View Full Version : This months Salt Water Sportsman Magazine

03-24-2013, 08:08 PM
To my surprise I found myself in this months Salt Water Sportsman Magazine representing NJ in their East Coast Fluke Frenzy Article. Nick Honaschefsky happened to be on the trip this past Summer and got some good pics. The fluke weighed just under 8lbs and hit the bucktail tipped with a 4" gulp swim mullet and fluke belly strip. Had one year before on bucktail jumbo killie that weighed 8.3lbs. Oh yeah almost forgot both fish were caught aboard The Gambler with Capt. Bob at the helm. Thanks Capt.

Anthony Liscio
Brick NJ

03-24-2013, 08:15 PM
Heres the 8.3lber year before

03-24-2013, 08:34 PM
That is awesome.. Congrats man!!

03-24-2013, 10:08 PM
Nice !!!!

03-25-2013, 07:21 AM
Nice Fish!!!!!

03-25-2013, 08:19 AM
Congrats, that is awesome, nice catch!

Gerry Zagorski
03-25-2013, 08:28 AM
Nice fish there Anthony, congrats.

03-25-2013, 09:15 AM
FYI, I believe this months (April edition) is the free one online. If you look for them on your iPad you will see it for a free download.

03-25-2013, 02:48 PM
Nice fish. Still haven't found one quite that big yet.

I also noticed Capt. Jerry /Fish Monger is listed as the "who" on the Jersey page.