View Full Version : Field Test Report - Canyon HS- 16
After fishing the HS-15 for a few years and using it both bottom fishing (Blackfish, seabass, cod) and striper fishing both live bait and jigging with great results. I was hoping Canyon would come out with similiar size reel but with a lower gear ratio. In talking to Don the Owner of Canyon Reels I mentioned to him that it would be great if he came out with a similiar small reel but with a lower gear ratio especially for us bottom fisherman as we prefer lower gear ratio reels rather than the high speed gears you see on many of the new reels coming out.
A few months ago Don left me a message that he had a reel that he thought would be perfect for the type of fishing we like to do here locally and wanted me to put it through the ringer and report back to him what i liked and disliked about it. What he put in my hands was a a small compact tank of a reel. The new model is the HS-16 Blue Water jigging reel. Do not let the name jigging reel limit you to what this reel can do.
The reel is slightly larger than the Avet SX but weighs in at under 15.5 oz. when I loaded it with 50 lb braid and top shot total weight with line was 16.6 oz. For such a little reel it puts out an amazing 66 lbs of drag without loss of free spool. The reason for such high drag out of such a small reel is Don uses much larger drags than reels of similiar sizes. You will probably never get to the point when you would need 66 lbs of drag when fishing for seabass, blacks, stripers. blues, tiles or even tuna. The big advantage is with the larger surface area of the drags used is that they will last you 2-3X longer which means less maintenance and cost. You also get a greater range of drag settings based on type of fishing you plan to do which adds to it's versatility
I have been using this reel for the pass few months Blackfishing, seabass and cod fishing. The reel is an absolute tank. I did not hook any really big blackfish on it but caught several in the 7-9 lb range and fish did not stand a chance as the cranking power and drag was to much for these fish to handle. In fishing deeper water of 200 + ft for cod and seabass the light powerfull reel made it a pleasure reeling up fish after fish from that depth. Drag was super smooth when set at lighter settings as i wanted to test it out on bigger cod (32 lbs) being caught. At higher drag setting fish could not even take out line due to high drag capability of reel. I have not used it for stripers yet but i am positive that they will make a great addition to your chunking and livelining outfits. For blackfishfishing it is an absolute monster. It is actually a little overkill for blacks in my opinion. Would like to see mini version of this reel similiar to the size of Trinidad 10A or 12A. Offshore seabass and cod/pollack fish will not stand a chance. For those looking for a powerful small reel with 400 yd line capacity of 50 lb braid i would think it would be a great choice for tile fish based on how deep you plan on fishing. For you inshore bluefin guys and tuna jiggers with braid backing plus top shot at 66 lbs of max drag you should have no problem reeling in 50 - 100 lb bluefin using lighter outfits. With the trend to fish lighter and smaller reels which cause less fatique on angler this reel makes a great choice.
Even though the reel is very impressive what i like most about Canyon reels is that if you have any issues you can actually call the owner directly with any questions. If you have an issue the maintence can be done locally in Brick, NJ. I own quite a few reels from most manufactures. What keeps my loyality to Canyon is the customer service that I have recieved and having an owner that is local and stands behind his product 110 %.
For those looking for a smaller type reel with with alot of versatility you should give the HS-16 a close look. Enclosed are specs on reel from the Canyon reel website:
Canyon Reels HS-16 Blue Water Jigging Reel
Canyon Reels' HS-16 High Speed Jigging Reel is unmatched in power! Incredible power and super smooth performance make the HS-16 the perfect choice for jigging, bottom fishing, drifting and just about any use that you can think of! A large, deep spool with the capacity to hold 400 yd. of 50# braided line and the extreme free spool performance make the HS-16 a great choice for surf casters.
Weighing only 15.5 oz., the HS-16 is an ultralight powerhouse that is the lightest, most powerful reel on the market! 66lb. of drag with no loss of free spool! Backed up with a 2 year warranty that is twice as long as our competition, the HS-16 is built to last. Every reel is loaded with Cal's Drag Grease to provide the fisherman with one of the smoothest operating drags on the market!
Braking System: Two way braking system for piece of mind when fighting large fish
Gear Ratio: 5:1 ratio is designed for high speed jigging
Line Capacity: Holds 400yds of #50 braided line
Stainless Gears & Springs: For long lasting strength and corrosion resistance
Ultra Lightweight: Only 15.5ozs. The lightest, most powerful reel on the market!
