View Full Version : Monday Exploring

Ocean Explorer
04-08-2013, 03:46 PM
4-8-13 Decent size ground swell today but other than that it was flat calm with light winds..I found the life inshore today a little sluggish so we ended up in the deeper water and had no current which was good and we picked away at some nice ling and a few codfish...The guys who were dialed in had between 8-12 lings to go home with which is better than what we have been seeing lately..I even went down and enjoyed the warm and and caught some lings for dinner..They seemed to chew both the gulps and clams,,one did not outfish the other,,,but bergall strips did well to..Tomorrow looks nice again with west winds and probably no swell..Warm to,,see ya tomorrow...Water on the way in today also warmed up to 46 degrees on the surface,,its getting there..