View Full Version : Cod Lodge Available To All Fisherman!

04-11-2013, 05:03 PM
hi guys, anybody fishing on one of green harbor's charter boats the COD LODGE is available for groups up to six or individual customers. located a half mile from the boat yard the spacious lodge offers full accomodations. individual beds, shower, washer and dryer, color tv., full kitchen, large deck with outdoor grill. two houses from the ocean where you can surfcast for bass, flounder and small pollock. fare for six is $300 per night or $50 per person a night. towels and sheets provided. best, capt. jim

04-12-2013, 09:53 AM
Capt Jim see on May 1st with Bob B. and our spring crew Willie.

04-12-2013, 10:51 AM
Capt Jim see on May 1st with Bob B. and our spring crew Willie.
look forward to it willie. best, capt. jim