Due to the great customer service I have recieved and my experience using this reel I will be at the Canyon Reel booth at the Somerset Show on Friday March 15, 2013 to answer any questions you have. Feel free to stop buy and say hello.
03-13-2013, 06:29 PM
WOW I just sent Don an email telling him I would see him at the show so I will see you also. Great report.
UM wonder if he does trade ins :)
Gerry Zagorski
03-13-2013, 06:39 PM
I wonder why he is not a sponsor here :confused:
03-13-2013, 07:11 PM
Tom at Jersey Coast tackle in Brick was endorsing Canyon Reels big time last year. As it stands, I'm not sure if he is back in his shop yet since the storm hit. I bought the HS-15 from him and have to say it is a great little reel. After reading Alex's report, I might add the 16 to my arsenal.
03-13-2013, 07:46 PM
Are they still made in china,,,,
03-13-2013, 09:24 PM
I do not want to speak for Don, but I can tell you that it seems he has become wise to sponsoring these forums that allow people to come up on them and trash his products. I know that you do not play that game here on NJ Fishing and I have mentioned it to him in the past. I will talk to him this weekend at Somerset.
I think he just has a bad taste from other forums. Maybe you guys should talk.
We are open and we are here for another season it seems. I still do back the reels and we are also a warranty center for anyone with issues. If it makes you guys feel better, you can come have any issues resolved at my place. No mailing needed.
Are they still made in china,,,,
Triangler, the following post is not intended for you only. Its a general post, with some factual information, not lies and rumors. If it offends you, I am sorry, but its not meant for you alone.
This is one of the issues Don and I are tired of addressing over and over. Lets get something straight, they are NOT MADE IN CHINA as the claim here is making. The frames are made overseas, yes. There are plenty of parts in that reel that come from other areas of the world, INCLUDING THE USA!
You will find copy cats that are made 100% in China. The truth is, in order to protect Canyon and the sneaky back stabbing that happens in this business, when it all started we ( yes, I was a part of Canyon for the first 2 years) made a strategic move to use other parts and do the final assembly here in NJ, in our shops, homes, garages, etc.... to protect the product. As you all see, you can buy a reel that looks like a Canyon for less money, but its going to most likely fail and not last as long or perform as well as the Canyon product. I knew this would happen going in and we decided to protect ourselves from people who will sell out for an extra buck. We also found superior parts from other manufacturers that worked better, so it was no brainer to modify the OEM reels.
It all played out just like I knew it would and look what happened....... exactly what I said would happen.... ;)
Canyon Reels have their assembly done right here in NJ. While some parts are made overseas, others are not. Many of the "reviews: done by others with websites that feature them, were done on test and sample reels and many of the so called reviews are not accurate. I have seen professional reviews done on a Canyon that had another reel company's name on it!! :confused: There is just so much false garbage being spread by other manufacturers that worried about Canyon. The same people who told Canyon they would not survive 2 years......... :D
Hers is my 2 cents on the guys who have an association with another reel maker and come up here and try to knock Canyon.......
1- Good luck finding the same 2 YEAR WARRANTY from the cheap knock offs!
2- Good luck getting a $3 part in 5 years for your reel
3- Good Luck getting the customer service that Canyon has proven to offer
4- Do some more home work before you continue to come up and spread lies about a product. Or at the very least tell everyone who you are. My name is on the bottom of every post I make. Without your true identity, I cant take your word for anything other than a competitor that is trying to bash his competition while hiding behind a screen name. :eek:
CANYON HAS NEVER CLAIMED TO BE MADE IN THE USA!!! THEY HAVE ALWAYS CLAIMED TO BE ASSEMBLED IN THE USA! Some people like to twist that, as they hide behind a screen name. As I have told Don many times.....if people are trying to hurt you, it means you have done something right!
I have been using Canyon Reels for over 5 years now and I still use them today! I have my choice and I have 2 companies that want me on their team, but I am still with Canyon because I believe in the small guy offering better service and better products. I no longer have any part of the actual company. I have no financial stake in Canyon at all. I use them because I KNOW how well they work!
I will be in their booth this weekend for the Saltwater Expo. Anyone with concerns should stop by and speak to Don.
