View Full Version : Shore/Dock fishing in Bermuda?

04-02-2013, 08:51 AM
I'm heading out to Bermuda next week, and wonder if anyone has a honey hole they want to share. I'm bringing my bait caster and a spinner set up that I cut down to fit in my suitcase, and perhaps an ultralight set-up. I understand that in April there is a bonefish and pompano bite on the beaches. I once saw a huge grouper caught with a closeline and shark hook there, but it was summer, and I don't expect to target that. Thanks for any input..............Papa

Captain Rich
04-02-2013, 10:01 AM
I believe Bermuda has a no take zone, from the shore line to 1 mile offshore. Not sure if it is enforced but years ago a local buddy got very nervous when I grabbed lobster by hand while harbor diving and made me release some real beauties! Also not sure how catch and release fits into this, so I would inquire first, a fine would not enhance your trip. The offshore fishing is outstanding, I highly reccomend James Robinson on the Wound Up

04-02-2013, 05:19 PM
Thanks Rich, As I'm finding out , there is no permit required to fish from Shore, dock, or jetty. They do state that if you don't intend to eat the fish, then release it. Lobsters may not be taken without permit, and apparently lobsters are commonly found easily there.
Thanks for the tip on the charter, I appreciate it.................Papa

04-02-2013, 06:36 PM
I don't know where you're staying but there is good fishing at the dockyard, St. George's, and by the zoo bridge.

The best bait is fry. Caught with a cast net at the same spots.

All kinds if snappers and some nice hogfish as well.

04-03-2013, 08:02 AM
Thanks Howie, I'll be at the dockyard. Did you fish from the pier, or on a beach nearby? I'll be without my cast net, unless I carry it there and mail it home.

04-03-2013, 10:33 AM
The Dockyard has a large breakwall around the outside. Just walk as far over to the right as you can. There is an opening where the boats come through and it is about 30' deep there. a lot of water flow and plenty of fish.

Where are you staying?

04-03-2013, 03:52 PM
I was in Bermuda for a few days last year on a cruise stop, and I'm itching to get back.. Spectacular beaches, great people, and very fishing friendly..real easy access.. I was with the family, and really did'nt have time to concentrate on the fishing.. but I got a little in.. in addition to the all the stuff around the docks and piers mentioned, there are some great flats to work for bonefish, etc..with amazing rock/reef structure just beyond the beaches.. I had been advised to try the flats around Cambridge /Long Bay for Bonefish, and while I did'nt land any, I saw plenty of bones when I was there..and some huge Barracuda..I'm more of a boat guy..so I found a rental outfit and checked out the area by boat one day.. As I had a lot of family along that wanted a ride, we rented a pontoon boat which I piloted with a load of well fed italians aboard, while my 2 brothers shadowed us in a 17' CC.. We picked up the boats in Hamilton, and as it was a nice day, I crossed the sound and cut through to the outside under the Watford bridge.. I came around a point and cruised down along the beach until i found a quiet cove with a deserted beach, adjoining a beautiful boulder/ turtle grass studded flat and pulled in to anchor the pontoon. A few people came out on shore and waved to us as we pulled in, then put up signs advertising snacks and drinks.. I said friendly, right.. :D So I left the family to swim and hang on the beach and went wading over to the flat.. as the tide came in I saw lots of bonefish pods cruising in and out.. almost constant targets.. but most where not too interested in any of the jigs I had on hand.. I did manage a couple hook ups on a small shrimp imitation, landing neither..but enjoyed a few hot runs.. Saw some huge cuda's hanging around the rocks and grass.. and though i knew better with the light tackle i had, I could'nt resist casting to them.. And they bit alright.. but it was of course, no contest on 6lb flouro.. :o Anyway.. sorry for the long post.. But it's really a cool place.. and now that I've made a little recon run, I can't wait to get back with a better plan... Next time I'd just rent a CC and really fish it.. I would of course recommend having light leader on hand, as the water is clear..and some wire or heavy mono if you want to tangle with barracuda..lol.. but i bet you will encounter less spooky fish in april than I did in June with so many swimmers in the water.. and also, to pass along the advise given by all the locals I talked to...try to get some bait if you can.. it really proved true.. especially with the stuff around the piers... Good Luck and have a great trip!

04-04-2013, 04:44 PM
Thanks for the input, Treebeard. I also had a great time in Bermuda when I was there last. We rented a motorbike for the whole time, and didn't miss alot on the Island. We rode across many golf courses, and if a sign said"No Trespassing", In we went. Everybody was so nice to us, and not once did we get the bird as we ventured thru. We carried a breakdown ultralight spinner, with some jigs and lures in my wife's Artist basket. I actually had a very exciting experience with 2 local guys that hooked a 100+ lb. Jewfish/Grouper that they were going to feed the whole cricket team with. White clothes, and all. I 'm glad that you mentioned the boat rental in Halilton, as it sounds like something that my well-fed Italian friends would like, also. I will get shrimps on board the ship.I expect they are frozen, and I'm bringing some Gulps , and Fishbites dry strips( that I do well with in Fla).........Papa