View Full Version : new tuna stick

Pennsy Guy
03-23-2013, 09:35 PM
Just picked up my new spiral wrapped tuna rod from Jersey Tackle in Mantoloking this AM...damn, it's pretty...black stick with blue wraps and coupled with the new Avet blue PRO 30W/2, I can't wait to "get 'em on the Gambler"...Tom & Tony do a great job building the tools we need...It'll get a good workout in the next years...;) :) C'mon tuna...

On a somber note..going from PPB to Mantoloking on rte 35 is a sobering drive...the damage from that bitch is truely heart wrenching..it's a hell of a way to remind us that the power of the ocean is awesome...what she did in a matter of hours will take us humans years to restore....

03-23-2013, 10:52 PM
post pics or you are lying !!!

Jokes aside, it's going to make fighting tuna so much easier.
Every PB trip, i have one or two commenting how broken my guides are and i need to get it fixed.. :D

03-24-2013, 08:51 PM
Congrats Chucky...I know you're gonna love it!

I just sent payment to Capt. Bob for 2 more Friday night trips in October. I also booked the Sept. 26-28 48hr trip. I'm fired up already!


Pennsy Guy
03-24-2013, 10:15 PM
njboarder...reason I got it..need all the help I can get, anymore...:D

2na...watched you last year with yours;) I'm penciled in for the 3 48's and am waiting for this year's schedule to come out for the 24's...I am pumped now...can't wait to put a bend in it...see you on board...


03-26-2013, 09:06 PM
post pics or you are lying !!!

Jokes aside, it's going to make fighting tuna so much easier.
Every PB trip, i have one or two commenting how broken my guides are and i need to get it fixed.. :D

Have they offered you $5 for the broken rod yet???? I have that happen too.

Thanks for the compliment on the rod PG. Hope to get some pics of the fish you find now!!!

Pennsy Guy
03-26-2013, 09:52 PM
Tom, I'll make sure the camera battery is fully charged;)

03-27-2013, 01:24 AM
You should get a gopro.
Here is a quick clip I took with it.
By the way, the rod I was using is spiral wrapped. You can see that I was pretty comfortable. :D

Ol Pedro
03-27-2013, 11:16 AM
Chuck , between that two day with Tom and Cigar Bob's exploits with his Acid Wraps I may just build an acid railrod for myself . If you want to sell some of your other stuff to make room for it let me know . I like the reel choice too ! A winch with no cross torque .

Pennsy Guy
03-27-2013, 09:36 PM
Chuck , between that two day with Tom and Cigar Bob's exploits with his Acid Wraps I may just build an acid railrod for myself . If you want to sell some of your other stuff to make room for it let me know . I like the reel choice too ! A winch with no cross torque .

Pete...as the 80# rig was going to just take up space from now on, Tom at Jersey Tackle took it as deposit on the new rod...I understand several wanted to buy the upgraded handle on the Penn...
I was getting tired of fighting the rod twist when hooked up and a winch will help me also...outfit is a lot lighter, too...I'm needing all the help I can get;) And you know at magic hour I start to lighten up with line....

Pennsy Guy
03-27-2013, 10:13 PM
You should get a gopro.
Here is a quick clip I took with it.
By the way, the rod I was using is spiral wrapped. You can see that I was pretty comfortable. :D
Very nice video, very cool...thanks for posting...head mounted gopro looks sweet...Yea, you looked pretty comfortable...can't wait for the first fish this year...

Ol Pedro
03-28-2013, 09:30 AM
[QUOTE=Pennsy Guy] I'm penciled in for the 3 48's and am waiting for this year's schedule to come out for the 24's.../QUOTE]
Chuck , the schedule is up on the Gambler site . Looking forward to catching more fish with you and John this year .

Ol Pedro
03-28-2013, 10:52 AM
By the way, the rod I was using is spiral wrapped. You can see that I was pretty comfortable. :D
NJboarder , did you ever use that Beefy Spinner you were trying out when we caught all those Falsies . I would like to flyline a chunk with that Baby ! Kilsong had his Longrange Charter and they did well with both the Spiral(Acid) wrapped and Spinning tackle .

03-28-2013, 11:34 AM
Good Luck with your new stick Chucky it is sweet

03-28-2013, 02:30 PM
Acid wraps have their place in the fishing world..... no doubt.

As a builder, I have seen a few that were not wrapped correctly though and that can create more of an issue. I see all of the "charts" on the transition and how many guides, where to place them and so on....... but we do each rod individually. Moving a guide 1/4" can eliminate a good amount of torque.

Anyone who is looking to build one for the first time, I say read up on it, get a background about what its all about, but DO NOT follow any single persons suggestion on spacing! The best way is to test the actual blank and guides before you lock int he spacing. On occasion, the same model rod blanks will vary as far as spacing.

Each blank will have that sweet spot where the transition becomes almost natural and will make a huge difference! Good luck on the new build! Like I said, they do make a difference for some things.

Pennsy Guy
03-28-2013, 10:15 PM
Acid wraps have their place in the fishing world..... no doubt.