03-13-2013, 10:37 PM
This is one of the issues Don and I are tired of addressing over and over. Lets get something straight, they are NOT MADE IN CHINA as the claim here is making. The frames are made overseas, yes. There are plenty of parts in that reel that come from other areas of the world, INCLUDING THE USA!
You will find copy cats that are made 100% in China. The truth is, in order to protect Canyon and the sneaky back stabbing that happens in this business, when it all started we ( yes, I was a part of Canyon for the first 2 years) made a strategic move to use other parts and do the final assembly here in NJ, in our shops, homes, garages, etc.... to protect the product. As you all see, you can buy a reel that looks like a Canyon for less money, but its going to most likely fail and not last as long or perform as well as the Canyon product. I knew this would happen going in and we decided to protect ourselves from people who will sell out for an extra buck. We also found superior parts from other manufacturers that worked better, so it was no brainer to modify the OEM reels.
CANYON HAS NEVER CLAIMED TO BE MADE IN THE USA!!! THEY HAVE ALWAYS CLAIMED TO BE ASSEMBLED IN THE USA! Some people like to twist that, as they hide behind a screen name. As I have told Don many times.....if people are trying to hurt you, it means you have done something right!
JC, I was one of those who questioned Canyon a year or two ago.
I see that you are still claiming Canyon is assembled in the U.S. with different internals which makes it far superior than the cheap Chinese knockoffs.
When you initially came to Canyon's rescue, you seemed like a legit guy and I tried my best to believe you.
However, as a frugal buyer, I always do my homework to make sure I am not wasting my hard earned money on garbage.
Unfortunately, the more I looked around, it seemed very obvious Canyon was not 100% honest about their product. Nothing angers me more than dishonesty.
Here is a little reading material. Just one of few I found.
Now, before you attempt to discredit Alan, note that he's making his claim based on fact and hard data to prove. What have you got besides your same old story?
I am just not sure if you were misinformed, or you are in it together with Canyon, but I suggest you do some research before standing up for a company such as Canyon, as it could taint your reputation.
By the way, since you are so paranoid with competitors trying to hurt Canyon while hiding behine a screen name, my name is Jo J, not associated with any tacke mfg, and if you wanna meet me in person, you'll find me bottom fishing on various sponsor boats as well as tuna/tile fishing on Voyager and Big J. Wish I could stop by the booth this weekend, but can't make it there this week due to other arrangements. And no, I'm not afraid to show my ugly mug..
Do not no why people out there are always trying to stir the pot and look for controvesy. I do not really care myself about were parts are sourced or were reels are assembled. I am just looking for a quality product at a reasonable price that company will stand behind in case of any issues that may arise. In my opinion this product met all those criteria.
I would not recommend a product unless i fished it hard myself before making any type of recomendation. Just like in my line of work i am an Independent contractor and do not recieve a salary from anyone. I am hired for my expertise to inform customers on what all their options are and to give customer an honest opinion on what solutions will best meets their needs and goals. Credibilty means everything.
I am not affiliated with Canyon or any other tackle manufacturer. I am just a guy who likes to fish just like many of our members here on NJfishing. I like making an informed decision when I purchase tackle and appreciate any reviews on tackle especiallly when it is done indepently with no strings attached. I love my avet SX's, Diawa Saltiga 30. abu garcia Revo Winch /Inshore, Accurate 197, squider 146, Jigging Master, shimano (trinidad 10A, Tallica 16, TLD 5, TLD 50, baitrunners and now Canyon HS 16). Every reel has it place based on targeted species, mono vs braid and angler preference.
Just wanted to inform members that they have another choice that is worth looking at. After taking a look themselves they can make an educated decision as to weather it makes sense for them or not. That is what is great about the upcoming show in Somerset as most of the top tackle manufatures will be present for you to play with their toys.
If you have a question about my review or questions about reel fell free to post or call me directly. If you are here to just stir the pott and not add any value please take your comments offline or eslewhere.
03-14-2013, 08:07 AM
I have not fished them, i think they look good, but i heard mixed reviews, i for one can only say from looking at price and specs that they do not work for me on a MSRP basis, for the price of that hs 16 i can get two sx or mxl avets that will do the same amount of things.
