View Full Version : First Trip, Many Fish

04-14-2013, 10:26 AM
Saturday was my first launch of the season from Browns Pt. I just shaped up with some trolling plugs and went for a solo cruise. Started out with problems with the GPS/ fish finder, but got it working after changing some wires. I headed to my normal areas, but the water was dirty and void of markings. I kept rotating between these areas until conditions improved. The last three hours of the outgoing proved to be the magic hours. I got the first knock down around 2pm, then continued to have steady action for the next couple of hours. Most of the fish were hitting shallow runners within 20 ft of water. Ended the day with 10 stripers, with 5 fish between 32" - 38". A great day on the water as I had low expectations of catching anything.

Gerry Zagorski
04-14-2013, 10:42 AM
Nice!! Seems like we're finally getting into full swing, especially if you got those fish trolling.