Relentless Charters
03-28-2013, 08:04 AM
It sure has been a long winter following Hurricane Sandy and time to get back in fishing for cod, haddock and tuna. It looks like RELENTLESS will be going back in the water where she belongs and not up hard in the parking lot. If the weather cooperates we will launch next week, inventory and inspect each piece of safety equipment including the raft which is out for servicing and conduct a sea trial. If all goes well and no glitches we will run our first trip for haddock and pollock next weekend and be sure to post a report. We are still waiting for the proposed cod and haddock regulations to go to public comment but at this time it looks like we will only have a slight increase in the size of the haddock. We can not wait to get back out and appreciate those members of who are once again booked for either a shared or private charter. I feel like it will be a very good year with the exception of the fuel costs. Good luck to all of the anglers here and I wish you the very best during the 2013 season.
Capt Dave
Capt Dave