View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Sunday Report

captain george angler
04-07-2013, 06:06 PM
Some nice big fish today but for some reason they only bit in the bow. Young David Hoffmann from Clifton caught his biggest fish ever a beauty of a cod and also won his first pool. Billy and Jose managed a couple of keeper cod each and Jose also had at least 2 keeper tog.

Another angler with his PB was Carl Seifert from Martinsville with a 13 1/2 pound black fish.

Timmy shows off his biggest ling of 4 ling and 2 keeper tog.

LJ (little Joey) got us started with the cod and had a 15 inch bergall plus some short tog.

I made 2 stops inshore and only caught dogs and short black fish. I think it will be a week or two till Scotland is ready.

Although the fishing is slow some guys did OK and it is only the beginning.

Sailing tomorrow at 7:30. No galley. Thanks Captain George

04-07-2013, 07:14 PM
good job gang 13 1/2 pound black nice cod frist trip nice

04-07-2013, 07:23 PM
Best report yet! Good to see their is some life out there! Great job!

nate chud
04-08-2013, 08:11 AM
you shapein up wensday capt ?

04-08-2013, 09:59 AM
Had a nice day out there, fishing was a little slow except for the Dogfish (had at least 9 between myself and my son) which proposed a huge problem.
I tthink we could have had a better shot if we werent tanggled up 1/2 the day with the dogfish and their infamous death rolls. While this was happening one of the older mates was eating a burger and couldnt care about helping us out. (seemed like thats all the mates did was eat) But I cant knock the captain who did his best to get us on fish. Good Job getting that 13 pounder in the boat and some nice COD. Had a good time and cant wait to get out again once the season starts popping.

04-08-2013, 09:53 PM
While this was happening one of the older mates was eating a burger and couldnt care about helping us out. (seemed like thats all the mates did was eat) But I cant knock the captain who did his best to get us on fish. Good Job getting that 13 pounder in the boat and some nice COD. Had a good time and cant wait to get out again once the season starts popping.
Posting something nasty about the Angler deckhands is not the right thing. The crew of the Angler is some of the best crew in the harbor. The deckhands deserve to eat.

Islander II
04-09-2013, 06:19 AM
Had a nice day out there, fishing was a little slow except for the Dogfish (had at least 9 between myself and my son) which proposed a huge problem.
I tthink we could have had a better shot if we werent tanggled up 1/2 the day with the dogfish and their infamous death rolls. While this was happening one of the older mates was eating a burger and couldnt care about helping us out. (seemed like thats all the mates did was eat) But I cant knock the captain who did his best to get us on fish. Good Job getting that 13 pounder in the boat and some nice COD. Had a good time and cant wait to get out again once the season starts popping.
How many times did he tell you to take off the top hook?

04-09-2013, 08:40 AM
Can't agree with talking about the mates...I have been on the Angler a ton of times, and Brian and any other mate working the boat are always there when you need them. I always suggest bringing it up to the captain while you are seeing it (if you are seeing it), instead of bringing it up in a public forum up here.

The Bill TM
04-09-2013, 10:23 AM
I have always had a great experience on the Angler and so glad they are back out on the water again. I will definitely be out with you guys once I get some free time.

04-09-2013, 04:12 PM
Had a nice day out there, fishing was a little slow except for the Dogfish (had at least 9 between myself and my son) which proposed a huge problem.
I tthink we could have had a better shot if we werent tanggled up 1/2 the day with the dogfish and their infamous death rolls. While this was happening one of the older mates was eating a burger and couldnt care about helping us out. (seemed like thats all the mates did was eat) But I cant knock the captain who did his best to get us on fish. Good Job getting that 13 pounder in the boat and some nice COD. Had a good time and cant wait to get out again once the season starts popping.

Should have brought it up to the captain and mates while you were there and not after the fact in a public forum were they are a sponsor.

It is my favorite party boat in the fleet and go as much as I can afford too. See you guys next week - Big Joey - LJ (Mini - Mee ) - Captain George - raisins are on the way


Great catching Jose

04-09-2013, 05:44 PM
Some awesome fish there!! Nice work guys!!

04-09-2013, 07:04 PM
Went on the Angler late last year. I was essentially a newbie as I only went bottom fishing once before over 20 years ago. The boat was crowded as they hammered the togs the day before yet the mates were great with taking the time to show me stuff even though they were busy. I guess even a mate can have a bad day, like standing there with his hands in his pockets with the sun bouncing off his head and purposefully looking the other way but I digress.... I've found in 90% of my experiences it's more the over expectations of the angler. I've seen customers go ballistic during a bluefish blitz with 90 people on the boat because the mate wasn't acting like their personal caddy the whole day.