I know that the bulk of people buy these reels for the drag and weight, 66lbs of drag is by no means necessary but some people do like it. I for one would not need anything with that much drag.. And i feel two speed on these little reels is a little much, i have fished offshore a lot, spent a lot of time inshore as well, and i have rarely hit that button to turn on the second speed, it has happened but with a reel like this, you can not put it on a rod that is going to handle 66lbs of drag, or a big fish that you are trying to winch up, just not gonna happen. For inshore it is completely overkill, for offshore it is ok but im not one to fish small reels on small rods, i do not need to go out and prove myself with a small set up catching big fish, i rather put the heat to a big yellowfin or bluefin on a 50 wide and get the catch, not play back and forth all day.
I am not being controversial here just figured i would throw up my two sense from where an avid fisherman is coming from.
I will not knock a product one bit i will just put my input out there. There is an ass for every seat, i do not know why people complain about overseas, the truth of the matter is that if they work, if people buy them, if the owners can turn some coin and make a living, you are stimulating the USA economy.. People shop toys r us and US companies where all of their personal brand lines have been and continue to be made over seas, so anyone who wants to cry about that is just uneducated with nothing else to do but bitch.
Maybe one day i will fish with your alex, lol, and maybe you can change my mind, but for now i and most people just fish what they know and what they like.
03-14-2013, 10:11 AM
Don't get me wrong. I have no beef with imported stuff. Jigging master is made in Taiwan and a lot of my Daiwa's are made in Korea and I love using them. Hell, 90% of stuff I buy in walmart are made in China. I'm sure canyon reels are good stuff and Don's service is the best. I just want a little honesty. That's all.
03-14-2013, 10:48 AM
JC, I was one of those who questioned Canyon a year or two ago.
I see that you are still claiming Canyon is assembled in the U.S. with different internals which makes it far superior than the cheap Chinese knockoffs.
When you initially came to Canyon's rescue, you seemed like a legit guy and I tried my best to believe you.
However, as a frugal buyer, I always do my homework to make sure I am not wasting my hard earned money on garbage.
Unfortunately, the more I looked around, it seemed very obvious Canyon was not 100% honest about their product. Nothing angers me more than dishonesty.
Here is a little reading material. Just one of few I found.
Now, before you attempt to discredit Alan, note that he's making his claim based on fact and hard data to prove. What have you got besides your same old story?
I am just not sure if you were misinformed, or you are in it together with Canyon, but I suggest you do some research before standing up for a company such as Canyon, as it could taint your reputation.
By the way, since you are so paranoid with competitors trying to hurt Canyon while hiding behine a screen name, my name is Jo J, not associated with any tacke mfg, and if you wanna meet me in person, you'll find me bottom fishing on various sponsor boats as well as tuna/tile fishing on Voyager and Big J. Wish I could stop by the booth this weekend, but can't make it there this week due to other arrangements. And no, I'm not afraid to show my ugly mug..
Let me start here by saying there are 2 reasons I answer these negative Canyon threads.
1- 50% of the public feels that no reply is an admission to guilt
2- My so called "paranoia" is based on facts. Some of which happened before any of you even heard the name Canyon Reels. ( this industry is one of the most "cut throat" industries out there! I have been threatened, denied products because I refuse to back others. ( how many fishermen know that many of the big brands are ALL owned by a single mother company? )
I have a union job that I have held for 23.5 years, so I do not need to sell products to make a living. The truth is, as long as I have this other job, my shop is costing me money, not making me money. This is a poor business plan, but its one that allows me to be an honest person and not have to look over my shoulder. I do not have to lie to pay my bills.
As for being called a liar, I will publicly say that if this is how you feel, I can come up here publicly and say YOU HAVE NO CLUE AS TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! The reason I walked away from Canyon was because my wife & kids were tired of me bringing reels home and not having any time at all for them. I just did not have the time to do my real job, the tackle shop & the reels! So if your going to say I did not spend endless hours assembling reels, well ...... your wrong brother. You have half the facts and no clue as to the real story.
As far as Allan, if you read the post, my issue is with the origin of the products reviewed, not Allan. There are many models available since I left and I do not have ALL of the facts on them, but I defend the products I know. I will say it again, the reels I know about, were and still are assembled here in NJ prior to being sold to the public. Remember, these reels were being used years before any of you even heard the name Canyon Reels. Unfortunately, some of the test reels made their way to people that could send them to others and this caused a bit of an issue.
