View Full Version : Tuna fishing

Joey Dah Fish
04-04-2013, 07:49 PM
I haven't been out to the Canyon enough in the past few years. I always have fished the Jenny Lee out of PP they never disappoint and we have the best laughs ever. All the guys that used to go on my trip have either past away, moved or and I quote " I'm just to old for that trip to the canyon Joe" so I would love to get back in the game and put a trip together for sept or oct. week day over nighter. I have no clue what Dave's schedule is or how booked up he may be. Anyone that has real interest please PM me so I can see if I can put together a trip.

Gerry Zagorski
04-04-2013, 08:06 PM
I guess I fall into the "I'm just to old for that trip to the canyon Joe". If you get a crew together and we have some young guns to stand the night watch and reel in the fish, I just might be persuaded to come out of retirement, drink beer, watch over things and take home some meat ;)

I would bet you our "older brother" Dave/Dales" will be all over this one given the trip you guys had last year.

I'd bet you he reads this and rises to the bait :D

Joey Dah Fish
04-04-2013, 08:21 PM
Wow did they put a hell of a catch together for us last year 2 big eye 2 swords I think 6 yellow fin and 2 long fin

04-04-2013, 08:34 PM
I missed out on a possible O/N to the canyon on the Jenny Lee with Dave D. last year. PM sent to you. I'm the guy that stays awake all night waiting for the bite and run off....:D

04-05-2013, 09:18 AM
Are you kidding me! Cant let an outstanding trip like OCT 18 2012 on the Jenny Lee just sit there. You have to back it up:D
Trip is already booked in my mind for this year. Joey, You forgot the Mahi to complete the Caynon SLAM. Re-living that trip gets you through the winter for sure.

Now the pressure is on capt Dave for the repeat.

Also booked Dave / Jenny Lee for mako mania and JCSA Sharkin this year on June 22. May have a couple spots if interested. I know MIKE and I will be there.

Gerry get your OFF-Shore legs back and see YOU on board. Young guns will be there to carry the load while we educate, learn and relax and oh yeah EAT Tuna for months.

Joe: talk soon

Joey Dah Fish
04-05-2013, 07:47 PM
Yup lets turn up the heat :) I have the Tuna.com trip in Gloustah,,, in June and I might miss that my daughters due date is then too. So many good things going on I hope the trend continues!!

04-05-2013, 07:57 PM
Sleep is overrated, I find the overnight chunking and manning the line peaceful, plus you are there when everything blows up:)

We are heading down to tournament cable in south jersey tomorrow to learn some riggings and such, got room for one. Leaving around 7am outta Lacey if you want to join us.

Hoping to fish are arses off this year.

Joey Dah Fish
04-05-2013, 08:33 PM
:) more cleaning and a few slight fixes to the new boat tomorrow. We are ready to fish but our marina is not ready for our boat. What's a boy to do?