View Full Version : Debris in bay

Johnny Bucktails
03-29-2013, 11:48 AM
Hey guys yesterday after school the lip and i went out for about 2 hours. Dead as could be so we just took a little ride to see if any debris were in the water because it was low tide. After 10 minutes of searching at dead low tide we came across a very disturbing sight. I believe south of the triangle was what looked like a piece of boardwalk ( metal ) sticking 1 to 2 foot out of the water. We figured it was just floating out of the water but we got a closer look and it was stuck in the bottom. We were in 14 foot of water.... the water was going around it. Figure that. Very scary. At high tide you wont even see it. Just be careful out there guys. We found that very easily and i dont even want to imagine what eles is out there.

03-29-2013, 11:56 AM
I'd like to see a program started where guys can pick up weighted floats at marinas or tackle stores at no charge.

the state (HAHAHAHA) or the companies removing debris should fund this! The floats should be of a certain color, like dayglo red/orange and are marked with some sort of code or letters. Boaters could then drop these floats to warn others of debris and this could also help the folks working in Barnegat Bay locate debris that needs to be removed. (not sure if there are crews any place else working) I think its going to be a long spring, summer, and fall of lots of busted props and hopefully no one getting thrown from boats or seriously hurt.

boaters and fishermen who know the waters will be the best ones to locate debris and dangers and it would be nice to have a universal marker to warn others of the dangers ahead.

03-29-2013, 12:04 PM
I hope you called the CG.

03-29-2013, 12:10 PM
If you could actually grab a piece of debris from a boat safely that is sunk and can't be moved, might be a good idea for boaters to keep some empty detergent containers (or other disposable containers that can float) with some line in their boats to mark these spots for other boaters and debris removing companies to identify. I'd do it had my boat not sunk during the storm.

03-29-2013, 04:59 PM
There was a recovery barge in that area this morning. You think the coast guard would do aerial recon and mark obstructions with floats for the recovery guys. Hopefully guys will be reporting these sightings to the C G

Captain Rich
03-29-2013, 06:22 PM
1. Mark it.
2. Report it

It doesn't sound like you did either but if your chart plotter holds your track, you might be able to figure out where it was, go back, check the location and then report it. That will sink someone.

03-30-2013, 07:59 AM
Thanks, Johnny Bucktails, for picking up this cause....I posted on the "Barnegat Bay Salvage"thread on 3/12/13 #24. What I brought up there is the same thing. I will be carrying laundry soap containers with a line to a brick/bag of stones marked DANGER. When I find submerged debris, I will mark the spot, and advise the USCG on Channel 16, and at the Manasquan station (732-899-0131), as well as the DEP with the coordinates.
Hey guys, why don't you join Johnny Bucktail's, and my new club, and help each other help ourselves. Thank you, all...............Papa

hammerin hank
03-30-2013, 08:19 AM
I was wondering if anyone knows the situation, with debris or sand filled channels between Normandy beach Marina an the Bay Head Canal ???

03-30-2013, 08:25 AM
Do you hail the cg on ch 16 to repOrt things like this?

What's the right procedure?

Capt Sal
03-30-2013, 08:44 AM
Do you hail the cg on ch 16 to repOrt things like this?

What's the right procedure?
Yes chan. 16.You report it as a hazard to navigation.They usually don't do anything about it unless it is in the channel.I am going to carry a bunch of weighted jugs and mark anything I see.

On the vhf ---- Channel 16----Securata Securata Securata There is a submereged object by buoy 53 west end of Raritan Bay.

03-31-2013, 07:09 AM
Hank, the ICW channel on the East side of Herring Island is going to be closed, you will have to go around the West side of the island. From marker 4 at Dales Point too just were the channel opens at marker #12 just North of the Mantoloking Bridge is totally filled with sand houses and the DEP believe their are some cars in sand, so stay to the West side, lots of people have gone thru with out any issues.

hammerin hank
04-02-2013, 06:13 AM
Thank you capt. Mark,,,,, be safe

Captain Rich
04-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Ran my boat Sunday from Wehrlens, down the Metedeconk and up the bay to the canal, no problems, didn't see any debris and water depth (or lack of :) ) seemed to be about the same as last year.

04-11-2013, 12:21 PM
Just an update on this debris issue. If you find debris or submerged hazard, besides contacting CG on Channel 16, or calling Manasquan CG @ 732-899-0131 or Barnegat Lt. CG @ 609-494-2661, you can now contact the DEP at 1-877-WARNDEP. Please mark the site with a float/laundry bottle, and pass on the GPS coordinates. DEP site listed below. Thank you, all.. Papa


04-11-2013, 04:59 PM
Time to save and stock up on those empty red tide containers. Sash weights can usually be gotten for free from one contractor or another looking to get rid of them. Esp the guys doing replacement windows.

04-11-2013, 05:39 PM
There is something else in the water by the Triangle.. Besides the thing johnny pointed out there is another north east of that one.. looks like maybe a piece of dock or something

04-12-2013, 09:17 AM
A couple days ago in the middle grounds Manahawkin bay we came across a almost whole large boat stuck, we pulled up took the numbers and went to the clean up crews down there to give them the numbers. They were very happy, so if you find something mark it and report it