From the start, there were some very upset people when Canyon was announced. My reason for helping start the company was in part because of another companies rep that threatened me and talked to me like a child! He knows who he is and I am not going to mention the company. The 2nd reason was to offer a powerful reel out of the box, with good service to back it up.
Canyon Reels are not the same OEM reels you guys claim they are. If they were, they would have been out of business, like most of the brands who started up with a similar reel. There were changes needed in these reels and they were made. Any part of business is customer service and to date Canyon has been offering it.
Mixed reviews......absolutely! Just like any other brand! There will be mixed feelings in the future too. No reel can claim they have NEVER had an issue with performance, or a reel break!
Canyon is growing in areas where the US Marketing Money is not spent and theres a reason for that: they work!
Watch Gaff Life each week with Capt. Jimmy Nelson. He has been using Canyon all season long on fish from 1lb to 400lbs.
I cant lie.......every time a negative Canyon thread appears, I also get hit with a rush of people who want to buy them too. Yes I admit that. But thats not the reason I defend them.
I defend them because I have been using them 5+ years and will look anyone of you in the eye and tell you that my 2 favorite brands are Canyon & Daiwa! ( aside from a few models made by other companies, Canyon & Daiwa are the 2 that I will use and suggest to my customers, for just about everything )
As for people doing their homework....... go back and look at how many of these "other brands" no longer sell the same reels. Yet Canyon continues to come out with new models. Like I said before...... I knew all of this would surface and become an issue. That's why Canyon does it the way they do. If they were to announce every detail, they would only be helping their competition build a better reel. Who in their right mind spend years of work and money, only to help another company out?
I can send out a look alike of just about 85% of the reels made to somebody and find something wrong with them. Things as simple as a bearing, drag, grease, screws, alignment, all make a difference when a reel is put to the test. Simply weighing parts and measuring parts is not the only way to evaluate a reel! You have to use it and compare it! Unfortunately, there is nobody who does that today! We base all of our trust on measurements, not performance!
I am not calling anyone a liar. I will question your facts, but I am only defending the facts when I defend Canyon. Its not a contest. It would be easier for me to sell the latest & greatest that you all see on the magazine covers if it were all about money! How many dealers stick with their products? How many dealers sell the latest thing made? You get my point here? With me its not about the dollar. I will not be able to run my tackle shop the way it should be run for another 2 years. Its a passion for me, not a business. You are not going to find all of the latest & greatest in my place. You will find mostly custom made tackle and the same products that were there 3, 4, 5 years ago..... because they work and my customers are happy!
I do not have to lie to make money. :) You can question me as a truthful person all you want, but thats the beauty of the way I am doing things. NOTHING is gonna sneak up and bite me down the road.
I will talk about them privately if you like. If you want to base all of your findings on a review by one person, thats cool...... but its kind of narrow minded. There was a bit of foul play years back with some of that. ( not by Alan, but by others)
03-14-2013, 04:57 PM
I agree with Sportfishing that the MSRP on the real is what turns people away and gets them to knock it. I own the HS-15 and have broke the real down and serviced it. Very similar parts to other reels out there like the Avets, etc. I don't see the value in the extra 100bucks as compared to the Avet SX alone. Only reason I own the HS-15 is because I got an amazing deal on the reel. Haven't fished it yet, so can't compare it to power and reliability of the Avet SX. I've put the Avet up against a Saltist(not saltiga) and the toriums, and the Avet was more powerful in my opinion. This spring will be the test as I put the Canyon up against the Avet... then and only then will I maybe see the extra value. (If I don't sell it first, lol)
03-14-2013, 11:04 PM
I agree with Sportfishing that the MSRP on the real is what turns people away and gets them to knock it. I own the HS-15 and have broke the real down and serviced it. Very similar parts to other reels out there like the Avets, etc. I don't see the value in the extra 100bucks as compared to the Avet SX alone. Only reason I own the HS-15 is because I got an amazing deal on the reel. Haven't fished it yet, so can't compare it to power and reliability of the Avet SX. I've put the Avet up against a Saltist(not saltiga) and the toriums, and the Avet was more powerful in my opinion. This spring will be the test as I put the Canyon up against the Avet... then and only then will I maybe see the extra value. (If I don't sell it first, lol)
I would never argue or defend a product against a statement like this. Its a legit issue and an honest one. My only reason for jumping in here was when I saw the thread heading in a direction I have seen time and time again.