As a builder, I have seen a few that were not wrapped correctly though and that can create more of an issue. I see all of the "charts" on the transition and how many guides, where to place them and so on....... but we do each rod individually. Moving a guide 1/4" can eliminate a good amount of torque.

Anyone who is looking to build one for the first time, I say read up on it, get a background about what its all about, but DO NOT follow any single persons suggestion on spacing! The best way is to test the actual blank and guides before you lock int he spacing. On occasion, the same model rod blanks will vary as far as spacing.

Each blank will have that sweet spot where the transition becomes almost natural and will make a huge difference! Good luck on the new build! Like I said, they do make a difference for some things.
Posts like this was the deal maker for me..I'd been thinking about an acid wrap since last November...had three or four builders in mind, but when I read a previous post on this site by JC, that made up my mind and I'm glad I did...
I'm guessing other builders are as good as Tom & Tony but putting that info out there in print was the game maker for me...thanks again, guys:) :)


Pennsy Guy
03-28-2013, 10:21 PM
[QUOTE=Pennsy Guy] I'm penciled in for the 3 48's and am waiting for this year's schedule to come out for the 24's.../QUOTE]
Chuck , the schedule is up on the Gambler site . Looking forward to catching more fish with you and John this year .
Thanks Pete, I saw the schedule a couple hours after it was posted and have booked a 24hr....We'll see you onboard and catch em up with you...the 3 48's are now in ink:cool: ;)

03-29-2013, 09:14 AM
NJboarder , did you ever use that Beefy Spinner you were trying out when we caught all those Falsies . I would like to flyline a chunk with that Baby ! Kilsong had his Longrange Charter and they did well with both the Spiral(Acid) wrapped and Spinning tackle .

This one? Caught a few tuna with it, but realized that I prefer conventional for jigging, so sold it and bought an accuate..
You have such a good memory !!! :D

Ol Pedro
03-29-2013, 09:50 AM
This one? Caught a few tuna with it, but realized that I prefer conventional for jigging, so sold it and bought an accuate..
You have such a good memory !!! :D
Thats the one . After I saw it I tried to come up with one of my own . The best that I could get was a heavy Uglystick and a large Penn spinning reel that I repaired . Only used it snagging so far .

03-31-2013, 06:22 AM
Happy Easter Fellas,
Question for you guys:
I sometimes go off on a tangent and like to toss a jig at the tunas. My favorite setup is a Calstar Grafighter 700XH with a 16N Torsa with 80lb Depth Hunter braid. It's lightweight, fun, and has the stones for 80 lbers. Respecting Capt. Bob's mono only rule, what for reel could I use to still keep that sports car feel and hold enuf line? I thought I might scale down to 50lb mono or so? I have an old Trinidad 30 and an Avet LX 4.6 that might work. I think they'd fit about 200 yds of 50lb. You think 200yd would sufice?
Chucky, I know you're not much of a jigger but, you've spent some time on a tuna boat! Pedro??


Pennsy Guy
03-31-2013, 09:34 PM
Jon...my jig outfit is an 8' rod from Bass Pro with a lever drag Ocean master (Bass Pro) & has 50# mono top shot (200') and braid backing(300yds)...I'm guessing the reel is equal to an Avet HX which is my 50# reel...my 30# reel is an Avet LX6...both have 300yds braid backing with mono top shots 150yds(HX) and 230yds(LX)...caught one of those big 80#YFT's on the LX last year...got it to the boat twice but it busted off due to a mako scaring the livin' crap out of it...year before I successfully got a 65-70# LFT on it...reel had no problem with either fish...have caught several more on both the LX & HX.. no problems...hope that helps...
I promised myself I was going to jig more this year..we shall see.....

Ol Pedro
04-01-2013, 11:54 AM
My jig stick is my 60 lb stick . It's a Penn 4/0 HS on an 8' Uglystick(the 6/0 8'er was stolen ) . I have caught more bait fishing with it though . 100yds of 80 lb Izor and the rest filled with 60 lb Mono . No finess when jigging . You have to put the wood to them so not too many long runs . Jig fish seem to fall off easier than baitfish .

04-02-2013, 11:15 PM
I like the braid backing idea. I think I'll use the LX with 150yd of 50lb mono with some 65 or 80lb braid underneath. I think the odds are slim of getting into the backing on a jig hooked fish because they're generally hooked in the mouth as compared to a bait hooked fish that can be given time to swallow the bait and hook (prob spit the hook in a prolonged battle). I'll miss the different colors of the Depth Hunter braid but I DONT want to disrespect Capt Bob's rule. Thanks for the ideas.

04-06-2013, 04:56 PM
It depends on where your fishing. If your not in deep water, your usually not in need of too much capacity. The braid backing is probably the best bet. I use a Canyon HS-18 TD for ALL of my tuna jigging, so I like small reels. I have put plenty of guys who want a traditional type reel into Penn GLD 30's. They like the larger capacity while not taking on the extra weight of the gold frames.

The GLD Reels are similar to the Internationals, but they are much lighter because of the frames. I love them myself and used them for years, prior to moving over to Canyon Reels. Its something to think about and they can be found pretty cheap too. We just sold a few and they are under $300.