View Full Version : South Branch - High Bridge

04-24-2013, 02:06 PM
Me and a couple of my buddies went to high bridge yesterday, i caught 6, 1 brookie and 5 bows. besides me i didnt really see anyone killing them. normally by this time of year we would be killing them (15+ days), im guessing its the water temp? some one help me out? thanks

04-24-2013, 02:52 PM
Not just you. I caught one yesterday and the best I've done so far this year is 5 in one day, and I did that one time. Every year is different, I for one think Sandy covered many of the holes in streams and the D&R Canal and the fish don't have places to hold this year. Some places on the canal that were great fish spots in past years are not giving up any fish. I'm also seeing most of the fish caught right where they were stocked so they are not moving.