I spent endless hours putting reels together back in the days that I was involved. I get a little upset when I see something suggesting I never did the things that dam near cost me my family. I spent all of my free time on these reels. There's a reason Canyon is still here and other brands have faded away.
I hope you guys understand why I am being a d*ck here and defending the whole topic. Even if they were 110% Chinese made, what difference would it make anyway? Most of the reels we see today are made there anyway.
To my buddy NJB,
I would expect you to react the same way if I called you out and claimed you were a liar. We can agree to disagree on this one and get back to talking fishing. :) Your opinion of me is made, its not going to change and I am sure your not alone. It is what it is, not much we can do about it. I am offering to answer your concerns about things I have said over the years.
If not, good luck on the many trips you make.
The bottom line with Canyon is:
-They are still here, after so many said they would not be.
-They have a worldwide following.
-They have won some big tournaments, with some big names.
-They have pages of happy customers with pictures of fish caught on the reels.
- The competition will forever try to discredit them.
( I think spreading lies about a competitor is disgusting, but I guess its a way of life for some)
mark b
03-19-2013, 06:10 PM
Meet Don at the show on friday great guy and had to go back and get a 15 in gunstock. Show price too good to pass up, gonna be my new tog reel.
Can't wait to try it out!:)
I have not fished them, i think they look good, but i heard mixed reviews, i for one can only say from looking at price and specs that they do not work for me on a MSRP basis, for the price of that hs 16 i can get two sx or mxl avets that will do the same amount of things.
I know that the bulk of people buy these reels for the drag and weight, 66lbs of drag is by no means necessary but some people do like it. I for one would not need anything with that much drag.. And i feel two speed on these little reels is a little much, i have fished offshore a lot, spent a lot of time inshore as well, and i have rarely hit that button to turn on the second speed, it has happened but with a reel like this, you can not put it on a rod that is going to handle 66lbs of drag, or a big fish that you are trying to winch up, just not gonna happen. For inshore it is completely overkill, for offshore it is ok but im not one to fish small reels on small rods, i do not need to go out and prove myself with a small set up catching big fish, i rather put the heat to a big yellowfin or bluefin on a 50 wide and get the catch, not play back and forth all day.
I am not being controversial here just figured i would throw up my two sense from where an avid fisherman is coming from.
I will not knock a product one bit i will just put my input out there. There is an ass for every seat, i do not know why people complain about overseas, the truth of the matter is that if they work, if people buy them, if the owners can turn some coin and make a living, you are stimulating the USA economy.. People shop toys r us and US companies where all of their personal brand lines have been and continue to be made over seas, so anyone who wants to cry about that is just uneducated with nothing else to do but bitch.
Maybe one day i will fish with your alex, lol, and maybe you can change my mind, but for now i and most people just fish what they know and what they like.
OK so you can get Avet SXs or MXLs. That would be great if they equal but they are not. The HS16 is more like the SX raptor try getting two of those for the price of a HS16.
All I know I have dealt with many reel companies. And have never gotten service like I have with canyon. I have fished my 15s and ex16s hard and have not yet had one issue. And I'm not easy on my gear.
I agree with Sportfishing that the MSRP on the real is what turns people away and gets them to knock it. I own the HS-15 and have broke the real down and serviced it. Very similar parts to other reels out there like the Avets, etc. I don't see the value in the extra 100bucks as compared to the Avet SX alone. Only reason I own the HS-15 is because I got an amazing deal on the reel. Haven't fished it yet, so can't compare it to power and reliability of the Avet SX. I've put the Avet up against a Saltist(not saltiga) and the toriums, and the Avet was more powerful in my opinion. This spring will be the test as I put the Canyon up against the Avet... then and only then will I maybe see the extra value. (If I don't sell it first, lol)
First of all I work part time at a tackle shop and what I can tell you based on fact is that there is no way the avet or torium is more powerful than the canyon. And the most common reel that comes back broken is the avets. With out question. mostly bearing issues.
04-27-2013, 10:07 AM
you are right,the pinion bearing is the problem.this is the problem in all lever drag reels.the main factor in this is people push the drag over the rated drag. No reel is bullet proof,if you push the drag over the rated lbs.... you can read a lot of this in ALLAN TANI web that being said unless they have a super bearing all lear drags pinion bearing can blow-up.
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