View Full Version : Extended Hours at Atlantic Bait and Tackle

04-19-2013, 06:20 AM
For everyone who has to work a little late and finding it hard to get bait , We have extended our hours to help you out .....We are open every day at 4:30 am. We stay open on Sundays and Mondays til 7 pm. and Tuesday through Saturday until 8pm.....And as always ,if you cannot make it down by closing time ,just give the shop a call and we can make arrangements for you to get your bait....Thanks...Pete Atlantic Bait and Tackle....732-787-2248

04-19-2013, 08:12 PM
Pete runs a Top Notch operation there at Atlantic Bait and Tackle.. We get our bait from him and he is there waiting with fresh coffee everyday bright and early.. Everything you need for a great day of fishing can be picked up from Pete!!
