis. I had one "nice" fish on a size 12 Conover and lost it. Very nice hatch but only a few fish rising.
Then I fished the Willowemoc from 1:15 to 3:15 and had fabulous action initially on a weighted Black marabou leech and then non stop action for an hour on size 14 Hendrix I tied. All the fish were small 8-12 inches but lot's of fun. Must have caught close to 20 of those small browns.
I was home by 6:15....Wish I stayed till dark now that I think back.
http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb167/lpette/WilloBrown_zpsa13e4274.jpg (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/lpette/media/WilloBrown_zpsa13e4274.jpg.html)