View Full Version : Prowler5 - Fri., April 19th, Great Trip, Big Bass, Capt. Glenn

04-19-2013, 10:40 AM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I just got off the phone with Capt. Glenn and they're having a beatdown on the big bass. All kinds of limits. Very good action. All on fresh clams. Rob and Brian have been very busy with the nets so far. I'm sure Rob will post a follow-up report to this later and I'll post photos around 7:30 tonight. Good to see it busted wide open. Thxs. Capt. Scott

04-19-2013, 09:11 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. Capt. Glenn had the Prowler5 out today and had big bass on all day long. We had EJ and the guys out on the boat today. Everybody limited out on the boat and they were catching and releasing. They docked early. Rob and Brian were busy with the nets all day long. Capt. Glenn said come on down and he'll see you in the a.m. P.S. I will post pictures of today's catch in about a half hour. Thx. Capt. Scott

04-19-2013, 09:32 PM
Here are a couple of pictures from today's trip. EJ, Danny, Dale, the Hitman and Kevin Koch of Washington Township beat on em today.