View Full Version : FINTASTIC Open boat and charter dates

Fintastic Charters
04-05-2013, 08:28 PM
Date Of Availability

Open Boat Bottom fishing. COD TOG LING *We will have crabs and clam on the boat*
4/14 12 spots open or charter
4/21 12 spots open or charter
4/24 12 spots open or charter
4/28 12spots open or charter

Open Boat Trips will be 8hr days leaving at 630 am returning around 3ish
Cost is 145 a man plus tip for mate
All bait tackle rod reel ice fishing cleaning is included.

May Striped Bass Fishing

Dates Available for charter or open boat. Open boats are 145 a man for an 8 hour day or Charter is 1160 for up to 8 people for an 8 hour day.

*We would like to try and keep our open boat striped bass trips to a maximum of 8 people*
May is filling up fast we only have 1 weekend day open!

5/5 8spots open or for charter *LAST WEEKEND DAY IN MAY OPEN!*
5/8 8spots open or for charter
5/15 8spots open or for charter

Striped bass open boats are 145 + tip. Everything included, bait tackle ice fish cleaning ect.

Questions Comments Concerns or to Book your spot call

Captain Arthur himself at 908-752-5219
or for the business phone call 856-207-9678
Email FintasticCharterFishing@gmail.com

Fintastic Charters
04-07-2013, 02:42 PM
Wednesday 4/10 weather is looking good guys. Warm 5-10mph 3-4ft seas.

Give Capt. Art a call 908-752-5219
or for the business phone call 856-207-9678


Fintastic Charters
04-09-2013, 11:46 AM
We will not be sailing Saturday April 13th because we will be giving a seminar on bass fishing at a certain marina on manasquan river located directly across the river from a gold course.

Sunday we will sail

Fintastic Charters
04-10-2013, 08:24 PM
TTT. Sunday weather is looking good.